Компливит® Diabetes

Producer: JSC Pharmstandart Russia
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
The name and amount of active ingredients in one tablet |
% of ATN ** |
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) |
60 mg |
86 |
Flavonoids (extract of a ginkgo of a bilob) |
16 mg |
53 |
Magnesium (in the form of magnesium of hydroortho-phosphate 3-water) |
27,9 mg |
7 |
Rutinum |
25 mg |
83 |
Lipoic acid |
25 mg |
83 |
RR vitamin (niacinamide) |
20 mg |
100 |
Vitamin E * (a-tocopherol acetate) |
15 mg |
150 |
B5 vitamin * (calcium pantothenate) |
15 mg |
300 |
Zinc (in the form of oxide zinc) |
7,5 mg |
50 |
B1 vitamin * (thiamin hydrochloride) |
2 mg |
133 |
B2 vitamin * (Riboflavinum) |
2 mg |
111 |
B6 vitamin (pyridoxine hydrochloride) |
2 mg |
100 |
Vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) |
1 mg |
100 |
Folic acid * |
400 mkg |
200 |
Chrome * (in the form of chloride chrome) |
100 mkg |
200 |
D-biotin |
50 mkg |
100 |
Selenium (in the form of selenit sodium) |
50 mkg |
71 |
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) |
3 mkg |
100 |
* contents does not exceed top tolerance level of consumption
** the recommended daily requirement
Excipients: lactose (sugar milk), sorbite food (Е 420), potato starch, cellulose microcrystallic (Е 460), povidone (Е 1201), gidroksipropilmetiltsellyuloza (Е 464), talc (Е 553), titanium dioxide (Е 171), poly(ethylene oxide) (Е 1521), magnesium stearate (Е 470), dye indigo carmine (Е 132), dye quinolinic yellow (Е 104).
Description: tablets of a biconvex form, coated, from light green till dark green color.
Pharmacological properties:
Action КОМПЛИВИТ® DIABETES is caused by properties of the components which are a part (according to literary data):
Vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) participates in formation of rhodopsins, is necessary for twilight and color sight; for growth of bones, regulation of division and a differentiation of an epithelium. Its antioxidant activity interferes with development of late complications of a diabetes mellitus.
Vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) participates in processes of tissue respiration, metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, influences function of sexual and other hemadens, slows down processes of aging of body tissues. Vitamin E has the expressed antioxidant activity, providing protection of cellular membranes and preventing development of complications of a diabetes mellitus.
B1 vitamin (thiamin a hydrochloride) plays an important role in proteinaceous, carbohydrate and a lipometabolism, and also in synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. Has neurotropic activity, participates in carrying out nervous impulse and a neuranagenesis, playing an important role in and delay of progressing of diabetic neuropathy.
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) participates in tissue respiration, in all types of exchange (carbohydrate, proteinaceous, fatty), in synthesis of erythropoetins, hemoglobin, is necessary for normal functioning of a crystalline lens and fabrics, the most sensitive to a lack of oxygen (brain); protects an eye retina from ultraviolet radiation.
B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride) takes part in protein metabolism and synthesis of neurotransmitters, is necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Niacinamide (RR vitamin) participates in processes of tissue respiration, fatty and carbohydrate metabolism.
Folic acid takes part in synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids; it is necessary for a normal erythrogenesis, improves regeneration of the damaged fabrics.
Calcium pantothenate (B5 vitamin) participates in carbohydrate and a lipometabolism, synthesis of steroid hormones, improves power ensuring sokratitelny function of a myocardium, accelerates regeneration processes, participates in transfer of nervous impulses.
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) participates in synthesis of nucleotides, is an important factor of normal growth, a hemopoiesis and development of epithelial cells. Cyanocobalamine participates in formation of the myelin forming a cover of nerve fibrils. Increases ability of fabrics to regeneration.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, coagulability of blood, an angenesis; increases resistance of an organism to infections. Normalizes permeability of capillaries, participates in synthesis of steroid hormones, collagen, and also in immune responses. Strengthens disintoxication and belkovoobrazovatelny functions of a liver, increases synthesis of a prothrombin.
Rutinum has antioxidant properties, has angioprotektorny effect: reduces the speed of filtering of water in capillaries and their permeability for proteins. Promotes delay of development of a diabetic retinopathy, prevention of microthromboses and other damages of a retina of vascular genesis.
Lipoic acid – antioxidant, participates in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, promotes decrease in concentration of glucose in blood and to increase in maintenance of a glycogen in a liver, and also to overcoming insulin resistance. Improves a trophicity of neurons and reduces displays of diabetic neuropathy.
Biotin promotes growth of cells, participates in synthesis of fatty acids, in processes of digestion of other vitamins of group V. Biotin possesses insulinopodobny action, reducing blood glucose level. At a diabetes mellitus disturbance of exchange of biotin and, as a result, its deficit is observed.
Zinc is a part of a set of enzymes, participates in all types of exchange. Strengthens effect of insulin. Zinc participates in division and a differentiation of cells, stimulates processes of regeneration of skin and growth of hair, and also has immunomodulatory effect.
Magnesium participates in regulation of neuromuscular excitability, reduces excitability of neurons and slows down neuromuscular transmission, and also participates in many enzymatic reactions.
Chrome participates in regulation of level of glucose of blood, strengthens effect of insulin in all metabolic processes.
Selenium - the microelement which is a part of all cells of an organism. Provides antioxidant protection of cellular membranes, exponentiates effect of vitamin E, it is necessary for work of immune system. In combination with vitamins A, E and C possesses antioxidant action and improves adaptation features of an organism in the conditions of influence of extreme factors.
Extract of a ginkgo of a bilob improves cerebral circulation and supply of a brain with oxygen and glucose, contributes to normalization of mediator processes in the central nervous system. Has dozozavisimy vazoreguliruyushchy effect, regulating a krovonapolneniye of vessels. Improves a metabolism in bodies and fabrics, promotes increase in utilization of oxygen and glucose, and also possesses anti-hypoxemic action. Renders positive effect at disturbances of peripheric circulation, including at a diabetic mikroangiopatiya.
Indications to use:
КОМПЛИВИТ® DIABETES is recommended as dietary supplement to food for patients with a diabetes mellitus – an additional source of vitamins A, With, E, groups B (B1, B2, B6, B12, pantothenate calcium), niacinamide, folic acid, Rutinum, lipoic acid, biotin, mineral elements (selenium, zinc, magnesium, chrome), a source of flavonoids of a ginkgo of a bilob.
Route of administration and doses:
To adults and children 14 years on 1 tablet a day during food are more senior.
Reception duration - 1 month.
Features of use:
Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, feeding by a breast, an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, an acute myocardial infarction, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, erosive gastritis, to children up to 14 years.
Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Storage conditions:
In dry, protected from light, the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Is not medicine.
Implementation to the population through pharmacy chain and specialized departments of retail chain stores.
Period of validity - 2 years from the date of production. Not to use after a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablet weighing 682 mg.
On 30, 60 or 90 tablets in bank polymeric or on 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging. Each can or 3 blister strip packagings in a cardboard pack together with the application instruction.