DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Gynecology Hypomenorrhea



The hypomenorrhea represents disturbance of process of periods which is characterized by reduction of amount of the separated menstrual blood less than 50 ml.

In other words, the hypomenorrhea is scanty monthly. This state is not an independent disease, and represents only a sign of a set of conditions of an organism of the woman. Besides, the hypomenorrhea can sometimes meet various other disturbances, for example reduction of duration of periods or reduction of a rhythm of periods. It is considered that in cases of a combination scanty monthly with reduction of duration of periods, can speak about possible approach of an amenorrhea.

Hypomenorrhea reasons:

The hypomenorrhea can be primary and secondary. Girls can have primary hypomenorrhea, 16 years, but having at the same time a delay of sexual development are aged more senior. Besides, it can be observed at various anomalies of development of bodies of a small pelvis, a uterus hypoplasia. A menstrual cycle at the same time regular, but there are scanty monthly. The secondary hypomenorrhea arises against the background of earlier normal menstrual cycle and character of periods.

There is a set of the reasons of a secondary hypomenorrhea. These reasons can be physiological and pathological. The following states belong to physiological: lactation and breastfeeding, high exercise stresses. In отдельню it is worth allocating group гипоменорю which is often observed when using hormonal contraception.

From the pathological reasons it is necessary to allocate:

1. Nervous anorexia.

2. The progressing loss of body weight owing to various reasons.

3. Anomalies of development of genitalias.

4. Infantility.

5. Infectious and inflammatory processes of bodies of a small pelvis, including specific processes (tuberculosis).

6. Impacts of ionizing radiation, chemicals.

7. Disturbances from aspect of activity of endocrine system. These disturbances can be in a zone of pituitary and hypothalamic system, ovaries, adrenal glands, a thyroid gland.

8. Autoimmune processes.

9. Fermentopatiya.

10. Reduction of volume of an endometria owing to the carried-out surgical interventions (an endometria ablation, amputation of a uterus).

11. Disturbances from coagulant system of blood.

Hypomenorrhea symptoms:

At a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) menstrual allocations have an appearance of traces or drops of blood of light or dark brown color. Periods duration at a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) remains or shortened against the background of a normal two-phase menstrual cycle.
The delay of periods and hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) can be followed by headaches, nausea, feeling of constraint in a breast, a back pain, dyspepsia or a lock. Periods can be followed by severe pains and spastic reductions of a uterus. Some patients at a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) note the nasal bleedings accompanying each periods. A hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly), as a rule, are followed by reduction of secretion of estrogen and, as a result, decrease in a libido and reproductive function.
However, most often, the hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) proceeds without serious consequences and almost imperceptibly for the woman, without causing in it special concern.
Really, a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) during formation of menstrual function (puberty) or its fading (premenopauz) confirm natural age hormonal reorganizations in an organism and are not a symptom of pathology. However, in a reproductive phase the hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) and other manifestations of a hypomenstrual molimina are signs of serious frustration in sexual and other systems of an organism. Careful comprehensive inspection is necessary for clarification of the reasons of a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly).


For identification of the reasons of a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) and assessment of degree of danger of this state to an organism the woman should come to consultation of the gynecologist and to undergo medical examination. The scheme of inspection of the patient with a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) includes careful collecting the anamnesis, full gynecologic survey, analyses of smears from a genital tract on cytology, бакпосев and PTsR-diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, assessment of the schedule of basal temperature, definition of sex hormones in blood and urine, ultrasonography of a uterus and ovaries, a biopsy and a histologic research of an endometria.

Treatment of a hypomenorrhea:

Treatment of a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) will depend on the results received during diagnosis. In those cases if the hypomenorrhea is caused by disturbances in food, physical activity and psychoemotional balance, medical actions consist in their correction. According to indications vitamin complexes, hormonal drugs and specific antimicrobic means are appointed. In therapy of a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) treatment of a basic disease and fortifying actions is leading. In treatment of a hypomenorrhea good results are yielded by reception of homeopathic remedies which effect is similar to effect of own hormones. Maintenance of a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) a depression, the general weakness, apathy, headaches, frigidity demands use of physiotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic treatment, functional frustration directed to elimination.
In the period of a lactation and a premenopauza of special treatment of a hypomenorrhea (scanty monthly) it is not required.

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