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Articles about health

Recovery after the delivery
Восстановление после родов

It would seem why recovery after the delivery is necessary? Childbirth for the woman quite natural process, from the point of view of biology of an osnovn...

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Health insurance abroad
Медицинская страховка за границей

Gathering for rest abroad, we anticipate unforgettable impressions and good rest, seldom thinking that in we lie...

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Milk diet
Молочная диета

The diet is, perhaps, one of the most bystry ways to lose weight - and many women successfully put it into practice. However, diet д...

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What tell pains in a stomach about
О чем говорят боли в области желудка

Pains in a stomach belong to that type of symptoms of diseases which every second is able "to treat". When the stomach, the person hurts...

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What is done by glucose in an organism
Что делает глюкоза в организме

Glucose in an organism carries out a fuel role. It is the main energy source for cells, and ability of cells to function normally in...

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Pluses and minuses of vegetarian food
Плюсы и минусы вегетарианского питания

Vegetarian food is a type of food at which of a diet some animal products are excluded. Exists неско...

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Whether pampers are harmful?
Вредны ли памперсы?

Such invention as pampers or a diaper appeared in our country about 10 years ago - and still discussions did not stop give rise...

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Travolecheniye, perhaps, can call the most ancient method of treatment of diseases. The fact that the method did not lose the relevance to this day...

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Whether run is useful to weight loss?
Полезен ли бег для похудения?

Many people in the aspiration to lose weight use various ways - go on a diet, drink the clearing teas, buy the subscription in the fiyena...

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Homeopathic treatment
Гомеопатическое лечение

The homeopathy is a method of treatment of diseases by means of the medicines divorced to extremely low concentration. It is a method an alter...

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Smoking during pregnancy
Курение во время беременности

Pregnancy is the wonderful time full not only expectations, anticipations of happiness, pride, but also responsibility. Many future ма...

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The splitting tips of hair - what to do?
Cекущиеся кончики волос - что делать?

Split ends of hair cause many troubles to the owners. Hair, as well as other appendages of skin, nails – pokazatet it...

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Care of an oily hair
Уход за жирными волосами

Weaving of hair, hairstyles and laying are capable to look magnificently only on purely washed up, brilliant and healthy hair. To be beautiful...

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Types of denture treatment
Виды протезирования зубов

Recovery of the lost teeth is important not only in the esthetic relation, but also concerning health, first of all health желудочн...

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Why treatment of milk teeth is necessary
Зачем нужно лечение молочных зубов

Surprisingly, but still there is rather large number of people who consider that treatment of milk teeth does not show at all...

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Allergy to dust
Аллергия на пыль

The allergy to dust meets very often, much more more often than it is diagnosed. Allergists claim that about a quarter, and even is more...

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How to correct a bearing
Как исправить осанку

Before finding out how to correct a bearing, let's talk about why it is important to make it. A bearing - that situation, in which находитс...

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The combined face skin
Комбинированная кожа лица

Face skin can be dry, fat, normal and combined. Each type has pluses and minuses. For example, dry skin is more rare воспаля...

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Extensions on skin - what to do?
Растяжки на коже - что делать?

Extensions (striya) appear as a result of excessive load of skin - with an active growth of teenagers, increase in body weight, беремен...

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Self-treatment - is life-threatening!
Самолечение - опасно для жизни!

Unfortunately, there is no statistics of that how many people spoiled to themselves and relatives health, self-medicating. There is a saying: "All...

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