DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Endocrinology Dysfunction of a thyroid gland

Dysfunction of a thyroid gland


The Subclinical Dysfunction of a Thyroid Gland (SDTG) is a condition of such functional tension of a thyroid gland at which the level of hormones of a thyroid gland is in norm limits.

Presumably, the condition of dysfunction of a thyroid gland much more rasprostranyonno, than is considered to be it. It is connected with the fact that laboratory the condition of dysfunction cannot be defined as in this initial stage still there are no changes of level of hormones of a thyroid gland, and technically is extremely difficult to define change of a metabolism at the cellular level.

Symptoms of Dysfunction of a thyroid gland:

    * Fatigue, especially when awakening, and less by the evening
    * Change (reduction or increase) of weight, first of all around a stomach
    * Depression or melancholy
    * Chill (cryesthesia) of hands and legs, or on the contrary feeling of excess of heat and even heat
    * High level of cholesterol
    * Spazmirovannost, spasms and pain of muscles
    * Tendency to locks; dense excrements
    * Arthritis; joint pain
    * Bad memory; other neurologic signs

Reasons of Dysfunction of a thyroid gland:

The main reason for dysfunction of a thyroid gland is гипотериоз and  an autoimmune thyroiditis, i.e. an inflammation of a thyroid gland owing to the attacks of immune system. The most common form is called Hashimoto's thyroiditis, at the same time the thyroid gland gradually loses ability to produce thyroxine owing to damage by cells of immune system. Hashimoto's thyroiditis progresses slowly, for many years, and leads to chronic dysfunction of a thyroid gland.

Treatment of Dysfunction of a thyroid gland:

Treatment depends on a type of dysfunction of a thyroid gland - hypo - or гипертериоз.

Drug treatment. Propylthiouracil and Methimazolum suppress production of hormones of a thyroid gland and transformation of TZ hormone into an active form. These drugs use for the general decrease in level of hormones. Beta-blockers influence activity of hormones of a thyroid gland. They are appointed for relief of symptoms, by the connected many thyroid hormones (for example, the speeded-up cordial rhythm), other drugs will not work yet. Sometimes appoint a short course of steroids for simplification of heavy symptoms, such as a vypuchivaniye of eyes at a diffusion toxic craw.
Radioakivny iodine. If usual drugs are insufficiently effective, carry out therapy by a radioiodine. It allows to reduce production of thyroid hormones by destruction of a part of cells of a thyroid gland. However the radioiodine causes development of a hypothyroidism in the vast majority of patients. In such cases replacement therapy for increase in level of hormones surely is required. The radioiodine cannot be used during pregnancy, and at patients with a diffusion toxic craw it can strengthen pucheglazy.
Dietary supplement. Selenium in a combination with medicines helps to accelerate decrease in level of hormones of a thyroid gland.

Surgical treatment. The tumor of a thyroid gland is deleted surgically. At pregnant women and other patients with contraindications to drugs or a radioiodine operation can be an alternative to drug treatment.

In rare instances carry out the procedure called by "an orbit decompression" at which surgically increase eye-sockets that they could contain the increased eyeballs at a diffusion toxic craw. During this procedure delete the bone dividing eye-sockets and sine that allows to create additional space behind eyeglobes.
Treatment of eyes. For reduction of a xerophthalmus at a diffusion toxic craw use artificial tears. For the purpose of relief of discomfort dark glasses, and for reduction of hypostasis and additional moistening of eyes - cold compresses help. Radiation therapy can reduce hypostasis of eyes.
Reduction of an exercise stress. For minimization of palyshtation and increase of a cordial rhythm at a diffusion toxic craw it is necessary to limit an exercise stress.

This treatment means use of synthetic analogs of hormones of a thyroid gland for increase in their level in blood. It is regularly necessary to check the level of these hormones that it did not rise too highly, otherwise can develop гипергиреоз. Often appoint only thyroxine, but it is sometimes more reasonable to use a combination of thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Drug treatment. For reduction of the inflammation of a thyroid gland caused by pathology of a hypophysis or an autoimmune thyroiditis use antiinflammatory drugs. At first appoint non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and if they are insufficiently effective, then apply a cortisone. For relief of symptoms beta-blockers also help.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Dysfunction of a thyroid gland:

  • Препарат Цитомед.


    Drugs for treatment of a thyroid gland. Hormones of a thyroid gland.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Йодокомб® 50/150 / Йодокомб® 75/150.

    Ë«ñ«¬«¼í® 50/150/Йодокомб® 75/1

    Thyroid means.

    Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany

  • Препарат Тиреоидеа композитум.

    Tireoidea compositum

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья