
Producer: JSC Pharmak Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1 ml contains xylomethazolinum in terms of 100% substance of 1 mg, eucalyptus oil of 1 mg;
excipients: triglycerides with an average length of a chain.
Pharmacological properties:
Drug renders - adrenomimetichesky action, narrows peripheral vessels. When drawing thanks to vasoconstrictive effect reduces hypostasis of a mucous membrane, a hyperemia, exudation by a mucous membrane, facilitates nasal breath. The eucalyptus oil which is a part of drug eliminates dryness of a mucous membrane and shows antiinflammatory and antiseptic action.
At use in therapeutic doses drug works preferential locally. Action begins in 3 - 4 min. after use, lasts for several hours.
Indications to use:
Symptomatic treatment of acute rhinitis and rinosinusit, pollinosis.
For simplification of outflow of exudate at inflammatory diseases of adnexal bosoms of a nose.
Auxiliary therapy at average otitis (for elimination of hypostasis of a mucous membrane).
For simplification of carrying out a rinoskopiya.
Route of administration and doses:
Just before use it is necessary to take a bottle with drug in a palm to heat it to body temperature. Uncover and, slightly pressing a rubber insert dropper, dig in a single dose of drug in the nasal courses. After use the bottle needs to be closed a cover.
To adults and children 12 years are more senior appoint 1 - 2 drop of solution 2 - 3 times a day in each nasal course. To children aged from 7 up to 12 years – on 1 drop of solution in each nasal course 2 - 3 times a day. Drug is used within 5 - 7 days.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. During pregnancy drug is contraindicated.
There are no data that Evkazolin is allocated in breast milk. However it is not recommended to use drug during feeding by a breast. If use of drug is necessary, feeding by a breast should be stopped.
Patients who at use of adrenergic drugs have the strong reactions which are shown in the form of sleeplessness, dizziness, trembling, cardiac arrhythmia, increase in arterial pressure should appoint drug with care.
It is not necessary to exceed the recommended drug doses, especially at treatment of children and elderly people.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. During use of drug it is necessary to abstain from control of motor transport and work with other mechanisms, in connection with possible emergence of side reactions (a vision disorder, a cordial rhythm, increase in arterial pressure).
It is not recommended to use drug to children under 7 years.
Side effects:
At a frequent instillation the irritation of a mucous membrane, burning, a pricking, sneezing, dryness mucous a nose, hypersecretion are possible. In isolated cases the rhinedema, disturbance of sense of smell, a nose mucosal atrophy (is more often at prolonged use), heartbeat strengthening, disturbance of a cordial rhythm, increase in arterial pressure, a headache, vomiting, a sleep disorder and sight, allergic reactions is possible. At prolonged use of drug tolerance to drops (decrease or total absence of effect) quickly develops.
Interaction with other medicines:
Evkazolin interacts with other medicines only with resorptive effect. Drugs - adrenomimetik of other groups strengthen Evkazolin's action, adrenolytic drugs and sympatholytics, antagonists of calcium reduce its effect. Evkazolin weakens action and psychogogic effects of tricyclic antidepressants, effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitors on cardiovascular system. Sympathomimetics are not recommended to be applied together with sedatives (weakening of action).
Closed-angle glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, hypersensitivity to drug components, arterial hypertension, a hyperthyroidism, children's age up to 7 years.
Transfenoidalny hypophysectomy and surgical interventions with a meninx exposure in the anamnesis.
Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
At a frequent instillation of drug there can be overdose symptoms in the form of a headache, dryness in a nose, nausea, depressions, increases in arterial pressure, a short-term vision disorder, increase in intraocular pressure is possible. It is necessary to cancel drug and to apply drugs antagonists: sympatholytics and α-adrenoblockers ((((((((((phentolamine, Tropaphenum). Therapy is symptomatic. If drug was accidentally drunk, it is necessary to wash out a stomach, to accept enterosorbents and purgatives, to carry out treatment α – adrenoblockers. Therapy is symptomatic.
The overdose can lead to a nose mucosal atrophy.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 1 year. Not to use drug after the termination of the period of validity specified on packaging. To store in the place protected from light at a temperature from 8 °C to 15 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 ml in the glass bottle enclosed in a pack.