Metamax. capsules

Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C01EB
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 1 capsule contains 3-(2,2,2-trimetilgidraziniya) of propionate of a dihydrate 250 mg;
excipients: potato starch, silicon dioxide colloid anhydrous, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. 3 - (2,2,2-trimetilgidraziny) propionate – a structural analog a γ-butyrobetaine which improves metabolism and power supply of cells. Cardiotyre-tread, anti-anginal, anti-hypoxemic and angioprotektorny means.
Drug suppresses activity of a γ-butyrobetainehydroxylase, reduces the maintenance of a free carnitine, reduces karnitinzavisimy oxidation of fatty acids. In the conditions of ischemia recovers balance of processes of delivery of oxygen and its consumption in cells, prevents disturbance of transport of ATP, along with it activates glycolysis that occurs without additional consumption of oxygen. As a result of decrease in concentration of a carnitine the γ-butyrobetaine in which vazodilatatorny properties are inherent is strenuously synthesized.
The action mechanism the trimetilgidraziniya of propionate defines a wide range of its pharmacological effects. It increases working capacity, reduces symptoms of a mental and physical overstrain, activates immunity of fabrics and humoral immunity. At heart failure increases reduction of a myocardium, tolerance to exercise stresses, reduces the frequency of attacks of stenocardia.
At acute and chronic ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation the trimetilgidraziniya propionate improves blood circulation in the ischemia center, promotes redistribution of a brain blood-groove in favor of the ischemic site.
Trimetilgidraziniya also tonic action on TsNS is peculiar to propionate, it eliminates functional disturbances somatic and the autonomic nervous system, including at an abstinence syndrome at patients with an alcoholism. Drug also exerts positive impact on dystrophic the changed vessels of a retina and on cellular immunity.
Pharmacokinetics. After oral administration drug is quickly soaked up from digestive tract. Its bioavailability makes 78%. The maximum concentration in a blood plasma is reached in 1-2 hours after reception. It is metabolized in an organism with formation of two main metabolites which are removed by kidneys.
The elimination half-life makes 3-6 hours.
Pharmaceutical characteristics.
The main physical and chemical svoystva:tverdy gelatin capsules of white color containing powder of color, white or white with a yellow shade, with a slight smell.
Indications to use:
As a part of complex therapy:
– coronary heart disease (stenocardia, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure);
– cardialgias against the background of a dishormonal cardiomyopathy;
– disturbances of cerebral circulation (stroke, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency);
– decrease in working capacity, physical overworks, including at athletes;
– an abstinence syndrome at an alcoholism (in a combination with specific therapy of alcoholism);
– acute disorders of blood circulation in an eye retina.
Route of administration and doses:
Due to a possibility of development of the stimulating effect drug is recommended to be accepted in the first half of day.
At cardiovascular diseases as a part of complex therapy accept on
500 mg - 1 g a day inside once or in 2 receptions. A course of treatment – 4-6 weeks.
At a cardialgia against the background of dishormonal dystrophy of a myocardium inside on 250 mg 2 times a day. A course of treatment – 12 days.
At disturbance of cerebral circulation in an acute phase appoint an injection dosage form within 10 days, then pass to administration of drug inside 500 mg - 1 g a day. The general course of treatment – 4-6 weeks.
At chronic disturbance of cerebral circulation drug is accepted inside on
500 mg a day. The general course of treatment – 4-6 weeks. Repeated courses are appointed individually 2-3 times a year.
At vascular pathology of eyes and dystrophic diseases of a retina apply drug solution to injections during the first 10 days parabulbarno, further pass to oral administration 500 mg - 1 g a day. The general course of treatment – 4-6 weeks.
At intellectual and exercise stresses appoint inside 250 mg 4 times a day. A course of treatment – 10-14 days. If necessary therapy is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
To athletes recommend to accept 500 mg - 1 g 2 times a day before trainings. Course duration during the preparatory period – 14-21 days, during competitions – 10-14 days.
At an alcoholism drug is appointed inside on 500 mg by 4 times a day. A course of treatment – 7-10 days.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Safety of use of drug during pregnancy is not proved. In order to avoid possible adverse influence on a fruit during pregnancy Metamax. do not fix. It is not found out whether drug in mother's milk is emitted. If treatment by Metamaks is necessary for mother, feeding by a breast should be stopped.
There are no sufficient data concerning Metamaks's use for treatment of children.
Metamax. is not drug of the first row at an acute coronary syndrome.
Patients with chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys at drug use need to control their function for a long time.
It is necessary to be careful at simultaneous use of Metamaks with nitroglycerine, nifedipine, β-adrenoblockers and peripheral vazodilatator, because of development of moderate tachycardia and arterial hypotension.
At treatment of patients with chronic heart failure Metamax. it is possible to combine with cardiac glycosides.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
At administration of drug it is necessary to avoid control of vehicles and work with other mechanisms which requires special attention and speed of response, considering a possibility of development of side reactions (decrease in the ABP, tachycardia).
Side effects:
From cardiovascular system: seldom – tachycardia, arrhythmia, changes of arterial pressure.
From system of a krovovtvoreniye: eosinophilia.
From the central nervous system: seldom – a headache, dizziness, psychomotor disturbances, paresthesias, a tremor, excitement.
From digestive tract: seldom – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, metal smack in a mouth, dryness in a mouth or hypersalivation.
Allergic reactions: seldom – reddening and an itch of skin, urticaria, rash, a Quincke's disease; very seldom – an acute anaphylaxis.
From respiratory system: short wind, dry cough.
Others: fever, stethalgia, weakness, hyperthermia, perspiration.
Interaction with other medicines:
Drug can be combined with anti-anginal means, anticoagulants and antiagregant, antiarrhytmic means, cardiac glycosides, diuretic means and other drugs.
Metamax. can exponentiate effect of nitroglycerine, nifedipine, alpha adrenoblockers, anti-hypertensive means and peripheral vazodilatator and to cause development of moderate tachycardia, arterial hypotension (it is necessary to be careful at use of this combination).
At combined use Metamax. strengthens action of anti-anginal means, some hypotensive drugs, cardiac glycosides.
Hypersensitivity to drug components.
Increase in intracranial pressure (at disturbance of venous outflow, intracranial tumors). Organic lesions of the central nervous system.
Period of pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Children's age.
At use of high doses of Metamaks emergence of the symptoms similar to side effect is possible. Sharp changes of arterial pressure are possible.
Treatment. Gastric lavage, salt laxative, cleansing enema. When deviations of arterial pressure from norm are considerable, use the corresponding drugs. Further treatment – symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 2 years. To store in unavailable to children, the dry place in original packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 capsules in a blister strip packaging, on the 4th blister strip packagings in a pack.