Autoimmune neutropenia
- Description
- Reasons of an autoimmune neutropenia
- Symptoms of an autoimmune neutropenia
- Treatment of an autoimmune neutropenia
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The neutropenia is a fall of the contents of neutrophils in peripheral blood lower than 500 cells on 1 мкл blood.
Neutrophils are microphages, are one of kinds of white blood cells, play an important role in fight of an organism against alien objects.
Falling of number of neutrophils till 1000 on 1 мкл leads to sharp decrease in immunity and increase in predisposition to infections if number of neutrophils less than 200 cells on 1 мкл blood, cease to develop an inflammation as response to alien objects.

Neutrophils in a blood smear
Reasons of an autoimmune neutropenia:
Among autoimmune neutropenias distinguish symptomatic, idiopathic and medicinal. Autoantibodies which are capable both to agglutinate act as a pathogenetic factor of autoimmune neutropenias, and to lyse granulocytes. Medicinal autoimmune neutropenias are capable to develop concerning analginum, pyramidon, Butadionum, sulfanamide, antitubercular and other drugs. At this form of a neutropenia medicines act as haptens of those factors which cause autoimmunization of an organism and products of antibodies. Symptomatic neutropenias are observed at a pseudorheumatism, autoimmune diseases of endocrine organs, a scleroderma, a dermatomyositis, disturbances of a limfomiyelopoez. Idiopathic autoimmune neutropenias can be caused as the antibodies directed against mature granulocytes and antibodies against progenitors of granulocytes.
Symptoms of an autoimmune neutropenia:
Autoimmune idiopathic neutropenias can have the slow progressing or recurrent current. The neutropenias which are followed by sharp reduction of number of predecessors of granulocytes in marrow, as a rule, proceed hard. Among complications of neutropenias bacterial infections which are capable to lead to a generalized infection are main. For identification of antileukocytic antibodies use reaction of a leykogglyutination and the antitelozavisimy cytotoxic test.
Treatment of an autoimmune neutropenia:
In treatment of patients with neutropenias use: 1. Glucocorticosteroid drugs. They stimulate a leukopoiesis and brake products of antileukocytic antibodies. 2. Leukopoiesis stimulators: лейкомакс, granotsit, нейпоген, pentoxyl. 3. At the expressed intoxication carry out disintoxication therapy. 4. For prevention of infectious complications sick appoint antibiotics. As a rule, an antibioticotherapia is carried out before normalization of quantity of leukocytes. Transfusion of leukocytic weight at an autoimmune granulocytopenia is not shown. During remissions sanatorium treatment in sanatoria with a medical profile is recommended: treatment of autoimmune diseases.