Sodium chloride

Producer: JSC Sintez Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05CB01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: sodium of chloride of 9 g, water for injections to 1 l.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Plasma substituting means. Has disintoxication and regidratiruyushchy effect. Fills shortage of sodium at various morbid conditions of an organism. 0,9% chloride sodium solution изотоничен to plasma of the person and therefore are quickly brought out of a vascular bed, only temporarily increasing the volume of the circulating blood (efficiency at blood losses and shock is insufficient).
Pharmacokinetics. Concentration of sodium (Na +) - 142 mmol/l (plasma) and 145 mmol/l (intersticial liquid); concentration of chloride (Sl-) - 101 mmol/l (intersticial liquid). It is removed by kidneys in not changed look.
Indications to use:
Big losses of extracellular liquid or its insufficient receipt (toxic dyspepsia, cholera, diarrhea, "unrestrained" vomiting, extensive burns with strong exudation, etc.), a hypochloraemia and a hyponatremia with dehydration, intestinal impassability, intoxications; washing of wounds, eyes, mucous membrane of a nose; dissolution and cultivation of the medicines (M) and moistening of a dressing material.
Route of administration and doses:
Isotonic solution (0,9%) of chloride sodium for infusions is entered intravenously (in/in) (usually kapelno); subcutaneously (п / to); rektalno (in enemas to 3 l/days).
Before introduction solution is heated to 36-38 °C. The dose is defined depending on loss by an organism of liquid, ions of sodium and chlorine - averages 1 l/days. At big losses of liquid and the expressed intoxication introduction to 3 l/days is possible. Rate of administering - 540 ml/h (180 thaws/min.); if necessary - rate of administering is increased.
To children at the expressed lowering of arterial pressure against the background of dehydration (before determination of laboratory parameters) enter 20-30 ml/kg. Further the mode of dosing is adjusted depending on laboratory indicators.
At long introduction of high doses of 0,9% of solution of sodium of chloride it is necessary to carry out control of content of electrolytes in plasma and urine.
0,9% apply solution of sodium of chloride to washing of wounds, eyes, a mucous membrane of a nose, moistening of a dressing material.
Features of use:
At long introduction of high doses of isotonic solution of sodium of chloride it is necessary to carry out control of an acid-base state and electrolytes in a blood plasma and urine.
At considerable dehydration at impossibility of intravenous administration enter subcutaneously or rektalno.
Freezing of drug on condition of safety of tightness of a container is possible.
Side effects:
Introduction of large volumes of isotonic solution of sodium of chloride can lead to chloride acidosis and an overhydratation, and also to a hypopotassemia.
Use with other medicines It is compatible to colloid hemodynamic blood substitutes (mutual strengthening of effect).
When mixing with other medicines it is necessary to control compatibility visually.
Hypernatremia, acidosis, hyperchloremia, hypopotassemia, extracellular overhydratation: the circulator disturbances menacing with wet brain and lungs, wet brain, a fluid lungs, an acute left ventricular failure, the accompanying purpose of glucocorticosteroids in high doses.
Use at pregnancy is not specified.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light and aggressive environments place, at a temperature from 5 to 25 °C. To store in the places unavailable to children. After transportation in the conditions of negative temperatures containers with drug have to be sustained in normal climatic conditions not less than 24 h.
Period of validity 2 years - when using outside packages from a polyethylene film; 2,5 years - when using outside packages from the material combined mnogoyosloyny on the basis of aluminum foil. To use drug before the date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
In bottles on 200 ml, in a pack a cardboard 1 bottle; in boxes cardboard 24 packs or in bottles on 400 ml, in a pack a cardboard 1 bottle; in boxes of cardboard 12 packs.