Doctor Tayss Rinotayss

Producer: Dr. THEISS NATURWAREN, GmbH (Dr. Tayss Naturvaren, Gmbh") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AA07
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Spray.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: xylomethazolinum hydrochloride of 0,100 g
Sodium dihydrophosphate of 0,250 g
Dinatrium hydrophosphate of 0,250 g
Sodium chloride of 0,400 g
Sorbitol solution of 70 % 3,000 g
Benzalkoniya chloride solution of 0,10 % 10,000 g
Eucalyptus oil of 0,090 g
The water purified 85,910 g.
Pharmacological properties:
Xylomethazolinum concerns to group of local vasoconstrictors (decongestants) with an alpha adrenomimeticheskoy activity, causes narrowing of blood vessels of a mucous membrane of a nose, eliminating, thus, hypostasis and a hyperemia of a mucous membrane of a nose, recovers passability of the nasal courses, facilitates nasal breath.
Effect of drug comes in a few minutes after its use and continues till 10 o'clock.
Pharmacokinetics. At topical administration drug is practically not soaked up therefore concentration in a blood plasma is very small (by modern analytical methods is not defined).
Indications to use:
It is applied at acute respiratory diseases with the phenomena of rhinitis (cold), acute allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, at average otitis (as a part of a combination therapy to reduction of hypostasis of a mucous nasopharynx), to simplification of carrying out a rinoskopiya.
Route of administration and doses:
If it is not offered differently, to adults and children 6 years are more senior: on one injection in each nasal course (if necessary it is possible to repeat); there is usually enough 3-4 injections a day.
Important: not to exceed the recommended dose! Especially it concerns patients of advanced age and children.
Thanks to existence of the raspylitelny device Doctor Tayss Rinotayss is evenly distributed on all mucosal surface of a cover of a nasal cavity. For the best distribution of drug the bottle when using needs to be held vertically a nose up. The bottle nose is serially placed in each nasal course, sharply pressed once on the sprayer. Air is involved by a nose during injection.
If improvements after a course of treatment are not observed, for example, in case of a chronic inflammation of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity, it is possible to continue administration of drug only after consultation with the doctor.
Not to use drug without interruption more than 5 days.
Features of use:
It is not necessary to apply for a long time, for example, at chronic rhinitis.
Influence on ability to manage the vehicle or the equipment: Xylomethazolinum in the dosages exceeding recommended can influence ability to manage the vehicle or the equipment.
Side effects:
At frequent and/or prolonged use - irritation and/or dryness of a mucous membrane of a nasopharynx, burning, a pricking, sneezing, hypersecretion; seldom - a rhinedema, vomiting, a headache, heartbeat, increase in arterial pressure, sleeplessness, a vision disorder, a depression (at prolonged use of high doses).
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthening of systemic action at simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants is possible.
Hypersensitivity to xylomethazolinum, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, the expressed atherosclerosis, glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, a hyperthyroidism, surgical interventions on a meninx (in the anamnesis), pregnancy, the lactation period, children's age up to 6 years.
Not to apply at therapy of MAO and tricyclic antidepressants. With care - at a diabetes mellitus.
Symptoms: strengthening of side effects.
Treatment: symptomatic under observation of the doctor.
Interaction with other drugs:
Strengthening of systemic action at simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants is possible.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Polyethylene bottle with the 10 ml raspylitelny device with a nose and the screwing-up cover, in a cardboard box with the enclosed instruction.