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Acetone at children

Как снизить повышенный ацетон у детей - Комаровский советуетAcetone is known as organic solvent. It is the first element among ketones. The name turned out from the German word "aketon" which lost the letter "and". In a human body, for the purpose of obtaining energy, there are consecutive biochemical transformations of foodstuff to release of molecules ATP. Emergence of acetone in children demonstrates disturbance of the course of a power cycle. Process of food of cells is expressed by a total formula: products (proteins-fats-carbohydrates) – glucose molecules – energy in the form of adenosine triphosphoric acid without which cell activity is impossible. Not used molecules of glucose combine in chains. The glycogen in a liver which is used at a lack of energy is so formed. There is in blood an acetone at children more often than at adults because in a liver of the child of stocks of a glycogen it is not enough. The glucose molecules which are not used as "fuel" address in proteins and fatty acids again. Their properties at all not such what were in food stuffs. Therefore splitting of own stocks happens according to the same scheme, but to formation of metabolites – ketones.

The emergence mechanism in blood at children of acetone

Emergence of acetone in blood tests and urine is caused by result of biochemical reaction of glyconeogenesis, that is formation of glucose not from digestion products, but from fatty stocks and proteinaceous reserves. Is normal of ketonic bodies in blood should not be. Their functions, as a rule, come to an end at the level of cells, that is, places of education. Availability of ketones signals an organism that there is a lack of energy. So there is a feeling of hunger at the level of cells.

When acetone gets to blood, at children the ketonemiya develops. Freely circulating ketones have toxic effect on the central nervous system. At small concentration of ketonic bodies there is an excitement. At incredible quantities – oppression of consciousness up to a coma.

When the content of ketones reaches critical figures, the ketonuria appears. In analyses of urine ketonic bodies which in their human body three look as their properties are identical are developed are found, in analyses note the content of acetone.

The raised acetone at children

It in urine the following processes are the reasons of emergence of the raised acetone in children before emergence:

  • Lack of glucose of food – kids are left without sweet;
  • The raised glucose consumption. It is provoked by stressful conditions, strengthening of exercise and intellectual stress. Also bystry combustion of carbohydrates is promoted by diseases, injuries, operations;
  • Imbalance of food. In food of the child fats and proteins which are difficult to processing into glucose prevail, adjournment of nutrients "for emergency" results. And if necessary the neoglucogenesis mechanism immediately turns on.

The most dangerous of the reasons of emergence of ketonic bodies in blood is provoked by a diabetes mellitus. At the same time the amount of glucose in an organism even raised, but it is not acquired by cells because of a lack of the conductor – insulin.

Acetonemia at children

Concerning emergence in analyses of acetone in children, Komarovsky emphasizes that, first of all, it depends on exchange disturbance. First of all, uric acid. As a result in blood there are purines, digestion of carbohydrates and fats is broken, there is an overexcitation of the central nervous system.

Komarovsky carries the following diseases to the secondary reasons for which acetone at children appears:

  • Endocrine;
  • Infectious;
  • Surgical;
  • Somatic.

Emission of ketonic bodies in blood happens under the influence of starting factors, such as:

  • Stress – strong positive or negative emotions;
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Long influence of sunshine;
  • Food errors.

Without diabetes mellitus acetone at children in blood appears aged from one up to thirteen years as a result of the following provocative factors:

  • The need for the movement exceeds amount of energy;
  • Underdevelopment of hepatic depot for a glycogen;
  • Shortage of enzymes which are used for processing of the appeared ketones.

When acetone at children appears already and in urine, the full clinical picture of not sugar ketoacidosis is developed.

Clinical shows of acetone at children

Лечение и диета при ацетоне у детейAt an acetonuria at children the following symptoms are observed:

  • Vomiting after reception of any food or liquid, including usual water;
  • Gripes in a stomach;
  • Organism dehydration: rare urination, dryness of integuments, emergence of a flush, coated tongue;
  • Smell of rotten apples from a mouth, from urine and the emetic mass of the child.

At inspection increase in the sizes of a liver is defined. Datas of laboratory, at emergence demonstrate disturbance of carbohydrate, lipidic and protein metabolism, increase in the acid environment at the expense of ketones. As the most important diagnostic method of acetone at children serves the urine research. For confirmation of the diagnosis in house conditions test strips are used. Their color at immersion in urine becomes pink, and at the expressed ketonuria at children the strip becomes violet.

Treatment of an acetonemia at children

First of all it is necessary to provide an organism with glucose. For this purpose the child needs to give sweet. That meal did not cause vomiting, compotes, fruit drinks, sweet tea (with honey or with sugar) on one tea spoon are for this purpose used each five minutes. To remove ketones, treatment of an acetonemia at children provides cleansing enemas.

The diet at acetone at children provides products with a large amount of digestible carbohydrates: semolina, porridge, mashed potatoes, vegetable soups. It is forbidden to give fast food products, chips, fat, smoked and hot dishes. The correct diet at an acetonemia at children surely includes sweets: fruit, honey, jam. In hard cases children are subject to urgent hospitalization in a hospital.

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