Prevention of fungal infections
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Let's consider how prevention of fungus diseases - a trichophytosis, a microsporia and a favus is carried out. In view of considerable infectivity of patients with these forms of fungus diseases of skin early detection, i.e. the timely diagnosis of a disease, isolation of such patients and radical treatment are the main preventive actions. In this respect the crucial role for prevention of fungus diseases is played by medical examination of the diseased. If any of children gets sick, it is necessary to inspect carefully all family members, including adults, especially women. It is necessary to examine also the persons who are looking after the sick child. The look existing earlier about exclusively rare defeat of a pilar part of the head of adults is disproved (L. N. Mashkilleyson, A. M. Ariyevich, etc.). It was succeeded to establish that quite often in these cases sick mothers are a source of an infection of the children, and not vice versa, as believed earlier. From this follows how great preventive value has careful inspection of women in appropriate cases. It is necessary to make careful surveys of all children coming to child care facilities – in orphanages, gardens, a day nursery, schools, on platforms and so forth, for identification of patients with fungus diseases, and also periodic surveys of children at least once in 2–3 months. Surveys of school students before departure to camps are especially important in the summer and at return in the fall to school. Survey at receipt and periodic subsequent observation of service personnel of child care facilities is not less important. At the same time special attention should be paid on a possibility of damage of nails and palms and on a condition of a pilar part of the head, meaning that at adults the trichophytosis of a pilar part of the head sometimes proceeds in the form of a "innocent" peeling without clinically noticeable change of hair. In orphanages, gardens and a day nursery special attention should be paid to care of children. The head should not be washed in the general Tazy. It is better to use cranes with warm water, using at the same time liquid soap, but not the general for all pieces of soap. Children have to have separate beds, towels, napkins, etc.
What to do at suspicion on a fungus at children?
At the slightest suspicion on a possibility of a fungus disease consultation with the dermatologist and the analysis on fungi is necessary. Recognition works well at close-cut hair easier. If the sick child – the school student, it is necessary to inspect all children of that class in which he studies. The same concerns also other child care facilities. At suspicion on a fungus disease the child is forbidden to attend school or kindergarten. In orphanages before clarification of the diagnosis of such children it is necessary to place in the special fungal isolation center. Immediately after establishment of the diagnosis it is necessary to begin treatment, without allowing communication of the patient with healthy children at all. All objects to which the patient adjoined constitute danger concerning transmission of infection by another and reinfection for the most sick. All these things should be disinfected or destroyed.
Methods of disinfection of a fungus.
Disinfection in each case of a fungus disease has to be carried out during a disease and after recovery or isolation of the patient to medical institution. Outerwear and bedding of patients are disinfected in the paroformalinovy or steam-air camera, headdresses burn (except valuable which disinfect in the paroformalinovy camera). Bed and violent linen is disinfected by boiling within 15 min. At impossibility to carry out chamber disinfection these things repeatedly iron the hot iron (through a wet rag). The hair loss period is especially dangerous concerning spread of an infection. All dropped out and depilated it is necessary to burn. The patient from the moment of a disease before treatment has to carry on the head a cap from paper, matters or a kerchief. Paper caps change daily, old burn, made of cloth is periodically long (within an hour) boil in water with soda. Much attention needs to be paid to a sanitary and hygienic condition of hairdressing salons, baths and shower. In hairdressing salons metal objects (machines for a hairstyle, scissors) need to be disinfected carefully dry heat, other things – in formalin vapors. It is necessary to apply exclusively sterilized brushes, to give to each client fresh linen. It is reasonable to prohibit use of head brushes as they do not give in to disinfection. It is necessary to prohibit a hairstyle and shaving in hairdresser's patients with skin diseases of a pilar part of the head and the person without the corresponding note from the doctor. Patients with fungus diseases need to be cut at institutions which know their treatment (at dermatovenerologic clinics, hospitals, mycologic points, etc.). Hairdressers have to have monthly dermatological examination, and special attention the doctor has to pay on a condition of their nails and skin of palms. The sanitary minimum of hairdressers has to include acquaintance with fungus diseases. After visit by children of hairdressing salon they need to wash the head carefully.
The admission in institutions after the postponed fungus.
In child care facilities, including in school, the children who had mycoses can be allowed only in 5–6 weeks after baldness (as a result of an epilation) on condition of a negative take of microscopic examination. Patients are struck off the register in medical institution after growth of new healthy hair begins. As for cases when only smooth skin is affected, at localization of defeat on open parts it is necessary to isolate children before clinical and bacteriological treatment (on average for 6–7 days), and at defeats of the closed sites of skin – before disappearance of the clinical phenomena (on average for 3–4 days). At a disease of separate nails on hands the child can be allowed in child care facility only on condition of regular treatment, and also carrying napalechnik (it is better filar). At multiple damages of nails of the child it is necessary to isolate before full treatment. At the same time it is necessary to remember that mostly along with damage of nails other defeats by a fungus including on palms also are found in patients. Faces of service personnel of child care facilities at emergence at them a fungus disease it is necessary to dismiss immediately until treatment. The same concerns also hairdressers. There are some more persons (a trikotazhnitsa, sellers of linen and dress, masseurs, nurses, etc.) who by the nature of the profession in case of localization at them fungal process on hands and nails have to be exempted from work before treatment. The personnel which are looking after sick fungal infections, and also mothers of sick children have to after any manipulations with patients, especially after washing of the head by it, a manual epilation and other similar manipulations, carefully to wash hands, to rinse them then corrosive sublimate solution (1: 1000) or to grease hyponychial sites with iodic tincture. At a manual epilation it is reasonable to use fingerstalls.
Infection with a fungus from animals.
In view of the fact that people very often catch a microsporia and a trichophytosis from animals, in particular from cats, dogs, cattle, horses, pigs and others, fight against dermatomycoses at animals has great preventive value. Let's note need of the device of hygienic collective-farm farmyards, regular veterinary supervision, isolation and treatment of sick animals with disinfecting of the room, the harness and other objects which was in contact with them here. Concerning persons who dealt with sick animals it is necessary to recommend to them to follow rules of hygiene, to use prozodezhdy and at the same time to conduct systematic observation of the skin as the groom who caught a trichophytosis or the milkmaid at untimely acceptance of the appropriate measures can serve as the reason of further spread of a disease among animals and people. At emergence of diseases of a microsporia which is caused by a fluffy Microsporum it is necessary to assume infection from cats and dogs. These animals in such cases should be transferred immediately to veterinary institutions, and cats and dogs, suspects that they were a source of a fungal infection are never necessary, it is simple to turn out as, naturally, they easily can extend an infection further. Homeless cats and dogs should be destroyed. Infection cases from mice and rats are known. The great importance of dissemination of knowledge about fungus diseases of skin at the person and at animals among wide layers of both city, and country people because prevention and the early request for medical care play a crucial role in fight against dermatomycoses follows from everything told.
Prevention of an epidermophitia of feet.
Prevention of an epidermophitia of feet represents very difficult I a complex problem, especially in view of the fact that the causative agent of this mycosis is an optional parasite and very often is on skin of feet, without causing (regarding cases only for the time being) any troubles to its carrier. At the same time the epidermofiton can be found often on objects of a family life, especially in a wet situation, and also that is especially important, on a floor, rugs, doormats, floorings and so on in baths, shower rooms, swimming baths, swimming pools, on beaches, etc. From told clearly that preventive actions have to be directed to reduction of a possibility of transformation of the healthy people visiting these institutions in carriers of an epidermofiton. Here a number of actions which sanitary inspection has to put into practice and from which the most important consists in systematic disinfection of the respective rooms and things belongs (it can be carried out by 5% solution of chloroamine with the subsequent washing by 3-5% solution of soap). In baths doormats and rugs on floors, and floors and floorings, except systematic disinfection have to be removed, it is necessary to wash several times during the day hot water. It is reasonable to cover floors with linoleum. In view of the fact that the tree, razmokayushchy from water, represents a good medium for fungi, it is necessary to avoid in baths, shower and pools of wooden floorings and lattices. L. B. Kunin recommends to coat wooden underfoot lattices – nitroenamel. In this regard it is necessary to prefer to wooden sandals plastic or rubber. It is necessary to consider at the same time special infectivity of sewage. It is copied from the website:

Prevention of a fungal infection of nails