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Articles about health

Types of psychological assistance
Виды психологической помощи

In our country for some reason it is accepted to solve the psychological problems independently - so parents, teachers, seniors goods accustomed...

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Emergency surgical help
Экстренная хирургическая помощь

There are states which are called surgical diseases. It means that only surgical intervention can save the person...

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How to recover teeth
Как восстановить зубы

Our teeth are exposed to the attack from all directions: low-quality food, avitaminosis, addictions and even adverse ecological SI...

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Whether there are reliable ways to stop drinking
Есть ли надежные способы бросить пить

Alcoholism is recognized as a disease, but actually it is not one, but a set of the diseases at once caused by addiction of the person to constant unitary enterprise...

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Installation of tooth implants
Установка зубных имплантов

Problems with health of a smile can significantly complicate life to any person. For someone the beautiful smile is a need in works...

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As it is correct to do massage
Как правильно делать массаж

Massage is one of ancient and very effective the technician of relaxation, but not only. It can be weakening, toning, to lay down...

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Care of a body is an important component of care of the health. Great opportunities are given in this respect by spa-procedures. Nekoto...

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Social rehabilitation of disabled people
Cоциальная реабилитация инвалидов

As far as society is developed, can be defined, having learned as it treats those members who are limited in the opportunities....

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Art therapy for children
Арт-терапия для детей

One of powerful methods of psychotherapeutic impact on the child is art therapy for children. What represents this a method...

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Children's oncology
Детская онкология

Strong growth of quantity of oncological diseases is around the world noted and earlier began them, and also quantities of tumors at д...

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Epilation laser
Эпиляция лазером

The epilation the laser is the method allowing to depilate undesirable a body without serious consequences and for a long time. Advantages of this method неск...

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Manual therapy of a backbone
Мануальная терапия позвоночника

To understand the principle of work of manual therapy of a backbone, let's remember the main functions of this body. A backbone and contained...

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Useful properties of grapefruit
Полезные свойства грейпфрута

Grapefruit enters ten the most useful dietary products. It means that he resembles for the majority of diets and is recommended for about...

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Use of essential oils in medicine
Применение эфирных масел в медицине

Medicinal properties of essential oils are known since ancient times therefore use of essential oils in the medical purposes has long traditions...

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Sunbed: harm and advantage
Солярий: вред и польза

The first sunbeds were started in production in 1975, and continued disputes on a subject are conducted since then: Sunbed harm and advantage. On most...

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Circular face lifting
Круговая подтяжка лица

With age features of the person change. Some become more sharply and nasolabial folds, and some are more brightly expressed, such as...

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If you are disturbed by strong perspiration
Если вас беспокоит сильная потливость

Strong perspiration can be very serious problem for the person, and is considerable influence his psychoemotional state. It about...

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About advantage of fish oil
О пользе рыбьего жира

Fish oil is that medicine which caused most of all "sufferings" to children of many generations, up to the seventieth years. Каж...

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Hygiene of clothes
Гигиена одежды

In mythology of Ancient Greece Asclepius and two of his daughters – Gigiyey and Panakey were the chief Aesculapians. Panakey, that in transfer means "...

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What is a mephitic gangrene
Что такое анаэробная инфекция

The mephitic gangrene causes heavy infectious processes at hit in an organism in suitable conditions. In spite of the fact that it возбуд...

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