Lip cancer
- Description
- Lip cancer reasons
- Lip cancer symptoms
- Diagnosis of cancer of lip
- Classification of cancer of lip
- Cancer therapy of a lip
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see also:
- Cancer
- Hepatocellular cancer
- Nephrocellular cancer
- Carcinoma of the stomach
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
Cancer of a lip is the malignant new growth localized in a blanket of cells of epithelial fabric in an upper or under lip.
Nine of ten cases of cancer of lip it is diagnosed for aged people 45 years are more senior. The age, or aging process, can promote that cancer develops. Cells of an organism grow old, genetic material in cells loses a part of the ability to self-recovery. Under normal conditions the damaged cells are eliminated. When the system of anticarcinogenic protection fails, changes in genetic material remain, they are duplicated at cell division.
If genetic material cannot recover itself, the damages caused by influence of factors of the environment (a sunlight or chemicals) can quickly lead to the uncontrollable growth of cells.
Influence of such factors as smoking, influence of sunshine, aging processes, in general promote emergence of cancer cells.
Men have higher risk to develop lip cancer, than women. Depending on where they live, the man two-three times more often has this pathology, than women. Also dependence between risk of a disease and skin color is noted: white-skinned people have more chances to develop lip cancer, than at black. For insufficiently obvious reasons, people in Asia have much lower interest of risk of cancer of lip, than the people living on other continents. In many parts of Asia cancer of a lip meets extremely seldom. In North America approximately lip cancer during all life will be diagnosed for 13 of 100000 people.
Frequency of cancer of lip is often combined with oral cavity cancer though lip cancer is probably much more similar by origin to a carcinoma cutaneum. Annually in the USA about 30000 new cases of cancer of oral cavity and a lip are fixed. About 38% of all cases of cancer of an oral cavity begin in an under lip, on the other hand, cancer of an upper lip proceeds more aggressively.
In some places, such as South Australia, among women notes very high percent of cancer cases of a lip. There are several theories explaining this tendency. Perhaps, less women regularly carry headdresses which provide protection against the sun. Women can also refuse lipstick which serves as one more barrier on the way of sunshine.
Lip cancer reasons:
Influence of sunshine and smoking, especially smoking of a tube, increases risk of development of cancer of lip. However the exact mechanism is still not clear. Consumption of alcohol is connected with cancer of an oral cavity and can lead to lip cancer also.
It is much told also about interrelation time spent under sunshine and development of this pathology. Having paid attention to the contingent of patients malignant a lip new growth, it is possible to see what is ill most often people who spend much time in the open air (farmers, etc.).
In it cancer of a lip is closely connected with a carcinoma cutaneum who is also promoted by ultra-violet radiation. Nevertheless, some researches show that risk factors of cancer of lip are more extensive. The viral infection is risk factor as leads to decrease in immunity. Some researchers also report about communication between transplantation of a liver and development of the specified pathology after carrying out operation. Results of this research are not unexpected. In this procedure drugs for suppression of activity of immune system of the recipient are used in order that the donor organ got accustomed. Thus, cancer of a lip is connected with oppression of immune system.
Persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have bigger risk for lip cancer. The people infected with herpes simplex viruses viruses of papilloma and other viruses can be subject to bigger risk also.
Avitaminosis can also be a factor which promotes a malignant new growth of a lip. Vitamins contain in fruit and vegetables, in particular, carotene is useful. Vitamins A and With play an important role in prevention of cancer of lip.
Lip cancer symptoms:
Special symptoms of this type of cancer include white spots, ulcers or cones on a lip. Pain can also be a symptom, in particular, pain is observed in lymph nodes in bliz of the struck part of the bay. It is an alarming symptom as confirms existence of metastasises out of limits "primary center.

Lip cancer
Diagnosis of cancer of lip:
Stomatologists often identify suspicious spots or cones on a lip. Good dental inspection includes studying of lips and an oral cavity. The X-ray analysis and a biopsy (capture of test of fabric for the analysis) can be used for diagnosis of cancer.
At detection of spots, ulcers and cones on lips it is necessary to see urgently a doctor for further inspection.
Classification of cancer of lip:
Stage I: cancer makes less than one inch in the diameter and did not extend.
Stage II: cancer approximately to two inches in the diameter also did not extend.
Stage of III: cancer or is more, than on two inches, or extended to lymph nodes on side of a neck which corresponds to the main place of localization of cancer. Lymph nodes are increased, but no more than on inch.
Stage of IV: several signs from above-stated are observed. There can be a spread of cancer to an oral cavity or in around lips, involvement more than one lymph a node with cancer metastasises, or metastasises in other parts of a body.
Cancer therapy of a lip:
At I and II stages of cancer operation on a carcinectomy or radiation therapy of an affected area is applied. The choice of a method depends on many factors, but the size of a tumor and tolerance of the patient to beam or chemotherapy are especially important. Than the tumor is more, especially its removal is urgent. Small tumors it is possible to treat by means of radiation or other methods for the purpose of attempt to reduce them before operation. In certain cases surgical intervention it would be possible to avoid. For a stage of the III cancer cancer lymph nodes are also removed.
The chemotherapy can be used at any stage, but it is especially important for a stage of cancer of IV. In certain cases the chemotherapy is applied before operation, also, as radiation therapy to try to eliminate cancer without surgical intervention, or, at least, to make a tumor less. After operation for treatment of patients with a stage of cancer of lip of IV radiation therapy, chemotherapy, sometimes in combination with other methods is used.
There are many new and perspective types of cancer therapy of a lip. For example, heat kills some cancer cells. Such method of treatment as a hyperthermia, uses heat for elimination of cancer at some patients.
Alternative therapy.
Since some researchers revealed communication between a chronic vitamin deficiency And yes With in the patient's diet with lip cancer, additional methods of treatment assume reception of shock doses of the specified vitamins. However efficiency of such treatment is not proved.