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Coal-miners disease


Coal-miners disease – the main and most often found form of a pneumoconiosis at working coal mines as during the underground works miners should have continuous or periodic contact with the mixed dust containing various amount of coal and silicon dioxide.

Coal-miners disease reasons:

Coal-miners disease in most cases it is found in 10 years and more after the beginning of work in contact with dust.

Coal-miners disease symptoms:

The health of patients remains quite satisfactory. Only at careful inquiry complaints to pains in a thorax, an asthma come to light at a big physical tension, dry cough or cough with department of a small amount of a mucous phlegm, preferential in the mornings.


Objectively in inferiolateral departments of a thorax moderately expressed emphysema of lungs is defined. In lungs the hardish or weakened breath, occasionally non-constant dry rattles are listened.

Treatment coal-miners disease:

It is carried out taking into account clinical symptomatology of a disease, degree of its weight, existence and a form of a complication.

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