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Caloric content of apricots

Калорийность абрикосов - 55 ккал на 100 граммApricot – a woody plant of a sort of Plum of family Pink, yielding small fruits from pale yellow till bright orange color with a large stone. China from where apricots extended worldwide is considered the homeland of this fruit. Today apricots grow preferential in the countries with a temperate climate. Fruit are vitamin-rich, micro and the macrocells necessary for normal functioning of an organism. Apricots which caloric content is extremely low are excellent fruit for weight loss, allowing to eat tasty, to fill balance of useful substances and at the same time effectively to lose weight. How many calories in apricots? How to make the menu of an apricot diet?

Apricots: caloric content, nutriyentny structure, useful properties

Apricots which caloric content reaches 55 calories support a number of the major micro and macrocells that defines useful properties of these fruit. For a long time apricots were used in traditional medicine. Today apricots are applied as alternative means to elimination of locks, an indigestion, anemia (the anemia, is provoked by a lack of iron of an organism), fevers, skin diseases.

Introduction of apricots which caloric content is rather low to a diet will allow to normalize the GIT function, a metabolism, cardiac performance, to improve the general state of health, complexion.

Nutriyentny structure of apricots (caloric content – to 55 calories) in 100 g of a product:

  • Proteins – 0,9g;
  • Fats – 0,1g;
  • Carbohydrates – 10,8g.

Apricots which caloric content fluctuates from 41 to 55 calories depending on the content of sugars contain vitamins:

  • Beta carotene – vitamin A, powerful antioxidant, participates in protein synthesis, normalizes a metabolism, interferes with adjournment of fats, slows down processes of aging of an organism;
  • Е – the important element participating in reproduction processes, an immunomodulator, antioxidant;
  • With – powerful antioxidant, a coenzyme of metabolic processes, participates in processes of transformation of cholesterol into bile acids, immunomodulation;
  • B1 – thiamin, promotes the normal growth and development of an organism, recovers cordial function, normalizes activity of nervous and digestive systems;
  • B2 – Riboflavinum, one of the major vitamins, a coenzyme of many biochemical reactions in an organism, is applied at anemias, diabetes, cirrhosis, GIT dysfunction;
  • B3 – Niacinum, RR, participates in metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, amino acids, purines, reduces concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides in blood, expands small blood vessels (including a brain);
  • B9 – folic acid, a necessary element for growth and development of immune and circulatory systems, promotes education and maintenance of viability of new cells (it is especially important in the period of embryonic development).

Apricots which caloric content is extremely low at rich vitamin structure at the regular use contribute to natural normalization of metabolism of fats, a metabolism that gradually leads to normalization of weight. At fresh apricots caloric content is lower, than at the dried-up fruit.

Apricots contain the following macrocells:

  • Calcium – the major element for an organism, renders antistressorny effect, brings out of an organism of salt of heavy metals, is a probiotic and antioxidant;
  • Potassium – the basic element supporting water and acid-base balance of an organism activates enzymes, normalizes action of the heart, promotes removal of excess liquid from an organism;
  • Magnesium – the participant of many biochemical processes of an organism, such, as: synthesis of enzymes, proteins, energy development;
  • Phosphorus – an important element, stimulates activity of a brain and cardiovascular system;
  • Sodium – the microelement providing passing of nervous impulses, regulating a water balance.

Introduction to a diet of a small amount of apricots which caloric content can be neglected even during a diet provides an organism with the major elements for normal life activity, and also allows to avoid a physical and psychological stress with an insufficient value of food. As we already told above, in the course of observance of a diet it is necessary to consider that at the dried-up apricots caloric content is much higher.

Apricots contain iodine, cobalt, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine. At low contents in an apricot of calories one fruit provides an organism with standard daily rate of the iron necessary for normal functioning of an organism.Абрикосовая диета - быстрая эффективная монодиета

Apricot: calories and principles of weight reduction

At the low level of contents in apricots of calories, fruit are rich with the cellulose and pectins possessing soft laxative action and promoting clarification of an organism. For treatment of chronic locks, normalization of a vermicular movement of intestines to patients recommend to use apricots. Caloric content of this fruit is really low, and considering a metabolic cost of an organism on digestion and assimilation of a portion, the calories which are contained in apricots can be neglected at all.

However apricots do not promote bystry weight loss. The basic principle of bystry weight reduction at an apricot diet consists in laxative effect and clarification of an organism. Fatty deposits are not split for so short term. The regular use of apricots, apricot juice and compotes promotes gradual acceleration of lipidic exchange, burning of fatty deposits.

The effect reached during apricot diets needs to be set by complex change of a diet and diet.

Apricot diet: menu, rules of observance

The apricot diet belongs to the category of bystry monodiets which menu offers apricots as the main ingredient of all dishes. The menu of a diet includes:

  • Freshly squeezed apricot juice;
  • Salads from apricots;
  • Apricot cream soup;
  • Water the cleared not gassy;
  • Green tea.

Despite the fact that how many calories in apricots, the standard daily rate of fruit of all dishes should not exceed 1,5kg. Also it is possible to enter up to 100 g of dried apricots into a diet. At observance of a diet it is also necessary to remember that at fresh apricots caloric content is much lower, than at the dried-up fruit (to 220 calories in 100 g).

It is necessary to keep to an apricot diet with extra care, in order to avoid diarrhea. Those who did not try a monodiet are recommended to spend one fasting day on apricots, watching reaction of an organism. In the absence of heartburn, diarrhea, dizziness and other reactions of an organism, nutritionists recommend to pass directly to an apricot diet.

Considering how many calories in apricots, the menu of a monodiet can be expanded. For seasoning of salad from apricots it is possible to use honey or to fill in small cut fruit segments with juice with small addition of sugar. Efficiency of a diet on apricots – to 1 kg a day.

Apricots which caloric content is small can be entered into a diet of other diets, using fresh fruit with natural yogurts for the second breakfast, an afternoon snack or as an alternative to a dinner. Use of such cocktail instead of a dinner at a usual diet also promotes effective weight reduction.

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