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Quincke's disease of Quincke


The Quincke's edema is understood as the sudden and expressed cutaneous dropsy, a fatty tissue and/or a mucous membrane. The Quincke's edema is called sometimes huge urticaria, a Quincke's disease, angiooteky. This disease at least once in life is noted to 10% of the population. Almost in half of cases the Quincke's edema is combined with a small tortoiseshell.

Symptoms of the Quincke's disease of Quincke:

Allocate an acute form of a disease when duration of a disease makes no more than 6 weeks, and a chronic form when duration of a disease exceeds 6 weeks.
Distinguish the hereditary and acquired Quincke's edema options, also the disease forms combining a Quincke's edema with a small tortoiseshell and which are found separately.

Quincke's edema symptoms. The main manifestation is, as a rule, the painless limited cutaneous dropsy, hypodermic fatty tissue and/or a mucous membrane which sometimes is followed by feeling of a raspiraniye of skin. Hypostasis dense and when pressing on it a finger does not leave marks, skin over hypostasis keeps the initial color.

Most often the Quincke's edema arises in lips, a century, language, a soft palate, auricles, brushes, feet, generative organs.

At 20-25% of people hypostasis of a throat, trachea and large bronchial tubes can be noted, in such cases hoarseness of a voice, feeling of shortage of air, "the barking cough" is noted. Emergence of a Quincke's edema in mucous intestines can lead to abdominal pains, and in mucous a bladder - to disturbance of an urination.

Reasons of the Quincke's disease of Quincke:

About 20-25% of cases are the share of a hereditary form of a Quincke's edema which is connected with insufficiency specific blood (C1 inhibitor). About 30% of a Quincke's edema are occupied by so-called idiopathic option when it is not possible to establish an etiology. In other cases the medicinal allergy, food allergy, stings of insects, helminths and protozoa, diseases of blood and autoimmune diseases is the reason of a Quincke's edema.

Treatment of the Quincke's disease of Quincke:

Basis of treatment of a hereditary form of a Quincke's edema are the medicinal preprata strengthening products in an organism of missing C1 inhibitor. These drugs have to назначться only the doctor!
In cases of a so-called idiopathic Quincke's edema (with the unknown reason) perhaps long use of modern antiallergic (antihistaminic) medicines (Klaritin, Erius, "Telfast", Zirtek). In situations when there is a danger of asphyxia because of hypostasis of a throat use of glyukokokortikoid (inside or intravenously) and even adrenaline can be required (in the form of an intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous injection). But the main objective, - to reveal the prime cause of a disease and to eliminate it, but not to fight against disease symptoms

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Quincke's disease of Quincke:

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