DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Gastroenterology Not ulcer dyspepsia

Not ulcer dyspepsia


Synonyms of not ulcer dyspepsia: stomach dyskinesia, angry stomach, essential dyspepsia, neurotic gastritis, stomach neurosis, functional syndrome of an upper part of a stomach, functional dyspepsia.

Functional (not ulcer) dyspepsia is considered chronic if from the beginning of its emergence there pass more than 3 months.

Symptoms of Not ulcer dyspepsia:

Not ulcer dyspepsia can have several options of manifestation. It: yazvennopodobny, reflyuksopodobny, diskinetichesky, nonspecific.

Regardless of the prevailing this or that option of not ulcer dyspepsia, existence of "a vegetative syndrome" of different degree of manifestation is characteristic. The vegetative syndrome can be shown by bystry fatigue, a sleep disorder, decrease in working capacity, periodically arising feeling of heat, perspiration, "irritation" of a bladder (a frequent urination in the small portions).

Lack of a vegetative syndrome demonstrates existence of organic pathology rather.

For yazvennopodobny not ulcer dyspepsia megalgias or feeling of pressure in epigastric area or on the right at the level of a navel, arising spontaneously, or in one-two hours after meal are characteristic. It can sometimes be "night" or "toshchakovy" pains which decrease or disappear in time or after food. Secretory function of a stomach is usually increased.

The following symptoms are most characteristic of reflyuksopodobny option of not ulcer dyspepsia: heartburn, especially at inclinations forward and in horizontal position, after food; pains behind a breast with short-term relief after soda reception; nausea, dull aches and feeling of weight in epigastric area. Gastric secretion, as a rule, raised. Communication between emergence of these symptoms or their expressiveness and reception of spicy and acid food (marinades, mustard, pepper), alcoholic beverages is observed. This option proceeds cyclically more often: the periods of aggravations, different in duration, are replaced by spontaneous disappearance of all symptoms.

The Diskinetichesky option of not ulcer dyspepsia is connected generally with motor disturbances of activity of a stomach and intestines and reminds a picture of chronic gastritis. It is shown by feeling of weight and completeness in epigastric area, bystry saturation during food, intolerance of different types of food, pains poured with various intensity on all stomach, nausea.

Sometimes, at a small number of patients with not ulcer dyspepsias the main complaint is the frequent painful eructation air (aerophagia). Its distinctive features is that it loud, arises irrespective of meal, is more often at nervous excitement. This eructation does not give relief, it amplifies at meal, especially bystry. The eructation can be combined with cardialgias and disturbances of a cordial rhythm in the form of premature ventricular contraction, feeling of weight in epigastric area.

At a half of patients not ulcer dyspepsia can be transformed to organic pathology: reflux esophagitis, chronic gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer.

Reasons of Not ulcer dyspepsia:

Understand the digestion disturbances connected with diseases of a gullet, stomach and intestines, not ulcer as the term "not ulcer dyspepsia", is more often — a functional origin.

Treatment of Not ulcer dyspepsia:

Treatment of not ulcer dyspepsias is based on features of option of manifestation and is in essence symptomatic.

For decrease in secretory function of a stomach or its neutralization at "an atsidizm syndrome" — i.e. heartburn, an eructation acid, the pains in epigastric area which are stopped after reception of alkalis, arising against the background of the increased gastric secretion also showed use of a pirenzepin. Purpose of drug is caused by features of its pharmacodynamics, in particular, rather low bioavailability, insignificant penetration through a blood-brain barrier, lack of the expressed interindividual fluctuations in absorption, distribution and elimination of drug, a low metabolic rate in a liver.

Pirenzepin slows down evacuation of contents from a stomach, however unlike other atropinopodobny drugs, does not affect a tone of the lower esophageal sphincter that, thus, excludes danger of emergence or strengthening of gastroesophageal throwing.
Treatment duration at not ulcer dyspepsias is small — from 10 days to 3-4 weeks.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Not ulcer dyspepsia:

  • Препарат Лансазол.


    Inhibitors of the protonew pump.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Итоприд .


    Other means for treatment of functional disorders of digestive tract.

    PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s. (Missile defense. MED.TSS, Prague, a.o.) Czech Republic

  • Препарат Барол.


    Means for treatment of a round ulcer and a gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    Mega Lifescienses (MEGA of Layfsayns) Australia

  • Препарат Ганатон.


    Motility of a GIT a stimulator — emission acetylcholine a stimulator.

    Abbott Laboratories (Abbott Leboratoriz) Netherlands

  • Препарат Итопра®.


    Motility of a GIT a stimulator — emission acetylcholine a stimulator.


  • Препарат Лансопразол.


    Inhibitors of the protonew pump.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Ранитидин.


    Antiulcerous drugs. Blockers histamine H2 receptors.

    LLC Kusum Pharm Ukraine

  • Препарат Гастро-норм.


    Means for treatment of a round ulcer.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Ультоп®.


    Antiulcerous means. Inhibitors of "the proton pump".

    Krka Slovenia

  • Препарат Ранитидин 0,15г N10/№10х2.

    N10/№10х ranitidine 0,15g

    Means for treatment of a round ulcer and a gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Фамотидин-Здоровье табл. по 0,02г. №10.

    Famotidin-Zdorovye the tab. on 0,02g. No.

    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Омепразол.


    Means for treatment of a round ulcer. Inhibitors of "the proton pump".

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Викалин.


    The knitting, enveloping and antiacid means.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Фамотидин.


    Antiulcerous drugs. H2 - antihistamines.

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Сайт детского здоровья