Throat cancer
- Description
- Throat cancer symptoms
- Throat cancer reasons
- Cancer therapy of a throat
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see also:
- Cancer
- Hepatocellular cancer
- Nephrocellular cancer
- Carcinoma of the stomach
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Throat cancer — a malignant new growth of a throat, the events from epithelial fabric.
Throat cancer symptoms:
Symptoms of throat cancer depend on localization of a tumor, and also on a form of its growth. When developing cancer of nadskladochny department there are pains in the beginning when swallowing which irradiate in an ear on the party of defeat. With growth of a new growth the feeling of a foreign body appears. Pains force the patient to reduce meal that leads to organism exhaustion. The inflammation of surrounding fabrics joins tumoral process, and destruction of fabrics leads to hit of food and water in a trachea. Growth of a tumor on a wall of a throat leads to its stenosis. At germination of phonatory bands hoarseness up to a full aphonia appears and increases, and when filling with the tumoral mass of a gleam of a throat - the complicated breath. Disintegration of a tumor is shown by a pneumorrhagia and a putrefactive smell from a mouth.
Quickly enough metastasises join. In a quarter of cases at the address to the doctor the tumor already affects 2 or all 3 departments of a throat.
Cancer of subdepository department grows preferential endofitno, narrows a gleam of a throat and affects phonatory bands, often sprouts a trachea.

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Throat cancer reasons:
Throat cancer is the most widespread malignant tumor of a throat — 50-60% of cases. It makes about 3% of all malignant tumors of the person. Preferential occurs at men of 40-60 years which make 80-95% of patients.
Overwhelming number of patients with cancer of a throat are malicious smokers. The risk of emergence of throat cancer increases because of the use of alcoholic beverages, work in the conditions of dust content, the increased temperature, the increased contents in the atmosphere of tobacco smoke, benzene, oil products, soot, phenolic pitches.
Throat cancer is preceded often by chronic long-term laryngitis. Special value in developing of throat cancer precancerous diseases belong:
* it is long the existing papilloma
* leukoplakia of a mucous membrane of a throat
* dyskeratoses
* pachydermia
* fibroma on the wide basis
* cysts of guttural ventricles
* chronic inflammatory processes
The malignancy of papillomas and leukoplakia is often observed. 98% of cases of throat cancer are presented by planocellular cancer.
The throat is clinically divided into 3 departments: nadsvyazochny, copular and subcopular. Most often the tumor begins to develop from nadskladochny department of a throat (65% of cases), and this type of a tumor is the most malignant: quickly develops and early metastasizes. Cancer of phonatory bands meets in 32% of cases and a little less злокачествен. In subdepository department of a throat cancer develops most less often (3% of cases), however this type of a tumor often develops in a submucosal layer owing to what it is found later and has more serious forecast.
The tumor can grow ekzofitno in a throat gleam, the hilly and papillary surface and a clear boundary is characteristic of it. The endophytic kind of cancer grows deep into fabrics, has no the expressed borders, often is followed by ulcerations. There are also mixed types of throat cancer.
Cancer therapy of a throat:
Cancer therapy of a throat is carried out surgically and methods of radiation therapy.
Surgical treatment is shown at the small sizes of a tumor at I and II stages of a disease (T1, T2). However it is most often combined with radiation therapy which allows to reduce the tumor size considerably. Together with radiation of the main tumoral weight carry out radiation and metastasises. Sometimes several sessions of radiation are required.
Radiation therapy is contraindicated if the perichondritis of cartilages of a throat is diagnosed, the tumor sprouted a gullet and blood vessels, the extensive regional and remote metastasises developed or the patient is in a serious condition.
At the III-IV stages preliminary radiation therapy during which all neck is irradiated is carried out. In 3-4 weeks radical operation (a throat resection, a laryngectomy, an expanded laryngectomy) along with which also regional metastasises are removed is carried out.
Low sensitivity to radiation cancer of subdepository department of a throat except for its low-differentiated versions therefore at its treatment preferential use surgical treatment has.
The chemotherapy at cancer therapy of a throat is inefficient and cannot be used as an independent type of treatment.