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Articles about health

Treatment of a fibrous mastopathy
Лечение фиброзной мастопатии

Treatment of a fibrous mastopathy, as well as any other disease, can be etiotropic and symptomatic. Etiotropic way always пр...

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Arthroscopy of a knee joint
Артроскопия коленного сустава

The knee joint is that part of a musculoskeletal system which is most of all subject to injuries and diseases. Arthroscopy knee...

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Bad ecology and health of the person
Плохая экология и здоровье человека

Bad ecology and health of the person – a sore subject for at least last hundred years. Actually, since that moment, as человеч...

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Whitening of teeth
Отбеливание зубов

Whitening of teeth – that procedure which allows to increase the power of your smile many times. Whitening of teeth can be divided into two ti...

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What is a hyperplasia
Что такое гиперплазия

Having heard the unknown word in an office of the doctor "hyperplasia" you should not fall into despair. Not so everything is terrible if to understand the reason a cart...

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Diet on a blood group
Диета по группе крови

The diet on a blood group was offered by her creator, Peter D'Adamo, in 1989, after more than thirty-year-old research the slave...

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As bed linen influences a dream
Как влияет на сон постельное белье

The good dream is one of the most important conditions of health. All heard the hackneyed phrase about what in a dream of people carries out a third of life, but...

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Prevention of diseases of teeth
Профилактика болезней зубов

The few people guess that prevention of diseases of teeth is important not only for their beauty. Certainly, beautiful and well-groomed внеш...

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Where it is better to give birth: houses or in maternity hospital
Где лучше рожать: дома или в роддоме

About twenty years ago the question of where it is better to give birth – houses or in maternity hospital, did not even come to mind. It was only possible to give rise to houses, e...

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Disturbance of the speech
Нарушение речи

The speech is ability to interact with surrounding people, society. From that, the speech is how developed, also success of it of a vzaa depends...

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When the kalopriyemnik is necessary
Когда необходим калоприемник

In certain cases switching off from work of digestive tract of a lower part of intestines is necessary. Most often this temporary состо...

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Belly dance for health
Танец живота для здоровья

Oriental dances of a stomach serve as a bright denial of the fact that female fitness this persistent and monotonous uniform exercises. On the d...

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How to lift the lowered hemoglobin
Как поднять пониженный гемоглобин

You feel chronic fatigue, the world became gray, every day tiresome and too tiresome, reflection in a mirror pale and безрадост...

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From what dandruff develops?
От чего появляется перхоть?

Dandruff it not fatal, but extremely unpleasant disease. Unpleasantly it first of all the not esthetics, and also that пр...

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Diseases of dogs dangerous to the person
Заболевания собак, опасные для человека

Many people with surprise learn that diseases of dogs can be same, as well as diseases of people. For example, tumor of a mammary gland...

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Treatment of adenoma of a hypophysis
Лечение аденомы гипофиза

Whether treatment of adenoma of a hypophysis folk remedies is possible? When it comes about tumors, doctors extremely watchfully belong to народн...

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Treatment of a bite
Лечение прикуса

Malocclusion can be caused by heredity, and can be created at children's age during active growth of bones...

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Female fitness
Женский фитнес

Two thirds of women are inclined to completeness genetically, possibly natural selection, for hundreds of years of the man отд played a role here...

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How to gather in a stomach after the delivery?
Как убрать живот после родов?

The stomach after the delivery cannot but change, and to that there are two main reasons. The first, this considerable stretching of belly muscles in time...

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Arthroscopy of joints
Артроскопия суставов

You remember stories about the well-known fillipinsky hiller? These are such Aesculapians who operate, without doing cuts, and just immersing hands...

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