Neuritis of a third cranial nerve
- Description
- Symptoms of Neuritis of a third cranial nerve
- Reasons of Neuritis of a third cranial nerve
- Treatment of Neuritis of a third cranial nerve
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see also:
- Polyneuritis
- Optic neuritis
- Neuritis
- Neuritis of a facial nerve
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Neuritis of the oculomotor device in the isolated look meets seldom.
Symptoms of Neuritis of a third cranial nerve:
Clinical picture: a ptosis, a mydriasis with lack of all pupillary tests, accommodation paralysis (impossibility of reading), the dispersing and vertical squint, doubling.
As parasympathetic fibers of a third cranial nerve are located to a sphincter of a pupil most superficially, the first sign of damage of a nerve is the mydriasis.
Unlike defeat of a kernel at encephalitis when one functions of a nerve at safety of others can drop out, at neuritis of the oculomotor device there is a total damage of a nerve. The ptosis at Bernard's syndrome - Horner is always less expressed. Differentiation with a myasthenia is based on a neuritis unilaterality, lack of positive prozerinovy test and other myasthenic manifestations (including elektromiografichesky).
Reasons of Neuritis of a third cranial nerve:
Intracranial and inside orbital tumors, aneurisms internal sleepy and back connecting arteries, a diabetes mellitus are the most frequent reasons of neuritis of the oculomotor device.

Area of an innervation of a third cranial nerve
Treatment of Neuritis of a third cranial nerve:
At treatment of neuritis of third cranial nerves apply acupuncture (IRT). Acupuncture is carried out on the first - second to option of an exciting method in local points and by the second option of a brake method in the remote points.