Biopsy of a neck of uterus
- Description
- Indications and contraindications to a biopsy of a neck of uterus
- How to be prepared for a biopsy of a neck of uterus
- Types of a biopsy of a neck of uterus
- After a biopsy
- Complications after a neck of uterus
- Interpretation of results of a biopsy of a neck of uterus
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The biopsy of a neck of uterus is a procedure of capture on the analysis of a fabric piece, suspicious on cancer (or several pieces). Only by means of this procedure the doctor will be able precisely to tell whether the woman has an oncology and to appoint competent treatment. In an amicable way even "cauterizations" which are recommended to the right and on the left to our women it is necessary to appoint only after obtaining results of a biopsy. However and without indications this procedure is quite often appointed too. For example, the biopsy of a neck of uterus at an erosion uncomplicated, an ectopia, at good results of fathers of the test and a kolposkopiya is an incorrect appointment. But about everything one after another.
Indications and contraindications to a biopsy of a neck of uterus:
Before a biopsy the test and a kolposkopiya is surely carried out fathers. And the main indication to this procedure is identification of one or several suspicious sites at a kolposkopiya (only at an erosion of a neck of uterus, even by true, the biopsy is not done).
Such suspicious sites treat:
- the sites of an epithelium painted in white color after impact on them acetic acid;
- iodine - negative zones.
Contraindications to the procedure are:
- acute inflammatory diseases;
- disturbances of coagulability of blood.
How to be prepared for a biopsy of a neck of uterus:
Optimum days of a menstrual cycle for carrying out a biopsy of a neck of uterus it is 7-13 day (in the first afternoon of a cycle the first day monthly is considered). It is better to make a biopsy right after the termination monthly that the wound on a neck of uterus managed to begin to live by the beginning of the following periods.
To reduce risk of complications of a biopsy, use the following recommendations of gynecologists:
- refuse sex in 2 days prior to a biopsy of a neck of uterus
- do not use tampons and do not do syringing and in 2 days prior to a biopsy
- you do not enter any medicinal substances in a vagina (only the drugs recommended by your gynecologist are resolved)
On the eve of the address to the gynecologist take a shower, conforming to the rules of intimate hygiene. If the biopsy is done under the general anesthesia, try to eat nothing a minimum in 8 hours prior to the procedure.
The biopsy of a neck of uterus is an invasive procedure which is followed by risk of infectious complications. To prevent undesirable effects of a biopsy, before this procedure careful inspection is appointed.
As a rule, the gynecologist recommends to make the following tests before a biopsy:
- the general blood test and a koagulogramm (the analysis on coagulability of blood)
- a smear on flora (including, on gonorrhea and trichomoniasis)
- a smear on cytology
- kolposkopiya
- analyses on the masked infections (clamidiosis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis)
- analyses on HIV infection, a viral hepatitis, syphilis
Types of a biopsy of a neck of uterus:
There are several various methods of carrying out a biopsy of a neck of uterus therefore surely take an interest at the gynecologist what method is necessary to you.
The choice of a method of carrying out a biopsy depends on the preliminary diagnosis and some other factors known to your gynecologist. Some types of a biopsy are not only a diagnostic method, but also method of treatment of pathologies of a neck of uterus.
1. Kolposkopichesky (aim, puncture) biopsy of a neck of uterus.
It is the most widespread method of a biopsy of a neck of uterus which is considered "the gold standard" in diagnosis of displaziya and cancer of a neck of uterus.
The aim biopsy of a neck of uterus is carried out during a kolposkopiya, and for the analysis those sites of a neck of uterus which seem to the doctor suspicious get. For an intake of material the special needle which takes away the "column" of tissue of neck of uterus containing all layers of cells, necessary for a research, is used.
The puncture biopsy does not demand hospitalization and can be made in the gynecologist's office. This type of a biopsy does not demand the general anesthesia and is, as a rule, made in general without anesthesia. During a biopsy you can feel discomfort, feeling of pressure or a pricking which last no more than 5-10 seconds.
After a kolposkopicheky biopsy there can be bloody allocations from a vagina which last no more than 2-3 days.
2. Konkhotomny biopsy of a neck of uterus.
The Konkhotomny biopsy a little in what differs from the aim biopsy described above. The only difference is that not the needle, but the special tool a conchotome which is similar to scissors with the pointed ends is applied to a konkhotomny biopsy.
The Konkhotomny biopsy does not demand hospitalization. To lower painful feelings, shortly before a material intake to you the local anesthesia will be made.
Within several days after a konkhotomny biopsy bloody allocations can be observed.
3. Radio wave biopsy of a neck of uterus (biopsy device "Surgitron").
The radio wave biopsy does not cause the expressed damages of tissues of neck of uterus and is accompanied by low risk of complications.
This method of a biopsy of a neck of uterus is made by the special tool which sometimes call "radio knife". In Russia and the CIS countries the device "Surgitron" is used to carrying out a radio wave biopsy.
The biopsy Surgitron does not demand the general anesthesia and can be made in the gynecologist's office. After a radio wave biopsy bloody allocations are practically absent, or they are not plentiful and no more than 2-3 days last.
The risk of formation of hems on a neck of uterus after a radio wave biopsy is extremely small in this connection this type of a biopsy is recommended to girls and women who in the future plan pregnancy.
4. Laser biopsy of a neck of uterus.
At a laser biopsy sites of tissues of neck of uterus are removed by means of a laser knife (laser).
The laser biopsy is made in the conditions of hospital as this procedure requires a short-term general anesthesia.
This method of a biopsy is considered low-traumatic and seldom causes any complications. Within several days after a biopsy at you allocations can be observed smearing bloody (red, brown, pink).
5. Loopback biopsy of a neck of uterus.
The loopback biopsy in a different way is called an electrosurgical biopsy or electroscission. In some countries for designation of this type of a biopsy the English abbreviations are used: LEEP or LETZ.
The essence of a loopback biopsy consists in what suspicious sites of a neck of uterus otslaivat the tool similar to a loop through which electric current is passed.
Elektroeksition can be made in the gynecologist's office. Holding this procedure does not require the general anesthesia, but the local anesthesia is required.
Within several weeks after electroscission bloody allocations of different degree of a profuseness can be observed.
It is considered that the loopback electrosurgical biopsy of a neck of uterus can cause formation of hems on a neck of uterus. Such hems in the future can become an obstacle for conception of the child or for pregnancy incubation. In this regard, electroscission is not recommended to young girls and women who in the future plan pregnancy.
6. Wedge-shaped biopsy of a neck of uterus (conization of a neck of uterus, knife biopsy, cold and knife biopsy).
During a wedge-shaped biopsy the gynecologist deletes a triangular piece of a neck of uterus so that to receive the most informative sites of a neck of uterus for a further research. This type of a biopsy is called sometimes an expanded biopsy as unlike an aim biopsy for a research not only suspicious sites of fabric, but also the next fabrics which look healthy get. Conization of a neck of uterus can be applied not only as a diagnostic method, but also as a method of treatment of some pathologies of a neck of uterus.
For carrying out a wedge-shaped biopsy the usual surgical scalpel (knife) which is not heated either current, or radio waves therefore sometimes this method is called a knife or cold and knife biopsy is used.
Carrying out a wedge-shaped biopsy requires anesthesia (the general anesthesia, spinal or epidural anesthesia), and the procedure is made in hospital. After conization of a neck of uterus you can be written out on the same day, or next day.
Within several weeks after a biopsy you can feel pains in a neck of uterus, and also observe bloody allocations of different degree of a profuseness.
7. Circular biopsy of a neck of uterus.
The circular (circular) biopsy is one of kinds of conization of a neck of uterus which can be made by means of a scalpel or by means of a radio wave knife. During a circular biopsy the extensive site of a neck of uterus, fascinating and a part of the canal of a neck of uterus gets. This method of a biopsy is used both as diagnosis and as treatment of some morbid conditions of a neck of uterus. The circular biopsy also belongs to an expanded biopsy as for a research not only suspicious sites of fabric, but also the next fabrics which can look healthy get.
The circular biopsy is carried out under the general anesthesia, spinal or epidural anesthesia in the conditions of a hospital (in hospital). Within several weeks after a biopsy at you pains and bloody allocations from a vagina can be observed.
8. Endocervical curettage.
The endocervical curettage considerably differs from the listed above methods of a biopsy of a neck of uterus, but as well as the biopsy, this analysis helps to reveal malignant processes in a neck of uterus.
The endocervical curettage is a scraping of the channel of a neck of uterus (not to confuse to a uterus scraping), thanks to which it is possible to receive for a cell research from the cervical channel.
Local anesthesia is applied to carrying out an endocervical curettage.

Cervical biopsy of a neck of uterus

Wedge-shaped biopsy of a neck of uterus
After a biopsy:
That there were no complications in the next month after the procedure follow the following rules and recommendations.
1. Not to be syringed and not to use vulval pads.
2. Sexual abstinence at least 2 weeks (duration depends on operation volume, learn from the doctor more precisely).
3. Do not take a bath, only a shower.
4. Do not visit baths, saunas and pools.
5. Do not lift weight (more than 3 kilograms).
Complications after a neck of uterus:
In rare instances after a biopsy complications in the form of bleeding and infections can be observed. As soon as possible see a doctor if:
- you had a plentiful bleeding of bright red color, or dark color with clots
- "monthly" after a biopsy more than 7 days in a row last
- bloody allocations are not plentiful, but there are more than 2-3 weeks
- you lifted body temperature (37,5C and above)
- you had allocations from a vagina with an unpleasant smell
Puncture, konkhotomny, laser and radio wave biopsy, as a rule, do not leave any effects.
After electroscission (a loopback biopsy), and also after a conic biopsy (wedge-shaped and circular) on a neck of uterus can be hems (scars). At some women with hems on a neck of uterus difficulties with conception of the child or with pregnancy incubation can be observed.
If did you a biopsy of a neck of uterus, and in the future you plan pregnancy, surely report about it to the gynecologist.
Interpretation of results of a biopsy of a neck of uterus:
It is adequate only the specialist can decipher results of a biopsy of a neck of uterus: gynecologist or oncologist. You do not hurry to interpret the received results independently as some terms can unfairly frighten you.
In this article we will consider value of the main terms which you can meet in results of a biopsy of a neck of uterus.
Koylotsita it is modified cells of a neck of uterus which appear if the woman is infected with the virus of papilloma of the person (VPP). Normal koylotsit should not be, and their existence indicates the increased risk of development of a dysplasia and cancer of a neck of uterus. It is important to understand that existence of koylotsit is not a precancer and not cancer yet. Nevertheless, you need to pay special attention to the health and to listen to recommendations of your doctor.
The acanthosis, parakeratosis, гиперкеатоз, a leukoplakia - all these processes in a neck of uterus represent replacement of a normal epithelium of a neck of uterus on keratosic (as a keratosic epithelium of skin).
These states are not a precancer or cancer of a neck of uterus yet, and nevertheless, your gynecologist will advise to remove these changed sites of a neck of uterus.
The dysplasia of a neck of uterus is a precancerous state which without treatment can develop into cancer of a neck of uterus. The dysplasia of a neck of uterus will successfully respond to treatment.
What to do if bad results of a biopsy of a neck of uterus came? First of all, do not worry. In most cases undesirable changes in a neck of uterus will successfully respond to treatment. Even cancer of a neck of uterus can be cured if it was found in time.
Address your gynecologist and if necessary consult with the oncologist. Listen to recommendations of your attending physicians and do not self-medicate.