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Articles about children

Children of preschool age - moral education
Дети дошкольного возраста - нравственное воспитание

Moral education of preschool age means instilling in the child of system of the standard values defining relationship...

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Education of the child of 7 years
Воспитание ребенка 7 лет

Education of the child of 7 years has to be aimed at the development of independence, sociability, attentiveness. At this age the child and...

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Moral and ethical education
Нравственно-этическое воспитание

Moral and ethical education of children is a necessary direction in formation of the harmonious personality capable to adhere to norms...

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Education of the child of 6 years
Воспитание ребенка 6 лет

Education of the child of 6 years has the features. It is age when the child is on border between the senior preschool child and younger ш...

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Techniques of education of children
Методики воспитания детей

Depending on age, behavior and features of character of the child, parents can apply various techniques of education...

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Education of the child of 3 years
Воспитание ребенка 3 лет

Education of the child of 3 years demands from parents of the sequence and patience. Often, during this period parents cannot cope with капр...

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Spiritual and moral education of preschool children
Духовно-нравственное воспитание дошкольников

Spiritual and moral education of preschool children has to be oriented to formation of responsibility, independence, high spirit...

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Воспитание ребенка 4 лет

Education of the child of 4 years requires constant communication and attention to the kid. During this period he so wants to learn everything, it not to repack...

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Gender education of children
Гендерное воспитание детей

The main objective of gender education of children is understanding by children of as representatives of the defined sex, and also receiving with...

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Education of the child of 10 years
Воспитание ребенка 10 лет

Education of the child of 10 years has to be based on trusting relationships and the authority of adults. At this age on the child the loony is impossible...

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Education of the child of school age
Воспитание ребенка школьного возраста

Education of the child of school age has the features. It is the responsible stage of formation of the personality, more essential, than Dosch...

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The child after flu
Ребенок после гриппа

The child after flu can be still weakened. Therefore doctors recommend week to adhere after a disease to the sparing mode, on возможн...

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Education of the child of 1 year
Воспитание ребенка от 1 года

Education of the child of 1 year is based on desire of the child to learn the world. Therefore during this period parents have to devote much time...

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Dysbacteriosis symptoms at children
Симптомы дисбактериоза у детей

Dysbacteriosis symptoms at children, as a result of disturbance of structure of microflora can be expressed in locks, ponosa, emergence in a slime chair...

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Education of independence at children
Воспитание самостоятельности у детей

For effective education of independence at children it is necessary to try not to do for the child what he can make. For example, with...

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Flu at the newborn
Грипп у новорожденного

Flu is an acute infectious disease of respiratory tracts. Flu can cause complications in the newborn cardiovascular and це...

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Preschool education of children
Дошкольное воспитание детей

Preschool education of children needs to pay an attention maximum. Not without reason speak: "What you will seed, you will reap". It belongs also to osno...

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Education of children with disturbance of the speech
Воспитание детей с нарушением речи

Education of children with disturbance of the speech especially does not differ from education of the ordinary child. Correction of defects of the speech has to be carried out with at...

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Education of the child of 5 years
Воспитание ребенка 5 лет

Games have huge value for education of the child of 5 years. In a game the imagination, ingenuity, strong-willed qualities, nravstvo form...

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Дисбактериоз у детей до года

Dysbacteriosis at children about one year arises because of treatment by antibiotics, introductions of a feeding up to which children's intestines are not ready yet, вследс...

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