Indometacin Plus

Producer: JSC Krasnaya zvezda Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M01A B01
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1 g of ointment contains - 0,05 indometacin, 0,05 g of Dimexidum, 0,001 g of oil of a peppermint;
excipients: propylene glycol, poly(ethylene oxide) - 400, poly(ethylene oxide) - 1500.
Pharmacological properties:
Anti-inflammatory, analgetic, anti-aggregation drug. Enzyme blocks cyclooxygenase (TsOG) which participates transformation of arachidonic acid therefore synthesis of prostaglandins which play a key role in development of inflammatory reactions, fevers, pains is broken. Activity of mediators of an inflammation, hyaluronidase, lizosomalny hydrolases oppresses. Reduces permeability of capillaries; stabilizes lizosomalny membranes. Breaks power supply in the field of an inflammation, slows down production of ATP in processes of oxidizing phosphorylation.
Indications to use:
The pseudorheumatism ankylosing a spondylarthritis, backbone pains, acute gouty, infectious, psoriasis and traumatic arthritises, osteoarthroses, radiculitises, a periarthritis, the localized forms of rheumatic diseases of soft tissues, a bursitis, a tendovaginitis, thrombophlebitises, neuralgia, mialgiya, a posttraumatic and post-operational edematous pain syndrome and other diseases which are followed by an inflammation and pain.
Route of administration and doses:
Ointment is applied on the lower extremities, sore joints or other body parts with an inflammation and pain by 2 times a day a thin layer, easily rubbing in skin. For increase in efficiency of therapy use of occlusive bandages, and also physiotherapeutic methods (high-frequency ultrasonic therapy) is possible. The average daily dose for adults and children is more senior than 14 years makes 5 g of ointment (250 mg of indometacin). Duration of a course of therapy is defined individually depending on efficiency of therapy and, as a rule, makes from 2 to 4 weeks.
Features of use:
Drug should be applied only on the unimpaired sites of skin, avoiding hit in eyes and on mucous membranes. After application of drug it is necessary to wash up hands if this area is not exposed to treatment. With care apply at elderly patients, and also at diseases of a liver, kidneys, digestive tract in the anamnesis, in the presence of dispepsichesky symptoms at the time of purpose of drug, at an arterial hypertension, heart failure, right after serious surgical interventions, a sick parinsonizm, epilepsy. In the presence in the anamnesis of allergic reactions, drug is appointed only in urgent cases. During treatment systematic control of function of a liver and kidneys, a picture of peripheral blood is necessary. In need of definition of 17 ketosteroids drug should be cancelled for 48 h prior to a research. Drug is appointed with care to drivers of transport and persons whose work demands exact coordination of movements (dispatchers, operators, etc.). In need of treatment by indometacin in the period of a lactation at women breastfeeding needs to be cancelled. To children up to 14 years drug is not appointed.
Side effects:
Phenomena of local irritation of skin: itch, hyperemia, rash. At prolonged use of drug or drawing on a big surface of integuments there can be system side reactions: dyspepsia, erosive and hemorrhagic injuries of digestive tract, headache, dizziness.
Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, ulcer colitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis or bronchospasm against the background of reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hemophilia, hypocoagulation, deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy, blood diseases, pregnancy, the lactation period at women, hypersensitivity to drug components.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tuba of 40 g