Traumatic neuritis
- Description
- Symptoms of Traumatic neuritis
- Reasons of Traumatic neuritis
- Treatment of Traumatic neuritis
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see also:
- Polyneuritis
- Optic neuritis
- Neuritis
- Neuritis of a facial nerve
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Traumatic neuritis is a disease of a nervous root of traumatic genesis.

Injury of a beam nerve (neuritis of a beam nerve) to the place of a fracture of humeral bone.
Symptoms of Traumatic neuritis:
Traumatic neuritis (post-injection) depending on level and type of injury of a nerve, will be shown by a variety of symptoms: disturbances of movements (paresis, paralysis) in this or that muscle or group of muscles, numbness, sensitivity changes (strengthening, easing or a perversion).
Often traumatic neuritis at changes meets or dislocation of bones and joints of extremities in connection with their anatomic proximity. After diagnosis of level of damage of a nerve begin treatment taking into account symptoms of damage of a nervous root.
The traumatic neuritis causing resistant painful symptomatology (neuralgia), or a hypesthesia (decrease in sensitivity) or paresis of muscles (decrease in force) demands time and patience and well gives in to treatment.
Wounds of such large nerve as sciatic nerve seldom happen full. More often more this or that portion of a sciatic nerve suffers.
Reasons of Traumatic neuritis:
Traumatic neuritis arises after a mechanical injury of a nerve:
* operations
* wounds, including after a drug injection
* blows and long crossclampings
* fractures of bones and dislocations of joints
Treatment of Traumatic neuritis:
Treatment at traumatic neuritis is selected individually in each case. It includes a complex of conservative procedures:
* acupuncture
* stimulation of a nerve and muscles
* vitamins of group "B", "C" and "E"
* antiviral drugs
* homeopathic remedies
* operational treatment (neurolysis of a nervous trunk, etc.)