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Hungover syndrome


Hungover syndrome it a hangover — the state tested after a while after alcohol intake (as a rule, it is about a state after average and heavy intoxication).

Symptoms of the Hungover syndrome:

The hangover can have the following symptoms: dryness in a mouth, a headache, a tremor (a shiver in all body), irritability, reddening of eyes, hypersensitivity to light and noise, nausea, vomiting, extremity pains, appetite loss, a depression. Full apathy and so-called "adrenalinic melancholy" — sense of guilt, feeling is possible that the day before made something unseemly, wrong, even against the background of distinct memory on the taking place events and accurate understanding of that fact that no really shameful actions existed.

Reasons of the Hungover syndrome:

Ethanol causes the increased formation of urine (the raised diuresis) that leads to developing of headaches, dryness in a mouth and to feeling of fatigue, prostration. Morbid condition often incorrectly is defined as dehydration, but dehydration is not at least because the person at a hangover suffers from hypostases, that is from excess liquid in fabrics. Correct definition: "pathological redistribution of liquid". Decrease in volume of tsirkuliruyemy blood leads to decrease in amount of liquid in a brain that also causes a headache. Contrary to a popular belief, the problem is not solved by drinking of large volumes of water at alcohol intake: this water or is removed by kidneys before a hangover, or serves formation of hypostases, but does not normalize the volume of tsirkuliruyemy blood.

Other factor promoting a hangover is a formation of decomposition products of ethanol in a liver:

Ethanol => Acetic aldehyde => Acetic acid

In a liver there is an intermediate transformation (oxidation) of alcohol into acetic aldehyde by means of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, and then there is a transformation of acetic aldehyde into acetic acid by means of atsetaldegiddegidrogenaza enzyme. At excess of alcohol in blood fermental systems do not cope with full transformation of acetic aldehyde into acetic acid, the intermediate product acetic aldehyde — more toxic, than alcohol as a result collects. Acetic aldehyde (ethanal) by 10 — 30 times toksichny the alcohol. Besides, alcohol causes formation of CYP2E1 enzyme which can form toxins and free radicals.

Treatment of the Hungover syndrome:

    * The most effective — refusal of alcohol intake, for preservation of health from the medical point of view and personalisation from the psychological point of view.
    * Reasonable consciousness of a measure of the taken alcohol.
    * Not to begin to drink next the heart, but also not to overeat during binge.
    * To wash down vodka with orange or cherry juice, other acid juice with the high content of vitamin C (however, it can be harmful to a stomach).
    * To accept enterosorbents. The most known "classical" sorbent is absorbent carbon, but there are also modern drugs which efficiency is higher than coal many times over.
    * To drink milk before going to bed, but not earlier than in an hour after the last shot glass.
    * To eat 1-2 teaspoons of butter at the very beginning of alcohol intake - oil envelops walls of a stomach and slows down alcohol absorption.

Treatment of a hangover is directed to the solution of three tasks, (the fourth to the discretion of the individual):

    * elimination of painful symptoms;
    * recovery of normal water-salt balance of an organism;
    * conclusion of toxics.
    * recovery of operational activity of a brain.

For removal of symptoms of a hangover often use public medicines from a headache, such as aspirin or Citramonum.

Measures of a physical and biochemical detoxication are applied to removal of intoxication of an organism. Physical detoxication: cleaning of intestines and/or stomach, reception of sorbents (absorbent carbon, or its more effective analog — white coal). Biochemical detoxication: activation of a cycle of tricarboxylic acids by the use of the products containing citric acid or succinic acid (in tablets or intramusculary). For removal of intoxication also use the products containing lactic acid.

At sale there is a number of the means positioned as hangover medicine, but most of them represent various combinations from acetylsalicylic acid, ascorbic acid and succinic acid added with various additives, for example, caffeine so on structure and action they differ from the same Citramonum a little. At use of drugs of acetylsalicylic acid it is necessary to remember its negative impact on mucous membranes of a GIT and inadmissibility of its joint use with alcohol. It is more preferable to use soluble forms of drugs or to wash down them with a large amount of water. Besides, there are clinically confirmed data on the fact that at long (about 6 weeks) magnesium citrate reception the condition of an organism significantly improves and symptoms almost completely disappear even at those who chronically abused alcohol.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Hungover syndrome:

  • Препарат Сорпектин.


    Dietary supplements.

    LLC Kharkiv Pharmaceutical Factory Ukraine

  • Препарат Труксал.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Lundbeck (Lundbek) Denmark

  • Препарат Глутаргин, табл.по 0,25г № 10х3.

    Glutargin, the tab. on 0,25g No. 10kh

    The drugs used at liver diseases. Hepatotropic drugs.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Зорекс.


    Detoksitsiruyushchy means. Antidotes.

    JSC Valenta Pharmatsevtika Russia

  • Препарат Алька-Прим®.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug + Metabolic means

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia

  • Препарат Алька-Прим®.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug + Metabolic means

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья