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Articles about children

Poisoning at pregnancy
Отравление при беременности

Poisoning at pregnancy is a serious problem which can do harm to the woman and future kid. Therefore it is necessary тщательн...

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3 monthly child, growth and development
3 месячный ребенок, рост и развитие

3 monthly child actively communicate with relatives, smiles and murmurs. The kid surely keeps the head in this age lying on a stomach, the opera...

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Leukocytes at newborns
Лейкоциты у новорожденных

Leukocytes are the most important indicator of protective forces of an organism. But the level of leukocytes at newborns not always happens normal. About what...

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2 monthly child, development and growth
2 месячный ребенок, развитие и рост

2 monthly child learn to fix a look on bright objects, on a face of mother or father. During this period the kid will for the first time present will give rise...

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Whether it is possible to bathe the child when he is ill
Можно ли купать ребенка, когда он болеет

Doctors often should hear a question: whether it is possible to bathe the child when he is sick? At the increased temperature it is undesirable to bathe the kid...

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How to define duration of gestation
Как определить срок беременности

Very often interests the woman how to define duration of gestation. It is considered that is in the most reliable way ultrasonic...

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Chances to become pregnant
Шансы забеременеть

To increase chances to become pregnant, the woman has to know duration of the menstrual cycle, understand that it to an ov...

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Children with mental disorders and deviations
Дети с психическими расстройствами и отклонениями

Deviations in mental development of the child can be caused by different factors. For example, touch disturbances or defeats of the center...

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Rehabilitation of disabled children
Реабилитация детей-инвалидов

Social rehabilitation of children of disabled people is a system of actions which main goal is integration and adaptation of such children to...

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Emergency Cesarean section
Экстренное кесарево сечение

The emergency Cesarean section is an operational section of a uterus for the purpose of extraction of the child. It is carried out when arises threats...

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What to do if the child got sick
Что делать, если ребенок заболел

If the child got sick it is necessary to call first of all the pediatrician for statement of the exact diagnosis. Self-treatment can have extremely not Ghat...

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Cesarean section - that can be eaten
Кесарево сечение - что можно есть

Often women are interested that can be eaten after Cesarean section quicker to come to a form. In the first days after operation recommending...

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9-month-old child
9-месячный ребенок

The 9-month-old child is already able to stand independently and tries to take the first steps without support. The kid likes to walk, play long, общатьс...

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Life after Cesarean section
Жизнь после кесарева сечения

Each woman wants to return quicker to full-fledged life after Cesarean section. But, as well as after any surgical interventions...

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11-month-old child
11-месячный ребенок

The 11-month-old child already consciously pronounces some simple words, very much likes to play with parents, the brother or the sister, with удово...

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Planning of a family and reproduction
Планирование семьи и репродукции

Planning of a family is a system of important actions which are directed first of all to decrease in incidence and preservation здоро...

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Menu of the 8-month-old child
Меню 8-месячного ребенка

The menu 8 of the monthly child along with breast milk, has to include additional food in the form of vegetable and fruit puree, juice, a tvor...

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Rules of safe behavior for children
Правила безопасного поведения для детей

Training in rules of safe behavior for children are very important for preservation of their life and health. Parents and teachers have to give эт...

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Why the monthly child does not sleep
Почему месячный ребенок не спит

If the monthly child does not sleep at night, it means that he is disturbed by hunger or something hurts. The kid cannot tell about di's reasons...

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Table of baby gender planning
Таблица планирования пола ребенка

At all times people tried to lift for themselves the veil of secrecy of conception and to define a sex of future child. In the ancient time in this field пр...

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