Tablet bellalgin

Producer: JSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A03DB
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: in 1 таб.:
extract of a belladonna of 15 mg
benzocaine of 250 mg
metamizole sodium of 250 mg
Natrii hydrocarbonas of 100 mg
Pharmacological properties:
The combined drug, renders spasmolytic, antiacid, mestnoanesteziruyushchy and analgeziruyushchy action.
Indications to use:
As symptomatic cure for elimination of a pain syndrome for the gastrointestinal diseases which are followed by hypersecretion of a gastric juice and spasms of smooth muscles:
hyperacid gastritis;
peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum;
heartburn, eructation;
spastic colitis;
spasm of smooth muscles of bodies of a GIT.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, to food, on 1 tablets 2-3raza/sut.
The highest single dose for adults - 3 tablets, daily - the 10th tablets Treatment Duration is established by the doctor.
Features of use:
It is necessary to avoid drug use to persons whose activity demands the increased visual acuity.
At treatment of the patients receiving cytostatics, reception of metamizole sodium has to be carried out only under observation of the doctor.
Patients with atopic bronchial asthma and pollinoses have an increased risk of development of allergic reactions.
Against the background of reception of metamizole sodium development of an agranulocytosis in this connection at identification of unmotivated rise in temperature, a fever, pharyngalgias, the complicated swallowing, stomatitis, and also at development of the phenomena of a vaginitis or proctitis immediate drug withdrawal is necessary is possible.
At prolonged use it is necessary to control a pattern of peripheral blood.
Use for removal of acute abdominal pains is inadmissible (before clarification of the reason).
Against the background of treatment coloring of urine in red color due to allocation of a metabolite is possible (does not matter).
Side effects:
From an urinary system: a renal failure, an oliguria, an anury, a proteinuria, intersticial nephrite, coloring of urine in red color.
Allergic reactions: a small tortoiseshell (including on a conjunctiva and mucous membranes of a nasopharynx), a Quincke's disease, in rare instances - a malignant exudative erythema (Stephens-Johnson's syndrome), a toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's disease), a bronkhospastichesky syndrome, an acute anaphylaxis.
From bodies of a hemopoiesis: agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Others: decrease in the ABP, dryness in a mouth, thirst, locks, a mydriasis, accommodation paresis, a temporary vision disorder, a dysuria, an ischuria, heartbeat, drowsiness, dizziness, psychomotor excitement, spasms.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens effects of ethanol.
Simultaneous use with Chlorpromazinum or other derivatives of a fenotiazin can lead to development of the expressed hyperthermia.
X-ray contrast medicines, colloid blood substitutes and penicillin should not be applied during treatment by metamizol.
At simultaneous use of cyclosporine concentration of the last in blood decreases.
Metamizol, forcing out peroral hypoglycemic medicines, indirect anticoagulants, GKS and indometacin from communication with protein, increases their activity.
Phenylbutazone, barbiturates and other gepatoinduktor at a concomitant use reduce efficiency of metamizol.
The concomitant use with other non-narcotic analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives and Allopyrinolum can lead to toxicity strengthening.
Sedative and anxiolytic medicines (tranquilizers) strengthen analgeziruyushchy effect of metamizol.
Thiamazolum and cytostatics increase risk of development of a leukopenia.
The effect is strengthened by codeine, blockers of histamine H2 receptors and propranolol (slows down an inactivation).
Issue conditions from drugstores
closed-angle glaucoma;
prostate hyperplasia;
hemopoiesis oppression (granulocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, cytostatic or infectious neutropenia);
heavy liver and/or renal failure;
the hereditary hemolitic anemia connected with deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy;
aspirinovy asthma;
pregnancy (especially in the I trimester and in the last 6 weeks);
lactation period.
Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, oliguria, hypothermia, decrease in the ABP, tachycardia, short wind, sonitus, drowsiness, nonsense, consciousness disturbance, acute agranulocytosis, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute renal and/or liver failure, spasms, paralysis of respiratory muscles.
Treatment: gastric lavage, salt laxatives, absorbent carbon; carrying out an artificial diuresis, a hemodialysis, at development of a convulsive syndrome - in/in administration of diazepam and high-speed barbiturates.
Storage conditions:
List B.: In the dry, protected from light place. Period of validity 3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
10 pieces - test tubes glass (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces - planimetric strip packagings (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces - planimetric strip packagings (2) - packs cardboard.