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Retrobulbar neuritis


At retrobulbar neuritis inflammatory process is localized throughout an optic nerve behind an eyeglobe to a hiazma.

In an initial stage of a disease oftalmoskopichesky symptoms from an optic disk are absent and only in the late period when atrophic changes in fibers of an optic nerve develop, blanching of a disk, vasoconstriction is found.

Symptoms of Retrobulbar neuritis:

Main symptoms of a retrobulbar optic neuritis:

· Various extent of decrease in sight,  restriction of peripheral sight, emergence  of losses, patches of light and spots under review (scotomas);

· Decrease or a perversion of perception of color, is more often green and red;

· Disturbance of adaptation to darkness (process of recovery, accustoming  of sight in the conditions of the twilight).

Reasons of Retrobulbar neuritis:

The factors promoting developing of retrobulbar neuritis.
1. The immune system experiences excessive stimulation for a long time and is exhausted. The reasons - a stress, deficit of a dream, exhaustion, surgery, frequent flights, solar radiation, etc.
2. An infection viral (most often), without encountering immunity resistance, gets from mucous membranes into internal environments of an organism, into fabrics.
3. Weakened, but "zastimulirovanny" immunity issues insufficiently selective answer – distinguishes a microbe, and destroys tissue of an optic nerve (autoimmune aggression). If aggression of immune system is thrown and on brain tissue – multiple sclerosis develops.

Treatment of Retrobulbar neuritis:

The main direction of therapy of neuritis (intra-and retrobulbar) has to be etiopato-genetic depending on the established cause of illness, however in practice it is possible to establish it not always. First of all appoint:

    * antibiotics of a penicillinic row and a broad spectrum of activity, it is undesirable to apply streptomycin and other antibiotics of this group;
    * sulfanamide drugs;
    * antihistamines;
    * local hormonal (couple - and retrobulbar) therapy, in hard cases — the general;
    * complex anti-virus therapy at a virus etiology of a disease: antiviral drugs (acyclovir, ганцикловир, etc.) and interferono-genesis inductors (Poludanum, pyrogenal, амиксин); use of corticosteroids is a controversial issue;
    * symptomatic therapy: dezintoksitsionny means (glucose, Haemodesum, реополиглюкин); the drugs improving oxidation-reduction and exchange processes; vitamins C and groups B.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Retrobulbar neuritis:

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