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The ileostomy is an operative measure at which the final department or a loop of an ileal gut is brought to a front abdominal wall for formation of constant or temporary fistula.
It is possible to select the following main indications to imposing of an ileostoma:
- nonspecific ulcer colitis;
- disease Krone;
- ischemic colitis;
- complications of tumoral and inflammatory diseases of a large intestine (cancer, colitis, a diverticulitis) with development of acute intestinal impassability and peritonitis;
- complications after a large intestine operations (insolvency of seams of an anastomosis, peritonitis, postoperative intestinal impassability and so forth);
- injuries and wounds of intestines in the presence of peritonitis;
- preventive imposing of an unloading ileostoma for protection is thick - colic anatosmoz after operations for cancer and reconstructive interventions.
At an ileostomy the chair usually watery, is more rare pasty. Contents of intestines leave through ileosty continuously in 4-5 hours after meal, and its quantity reaches 890-1500 ml. Allocations make the irritating impact on surrounding skin.
The diarrhea is the frequent reason of dehydration (dehydration). It is important to remember and use a lot of liquid that there was no organism dehydration.
Types ileosty:
The single-barreled ileostoma according to Brook — the end of an ileal gut removed through a separate opening in the right ileal area is turned out by invagination, and mucous guts is hemmed to skin. The "proboscis" received thus acts over skin on 2 ן in cm and easily refuels in an opening of a kalopriyemnik.
• The valve (reservoir) ileostoma according to Cocu — is applied at the patients who transferred koloproktektomiya. After the patient recovers after extensive operation, the second stage to him create a special tank of a gut before ileostomy, and the ileostoma is "squeezed" by a special muscular cuff. The tank is emptied a special catheter 2 ן once a day.
• A loopback ileostoma on Tornbolla. It is created at heavy inflammatory and tumoral processes when weight of a state does not allow to execute bowel resection. At this operation the loop of a small bowel is brought through a section to a front abdominal wall and fixed there. Then the front wall is cut and the ostomy becomes double-barreled.
• A separate double-barreled ileostoma (gained distribution recently) — as a result of operation the ends of the crossed small bowel are removed in separate openings. This technique allows further, when performing recovery operation, easy to allocate the bringing and taking away gut loops for their anastamosing.

Operation on imposing of an ileostoma