
Producer: Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH ("Dr. Falk Pharm Gmbh") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A06AD65
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Powder for preparation of solution for intake.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: a macrogoal of 3350 - 52,5, sodium chloride - 1,4 g, Natrii hydrocarbonas - 0,715 g.
Excipients: silicon dioxide colloid — 0,00046 g; fragrance fruit — 0,4 g; fragrance orange — 0,1 g; sodium saccharinate — 0,018 g.
Pharmacological properties:
The laxative effect is caused by action of the components which are a part of drug and is shown in developing of diarrhea. The macrogoal 3350 (polyethyleneglycol) in view of creation of izoosmolyarny solution prevents absorption in a stomach and intestines and promotes the accelerated passing and removal of contents of a GIT. The electrolytes of salts which are a part of drug prevent disturbance of water-salt balance of an organism.
Polyethyleneglycols with a high molecular weight are not absorbed from a GIT and at a passage are not exposed to metabolism (prevent the undesirable gas generation caused by metabolizing action of bacteria).
Indications to use:
- preparation for endoscopic or X-ray inspection of a lower part of intestines;
- preparation for surgical manipulations at which lack of contents of intestines — a chyme is necessary.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, to adults and children 18 years, in the form of solution are more senior. Solution can be accepted orally or to enter via the nazogastralny probe the night before or in the morning in day of an expected research or intestines operation. Overnight and in the morning in day of a research it is necessary to abstain from meal also.
For preparation of 1 l of solution contents of 2 bags are dissolved in 1/2 l (purified) water cooled boiled, then the volume of solution is brought to 1 l. For full purgation it is recommended to prepare and accept not less than 3 l of solution of Endofalk. Time during which accept solution — 3–4 h. The recommended dose — 3–4 l of solution, accepted in the portions on 200–300 ml each 10 min.
Features of use:
Patients of advanced age with the available associated diseases are recommended to use drug under medical control. The patient has to report to the attending physician about all medicines accepted by him along with Endofalk.
Influence on ability to manage vehicles and moving mechanisms. It is not revealed.
Side effects:
From a GIT: seldom — nausea, vomiting, a meteorism, colicy pains; at the beginning and some time after reception — heavy feeling and discomfort in a stomach; sleep disorder; very seldom — allergic reactions.
From TsNS: very seldom — a sleep disorder and a febricula.
The reactions connected with hypersensitivity: very seldom — allergic reactions.
At detection any of the listed effects, it is necessary to consult immediately with the attending physician.
Interaction with other medicines:
The process of release of intestines from contents caused by effect of drug is capable to lead to disturbance of absorption of other HP which are at the same time accepted with it.
- the expressed disturbances of the general condition of the patient (dehydration, a heart and/or renal failure);
- toxic megacolon;
- gastrostenosis;
- perforation of a stomach or intestines;
- GIT erosive cankers;
- heavy colitis in an aggravation phase;
- disturbances of secretory function of kidneys;
- children's age up to 18 years.
Cases of overdose are not revealed.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light, at a temperature not above 25 °C. The prepared solution has to be stored no more than 3 h at a temperature of 25 °C or 48 h at a temperature of 5 °C (in the refrigerator).
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Powder for preparation of solution for intake.
6 bags in cardboard packaging.