
Producer: Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J01XE03
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: фуразидин;
1 tablet contains a furazidin in terms of dry matter of 50 mg;
excipients: tsellaktoza 80, potato starch, magnesium stearate, twin-80 (polysorbate 80).
Pharmacological properties:
Furagin treats group of antimicrobic means - nitrofuran derivatives which have a wide range of antimicrobic action. Exerts impact on various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and in some cases growth of the microorganisms steady against streptocides and antibiotics detains. The mechanism of antimicrobic effect of drug is connected with recovery
nitrogroups in an amino group. At the same time got into condition drug exert direct impact on cellular macromolecules and transport of electrons in a microbic cell. Interacting at the level of DNA, causes gaps and mutations in it that leads to disturbance of its biological function. It is supposed also what got into condition drug oxidizes a row of enzymatic systems of microorganisms. In relation to some microorganisms the antimicrobic effect of Furagin is higher, than other nitrofurans. Drug is especially active at infections of uric ways.
Indications to use:
Furagin appoint at treatment of acute and chronic pyelonephritises, cystitis, uretrit.
Route of administration and doses:
Furagin appoint inside, after food, washing down with a large amount of water in a dose 100 — 200 mg 2 — 3 times a day. To children 5 years are more senior (body weight from 20 kg) appoint 5-7 mg/kg of body weight in a daily dose. Depending on a form and expressiveness of a disease the course of treatment makes 7-10 days. If necessary and lack of side effects the course of treatment can be repeated in 10-15 days. For prevention drug is appointed on 50 mg (1 tablet) of 1 times a day (preferably in the evening) At overdose acute toxic hepatitis, a gematotoksichnost can be observed, (hemolitic or megaloblastichesky anemia, a leukopenia), the neurotoxicity (hemolitic or megaloblastichesky anemia, a leukopenia), a neurotoxicity, (nolinevrit). In this case it is necessary to stop administration of drug, to wash out a stomach and will see a doctor.
Features of use:
With care appoint inside at disturbances of a functional condition of kidneys, at deficit of a fosfatdegidrogenaza. Cautions at use. With care appoint inside at disturbances of a functional condition of kidneys, and also a sick diabetes mellitus as against the background of use reparathat can will appear polyneuropathy symptoms. Do not recommend to appoint Furagin at an urosepsis, and also at an infection of a parenchyma of kidneys. During Furagin's use false positive results of definition of glucose in urine with use of solutions of Benedict and Felinga can be observed. The results of definition of glucose in urine executed by euzymatic methods
remain correct. During prolonged treatment by Furagin it is necessary to control periodically the level of leukocytes in blood, and also indicators of function of a liver and kidneys. Furagin does not influence the speed of psychomotor reactions therefore he is appointed to patients whose activity requires special attention. Before an initiation of treatment it is necessary to consult to the doctor!
Side effects:
Decrease or loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea, sometimes vomiting, pains in a stomach, dizziness, allergic reactions are possible. The neurotoxic phenomena – a headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, the general weakness, the increased perspiration are sometimes observed. In the described cases the dose of drug is reduced or reception it is stopped. Side effects decrease at administration of drug only after food and at the use of a large amount of liquid. At prolonged use in high doses, and also in case of long treatment of a decompensation of cordial activity, alcoholism the polyneuritis can arise small doses at decrease in secretory function of kidneys. At insufficient function of a liver, and also hereditary deficit of enzymes of erythrocytes of a pentozofosfatny cycle in case of prolonged treatment or use in high doses acute hemolitic anemia can develop. In case of any unusual reactions surely consult to the doctor of rather further use of drug!
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use with drugs of group of tetracycline potentiation of effects of drug is observed; in combination with erythromycin, Fusidinum, nystatin, levorinum - summing; with Ristomycinum, levomycetinum, polymyxins, streptocides of long and superlong action, Acidum nalidixicum - decrease in a cooperative effect. Antacids reduce activity of drug due to drug absorption reduction. At simultaneous use of derivatives of nitrofuran with 8-
oxyquinoline nitroxoline, Enteroseptolum and drugs supporting him note summing of neurotoxic effect of these drugs. It is impossible to use drug with indirect adrenomimetika (ephedrine, Phenaminum), anorexigenic drugs (Phepranonum), MAO inhibitors, with alakholy. If you accept any other medicines, surely consult with the doctor concerning a possibility of use of drug.
The increased individual sensitivity to a furagin (idiosyncrasy). Drug is contraindicated to use between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy and during feeding by a breast. Children's age up to 5 years (the body weight is up to 20 kg).
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 4 years. Not to apply after the termination of the period of validity specified on packaging! To store in original packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets No. 10 in the blister, 3 blisters in a pack.