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Nasal bleeding


Nasal bleeding (эпистаксис) — bleeding from a nasal cavity which can usually be seen at the expiration of blood through nostrils. Distinguish two types of nasal bleedings: front (most frequent) and back (less frequent, but requiring bigger attention from the doctor). Sometimes, in more hard cases, blood can climb the lacrimonasal channel and follow outside through an eye-socket. The fresh and turned blood can also flow down in a stomach, provoking nausea and vomiting. Nasal bleeding extremely seldom comes to an end with a lethal outcome; so, in the USA for 1999 only 4 death from an epistaksis from 2,4 million death are recorded.  Perhaps, the most known death from nasal bleeding — the death of Attila who choked with blood in a dream after a rough feast concerning own wedding.

Symptoms Nasal bleeding:

Nasal bleedings develop at damage of blood vessels with which it is rich mucous nasal cavities. Damage can be spontaneous or caused by an injury. Nasal bleedings arise at 60% of the population with the largest frequency in age groups up to 10 years and 50 years are more senior, is more often at men, than at women. Bleedings against the background of arterial hypertension are more long. Therapy by anticoagulants and diseases of blood can both cause эпистаксис, and to increase its duration. At advanced age nasal bleedings develop more often in connection with drier and a thin mucous nasal cavity, an age tendency to arterial hypertension, smaller ability of vessels to reduction.

At 90-95% of patients a source of an epistaksis is the anteroinferior department of a nasal partition (Kisselbakhovo a texture), in 5-10% of observations — average and back departments of a nasal cavity. "Alarm" nasal bleedings of which suddenness of the beginning, short duration and big blood loss is characteristic are dangerous. Alarm bleedings can be caused by a rupture of a large blood vessel in a nasal cavity, bones of a facial skull, a rupture of aneurism, the breaking-up malignant tumor. Also bleeding from a nose can be observed at pulmonary bleeding (scarlet, foamy blood), upper parts of digestive tract (dark, curtailed).

Reasons Nasal bleeding:

The reasons of nasal bleedings can be divided into two groups — local and system factors.
Local factors:

The most widespread factors:

    * Nose injury
    * Foreign bodys (including "kovyryaniye in a nose")
    * Inflammatory processes (SARS, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis etc.)

Other possible reasons:

    * Anatomic deformations (for example, telangiectasias at a disease of Rendyu — Oslera)
    * Inhalation of drugs (especially cocaine)
    * Nasal cavity tumors (nasopharyngeal carcinoma, etc.)
    * Low relative humidity of the inhaled air (especially during the winter period)
    * Use of a nasal oxygen catheter (drains mucous nasal cavities)
    * Use of nasal spray (especially steroid)
    * Barotrauma
    * Operative measure (plastics of a nasal partition, etc.)

System factors:

The most widespread factors

    * Allergy
    * Arterial hypertension
    * Catarrhal diseases

Other possible reasons:

    * Side effects of medicines (NPVS)
    * Alcohol intake (causes vasodilatation)
    * Blood diseases (anemias, hemoblastoses, ITP etc.)
    * Deficit of C or K vitamin
    * Heart failure
    * General diseases of connecting fabric
    * Diseases of vessels

Treatment Nasal bleeding:

Sit down directly and bend forward. Keeping vertical position, you reduce blood pressure in nasal veins. It promotes the termination of bleeding. The inclination allows to avoid swallowing blood forward that can lead to irritation of a stomach.
Hold a nose fingers. Big and index fingers press nose wings to a partition. You breathe through the mouth. Continue to hold a nose within 5-10 min. This reception allows to press the bleeding site of a nasal partition and often helps to stop a wound.
For the prevention of repeated bleeding it is not recommended to pick a nose or to blow nose. Also inclinations forward within several hours after a bleeding stop are not recommended. The head has to remain higher than the level of heart.
At repeated bleeding: vigorously blow the nose to exempt the nasal courses from clots, and irrigate both nostrils with antiedematous nasal spray (африн, neo-sinefrin, etc.). Hold a nose in the way described above and call the doctor.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment Nasal bleeding:

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