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Automobile and the railroad represent a source of the increased danger to any pedestrians, and especially for children who have a N...
To read furtherOne of types of food intolerance is food allergy at children which cornerstone difficult immunologic mechanisms are....
To read furtherBody temperatures of the person has a clear boundary of norm and pathology. Changes on the shares of degrees which are considered as specific features...
To read furtherPathological increase in a pharyngeal almond against the background of which there are a difficulty of nasal breath and decrease in hearing is called Aden...
To read furtherAcetone is known as organic solvent. It is the first element among ketones. The name turned out from the German word "aketon", wiped...
To read furtherSpecial treatment of chicken pox at children does not exist as the virus provoking emergence of a disease represents a kind of...
To read furtherDuring incubation of the child the organism of future mother works, at least, one and a half times stronger, than for the woman out of pregnancy. It is nude...
To read furtherTreatment of herpes at children has to take place under medical control. The matter is that resort to therapy preferential in hard cases...
To read furtherFor pumping out of slime and amniotic waters in the delivery room the vacuum suction with an aspiration catheter – soft silicone pipes is used...
To read furtherAs a rule, as it is called in medicine, people have chicken pox or chicken pox in the childhood. In that case the disease proceeds without...
To read furtherAdenovirus belongs to the DNA-containing group of microorganisms. It means that the activator is resistant to influence of external environment. At to...
To read furtherThe colonic tube for newborns is intended for simplification of process of a passage of flatus of intestines and disposal of the kid from болезн...
To read furtherThe word "pessary" comes from both fundamental languages of medicine: from Greek (pessos – a stone of an oval form for sports...
To read furtherEdema of testicles at newborns is pathology at which there is accumulation of serous liquid in small egg covers. A scrotum increasing...
To read furtherThe children's organism is in a development stage. Practically all its systems: respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, skeletal and muscular...
To read furtherCandles the Nurofen for children have anesthetic, antiinflammatory and febrifugal effect. Children can use drug старш...
To read furtherOne of important indicators at pregnancy is the result of blood test on a Rhesus factor accessory. When comes to light negative р...
To read furtherCandles for children Kipferon – the effective antiviral and antimicrobic medicine possessing also immunomodulatory дейс...
To read furtherDuring growth the human body undergoes a set of changes, during certain periods – crisis. A word meaning "crisis" from a meditsa...
To read furtherCandles Paracetamol for children – the medicine possessing the febrifugal and anesthetizing action. Effect of drug lasts about...
To read further