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Articles about health

1 year of life of the child
1 год жизни ребенка

1 year of life of the child it on the one hand time when it is possible to breathe a sigh of relief as the main dangers menacing a zdor passed...

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Impact of ultrasound on the person
Воздействие ультразвука на человека

Ultrasound call the sound vibrations exceeding the upper bound of range of the acoustical frequencys perceived by the person. Such koleba...

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What the nose partition curvature is dangerous by
Чем опасно искривление перегородки носа

Persistent, it is long not passing and often renewing cold, otitis, antritis and others the ENT specialist disease can be a consequence ис...

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What filler for pillows to choose
Какой наполнитель для подушек выбрать

The full-fledged dream is impossible without full-fledged pillow, at least for the modern, spoiled by a civilization person. In the market сущ...

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Cyst on a fang
Киста на корне зуба

Quite often, coming to the stomatologist, the person hears the unfamiliar diagnosis: a cyst on a fang. What is represented by such cyst why it...

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Signs of an extrauterine pregnancy
Признаки внематочной беременности

The extrauterine pregnancy comes when the spermatozoon successfully impregnated an ovum, but instead of going down...

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Safety of salutes and fireworks
Безопасность салютов и фейерверков

Salutes and fireworks are the integral attribute of a cheerful holiday. It is noisy, it is beautiful, it bewitches and as nothing else, o...

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The first walks with the newborn
Первые прогулки с новорожденным

Young parents often ask a question how to organize walks with the newborn how to dress the kid and how much time you need to walk with it?...

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Повышение температуры тела

Fervescence, perhaps, is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a disease. Temperature rose – the head hurts, but...

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Phytalbumins in our diet
Растительные белки в нашем рационе

The immemorial dispute between vegetarians and opponents of vegetarianism always rests against the fact that there is a part of substances which contain in мя...

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Whether it is worth performing abortion
Стоит ли делать аборт

Abortion never happens the simple decision, but whatever reason caused its necessity – whether medical, by desire to avoid from...

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What the glycoprival diet is dangerous by
Чем опасна безуглеводная диета

Diets not to a lesser extent, than clothes, cars and restaurants, are subject to fashion. One of the most fashionable is безуглево now...

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The best fitness - dances
Лучший фитнес - танцы

To understand all importance fitness of dances, slightly we will go deep into a question of female health. The harmonious exercise stress is especially important dl...

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Why there are gripes at babies
Почему возникают колики у младенцев

Gripes at babies the interesting phenomenon. On the one hand, everyone who has a child, knows what is it, with another – a consensus of a vr...

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What requires UZDG of vessels
Для чего нужно УЗДГ сосудов

The terrible abbreviation of UZDG is deciphered so: ultrasonic doppler sonography of vessels. It is one of diagnostic methods with the help ультр...

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Than the laser peeling is good
Чем хорош лазерный пилинг

Let's remember what is a peeling in general and for what it is necessary. The word "peeling" comes from the English word "to peel" - to rind...

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What the blood Rhesus factor influences
На что влияет резус-фактор крови

In addition to the surprising, and not found yet explanation of scientists of division of blood into four groups, there is also a division on a Rhesus factor...

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Whether there is cancer medicine
Есть ли лекарство от рака

There was a steady opinion that cancer medicine does not exist. This opinion not absolutely true, would be to tell so more precisely – лекар...

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How to endure a summer heat
Как пережить летнюю жару

The long-awaited summer bears with itself except the sun, heat and joy, one problem - how to endure a summer heat with the smallest losses for зд...

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Useful properties of a radish
Полезные свойства редьки

Modest radish actually a health well, and useful properties of a radish it is possible to list very long. This ordinary-looking vegetable is capable...

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