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Deficit of vitamin D


Deficit of vitamin D  at children can be shown in the form of rickets (the most frequent reason of rickets) at which deformation of bones of the lower extremities is observed. Insufficiency of vitamin D at adults leads to osteomalacy that is shown by a weak mineralization of a bone matrix. At adults similar disturbances are followed by chronic muscle pains.

Vitamin D is extremely important for an obesepecheniye of exchange of calcium in an organism and maintenance of a normality of a bone skeleton. The term "vitamin D" combines in itself two kinds of vitamin - D2 vitamin and D3 vitamin. The D3 vitamin also known as cholecalciferol is synthesized in skin under the influence of ultraviolet or comes to an organism with food, usually with fat fish. The D2 vitamin also known as ergocalciferol, is received from radiant mushrooms, for example, of yeast. Both forms of vitamin - both D2, and D3 are used for enrichment of foodstuff or are a part of polyvitamins. The researches conducted in the past showed that D3 vitamin is more effective in ensuring normal need for vitamin D. 2, 3 Nevertheless, the recent research conducted by Holick and colleagues showed, as D2, and D3 in a daily dose 1000 ME are almost equivalent concerning increase in concentration 25 (OH) of D in plasma and fabrics.

Symptoms of Deficit of vitamin D:

Insufficiency of vitamin D often proceeds asymptomatically. As it was already mentioned earlier, deficit of vitamin D at children can be shown in the form of rachitic deformation of a skeleton. Insufficiency of vitamin D at adults leads to osteomalacy that is shown by a weak mineralization of a bone matrix. At adults similar disturbances are followed by chronic muscle pains.

Food deficit of vitamin D is the most common cause of rickets. The rare genetically caused forms of rickets develop at defects of metabolism of vitamin D. Vitamin - D-dependent rickets of the I type arises because of defect renal 25-гидроксивитамин-D-1-альфа-гидроксилазы that leads to sharp decrease in education 1,25 (OH) 2 D. Vitamin - D-dependent rickets of the II type arises because of a mutation in VDR.

On survey. At children with heavy insufficiency of vitamin D characteristic deformations of bones, first of all the lower extremities are obvious.
In adults with a severe form of insufficiency of vitamin D survey can find morbidity of a periosteum, the most indicative when pressing a breast and a first line of tibia.

Reasons of Deficit of vitamin D:

    * Inadequate influence of sunshine leads to a lack of synthesis of vitamin D of skin. The persons which are contained in nursing homes or it is long being on hospitalization, are most subject to risk.
    * Vitamin D absorption disturbance (malabsorption) - the risk is increased at the persons who transferred an enterectomy. The diseases connected with vitamin D absorption disturbance include a Gee's disease, a spra, a syndrome of the shortened small bowel and an amyloidosis.
    * Low content of vitamin D in maternal milk - American Academy of Pediatrics recommends addition to a diet of drugs of vitamin D, since two-month age, for the babies who are contained only on breastfeeding.
    * Drugs - Some medicines can promote deficit of vitamin D. For example, Dilantinum, phenobarbital, rifampicin and some other stimulate liver enzymes of the P450 system  to acceleration of a catabolism of vitamin D.

Treatment of Deficit of vitamin D:

Vitamin D is a part of many polyvitaminic drugs or is produced in the form of the special drugs containing only active forms of vitamin D: Akvadetrim (aqueous solution of vitamin D), Ostetriol, Alfad3 and so forth.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Deficit of vitamin D:

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