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Articles about health

About advantage of a celery
О пользе сельдерея

The celery belongs to those products which advantage does not raise doubts. It is a part of a set of diets thanks to the unique...

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Kefiric diet for weight loss
Кефирная диета для похудения

The kefiric diet for weight loss has a mass of advantages. Kefir one of the most useful products in our diet. It normalizes microflora to...

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Facial massage from wrinkles
Массаж лица от морщин

Very few people know that correctly carried out facial massage from wrinkles by efficiency is comparable with high-quality plastic surgery. Why...

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Whether ultrasonography is dangerous
Опасно ли ультразвуковое исследование

Ultrasonography is convenient, inexpensive and besides an informative method of medical visualization. Its principle consists in использ...

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Cancer therapy in Israel
Лечение рака в Израиле

What cancer therapy in Israel differs from cancer therapy in other countries in? Why annually there are a lot of patients with oncological zabolevan...

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Contact lenses for eyes
Контактные линзы для глаз

Contact lenses are a widespread and available means of correction of sight. Years of long-term experience of producers of contact lenses and...

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Reception of antidepressants
Прием антидепрессантов

Disputes on what is a depression – simply suppressed mood, the frustration of a nervous system caused by shortage ви continue...

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How to sit in front of the computer it is correct
Как сидеть за компьютером правильно

Whether often we think of how to sit in front of the computer it is correct that frequent headaches, joint pains did not become result ...

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Diets for weight reduction
Диеты для снижения веса

There is a set of diets for weight reduction. One of them promise unprecedented result: to get rid of 10 kg in 10 days! Others more сд...

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Why tightening is necessary a century
Зачем нужна подтяжка век

Tightening is a century the rejuvenating operation number one. There is no wonder, eyes have crucial importance in how the persons look...

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Fitness classes for weight loss
Занятия фитнесом для похудения

The long-awaited spring often brings with itself a problem of the weight gained during the winter. Actually it is natural, the person is a being жи...

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What is psychosomatic frustration
Что такое психосоматические расстройства

It is considered to be that in the person there are two components – physical, or a body, and mental and spiritual, or soul. Medical term, poza...

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Joints of hands hurt. What to do?
Болят суставы рук. Что делать?

When we want to emphasize special importance of any subject, we use expression "as without hands". Because "as without hands" it with...

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Whether cream for increase in a breast is useful?
Полезен ли крем для увеличения груди?

The beautiful breast since ancient times was considered as the main attribute of feminity and sexuality. However, not all representatives прек...

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What malocclusion at children is dangerous by
Чем опасен неправильный прикус у детей

The name "malocclusion" already says that with such disturbance there will be problems with health. Why it is so important to have the right...

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Reasons of dorsodynias
Причины болей в спине

Our backbone is a pillar on which keep all human body, and many of his diseases are connected with a state of disrepair basic дв...

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What effects of use Botox
Какие последствия применения ботокс

One of the strongest poisons on the earth is botulism toxin. This poison is deadly to the person even in small concentration. It vyraba...

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Infections, sexually transmitted
Инфекции, передающиеся половым путем

"Love - the deceptive country …", - it was sung in one popular song of last century. Those years the author of words Eldar Ryazanov also could not think...

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Walks in the fresh air with children
Прогулки на свежем воздухе с детьми

One of the simplest and available means of improvement and adults, and children are walks in the fresh air. It especially valuable with...

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This uncompromising struggle with cellulitis
Эта непримиримая борьба с целлюлитом

Cellulitis existed always, however, our great-great-grandmothers hiding shortcomings of the figure behind long skirts, a problem "orange...

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