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Acute hepatitis


The acute hepatitis is an acute inflammatory damage of a liver, the polyetiological nature.

Symptoms of the Acute hepatitis:

In mild cases the acute hepatitis proceeds almost asymptomatically, coming to light only at accidental or purposeful inspection (for example, on production among the persons contacting to hepatotropic poisons at household group poisonings with mushrooms etc.). In more hard cases (for example, at toxic hepatitis) clinical symptoms of a disease develop quickly, often in combination with symptoms of the general intoxication and toxic defeat of other bodies and systems. At the height of a disease icteric coloring of skin and mucous membranes, whitish and clay color a chair, saturated and dark color ("color of beer") urine, the hemorrhagic phenomena are characteristic. Color of integuments happens orange or saffron. However in mild cases jaundice is visible only at day lighting, most icteric coloring of scleras and a mucous membrane of a soft palate early appears. Nasal bleedings, petechias are frequent; patients are disturbed by a skin itch, bradycardia, an oppressed mental condition, an acrimony of patients, sleeplessness and other signs of damage of the central nervous system are noted.

The liver and spleen are a little increased and poorly painful. At especially severe defeats and dominance of necrotic changes in a liver (acute dystrophy) its sizes can decrease.

Reasons of the Acute hepatitis:

The most frequent reason of acute damage of a liver at the person - a viral hepatitis. The acute hepatitis can be caused also by znterovirusa, causative agents of intestinal infections, viruses of an infectious mononucleosis, leptospiry, some tropical parasites, a septic bacterial infection. There are also acute toxic hepatitises caused by medicines (inhibitors MAO-derivative a hydrazine, PASK, derivatives of isonicotinic acid, extract of a men's fern, etc.), industrial poisons (phosphorus, organophosphorous insecticides, trinitrotoluene, etc.), mushroom poisons of a death angel, morels (muscarine, афалотоксин, etc.). The acute hepatitis can arise as a result of radiation (radiation) injury, at extensive burns of a body, serious infectious diseases, toxicoses of pregnant women. Alcohol intake quite often contributes to development of an acute hepatitis. The pathogeny of an acute hepatitis consists or in direct action of a disturbing factor on a hepatic parenchyma, or in the immunological disturbances arising in response to primary damage of a liver, with the subsequent cytolysis struck and intact hepatocytes. In certain cases additional value has disturbance of microcirculation in a liver and an intra hepatic cholestasia.

Treatment of the Acute hepatitis:

Patients with an acute viral hepatitis (and with suspicion on that), and also infectious hepatitises of other etiology surely are hospitalized in special departments of infectious diseases hospitals, and in the center of an infection hold sanitary and epidemic events. Patients with toxic hepatitises are hospitalized in the centers of poisonings where to them hold events for removal of poison from an organism (a gastric lavage etc.), disintoxication therapy. A sick acute hepatitis appoint a bed rest, a sparing diet with restriction of fats and increase in content of carbohydrates, a large amount of fruit juice.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Acute hepatitis:

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