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13 reasons of subfebrile temperature

Subfebrile temperature call fervescence to 38 degrees, and subfebrile condition – existence of such temperature over 3 days, and quite often it happens without the visible reasons. Existence of subfebrile condition – a strong indication of disturbances in an organism which can be caused by various reasons: disease, stresses, hormonal failures. Despite the seeming inoffensiveness it is a state at which people often continue to lead a usual life, often is a sign of many diseases including heavy, possessing undesirable effects for health. Let's consider 12 main reasons which can cause temperature increase in an organism to subfebrile values.

1. Acute infectious diseases

The inflammatory process caused by infectious diseases (a SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, antritis, otitis, pharyngitis, etc.), is the most frequent reason of subfebrile temperature, and first of all doctors at complaints concerning temperature are inclined to suspect it. Feature of a hyperthermia at diseases of the infectious nature is that it quite often is followed by deterioration in the general state of health (a headache, weakness, a fever), and also in bystry simplification at antipyretic reception.

Острые инфекционные заболевания

Subfebrile temperature at children happens at chicken pox, a rubella and other children's diseases in a prodromal stage (i.e. before emergence of other clinical signs) and on recession of a disease.

2. Persistent nonspecific infections

Infectious subfebrile condition is also inherent in some chronic pathologies (quite often in the period of an aggravation):

  • To digestive tract diseases (pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis);
  • To inflammations of urinary tract (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis);
  • To inflammatory diseases of generative organs (prostate, uterus appendages);
  • To not healing ulcers at elderly people and patients with a diabetes mellitus.

For detection of slow infections therapists, as a rule, use the general analysis of urine, and at suspicion of specific body appoint ultrasonography, X-ray and survey of the narrow specialist to an inflammation.

Хронические неспецифические инфекции

3. Toxoplasmosis

Subfebrile temperature often is a toxoplasmosis symptom – a parasitic disease, a source of infection with which are cats, and also the food stuffs (meat, eggs) which did not undergo sufficient temperature processing. A toxoplasmosis at people with steady immunity proceeds imperceptibly, in a subclinical form, being expressed in weakness, a headache, deterioration in appetite including subfebrile condition which is not stopped by usual antipyretics. Treatment of a toxoplasmosis at healthy people (without immunodeficiency), as a rule, is done without any drugs, however in case of an acute form of the disease proceeding with an internal injury, pathology is eliminated medicamentally.


4. Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis – a heavy infection, the causing damage of lungs, and also urinary, bone, sexual systems, eyes and skin. Subfebrile temperature along with high fatigue, a loss of appetite, sleeplessness can be a symptom of tuberculosis of any localization. The pulmonary form of a disease is defined by fluorography at adults and Mantoux reaction at children that allows to reveal an illness at an early stage. Diagnosis of an extra pulmonary form is often complicated because it is difficult to distinguish tuberculosis from other inflammatory processes in bodies, however in this case it is recommended to pay attention to set of the signs characteristic of a disease: hyperthermia in the evenings, excess perspiration, and also sharp weight reduction.


5. HIV infection

Sometimes the body temperature of 37-38 degrees together with a joint pain, muscles, rash, increase in lymph nodes – a sign of the acute period of the HIV infection causing damage to immune system of the person. The disease incurable at the moment destroys immunity, doing an organism defenseless before any infections – even such harmless from the point of view of a lethal outcome as candidiasis, herpes, a SARS. The eclipse (asymptomatic) period of HIV can last up to several years, however in process of destruction by a virus of cells of immune system symptoms of a disease begin to be shown in the form of candidiasis, herpes, frequent colds, disturbance of a chair – and subfebrile condition including. Timely detection of HIV will allow the carrier to monitor the immune status and by means of antiviral treatment to reduce the maintenance of a virus in blood to minimum, having prevented complications, life-threatening.


6. Malignant tumors

At development in an organism of some tumoral diseases (a monocytic leukosis, a lymphoma, cancer of a kidney and others) there is an emission in blood of endogenous pyrogens – the proteins causing fervescence. Fever in this case will badly respond to treatment antipyretics and is sometimes combined with paraneoplastic syndromes on skin – a black acanthosis of folds of a body (at a breast cancer, digestive organs, ovaries), an erythema to Darya (at a breast cancer and a stomach), and also an itch without rash and any other reasons.

Злокачественные опухоли

7. A viral hepatitis In and With

Fever at the hepatitis B and C is a consequence of intoxication of an organism caused by defeat of cells of a liver and often is a sign of a slow form of a disease. Together with subfebrile condition hepatitises in an initial stage are followed by an indisposition, weakness, joint pains and muscles, yellowness of skin, and also discomfort in a liver after food. Earlier detection of the disease which is considered as hard to cure will allow to avoid transition of an illness to a chronic stage, so, to reduce risk of emergence of possible complications – cirrhosis or cancer of a liver.

Вирусный гепатит В и С

8. Helminthosis (helminthic invasion)

Often small temperature increase together with the increased fatigue and weakness is a symptom of parasitic infections. Subfebrile condition arises owing to organism intoxication waste products of worms and can be combined with digestion disturbances, a meteorism, drowsiness, emaciation (especially at elderly people and children). In the started cases helminthosis can cause heavy illnesses, up to intestinal impassability, dyskinesia of biliary tract, damage of kidneys, a liver, eyes, a brain therefore it is important to reveal a disease at an early stage. In most cases infection for an absolute recovery there are enough one-two courses of protivogelmintny means.


9. Diseases of a thyroid gland

Fervescence as consequences of acceleration of a metabolism in an organism arises also at a hyperthyroidism – the disturbance connected with the strengthened production of hormones of a thyroid gland. Body temperature not less than 37,3 degrees at an illness is accompanied by excess perspiration, impossibility to transfer a heat, thinning of hair, and also the increased uneasiness, tearfulness, nervousness, absent-mindedness. Severe forms of a hyperthyroidism can cause disability and even a lethal outcome therefore in the presence of above-mentioned symptoms it is better for person to see a doctor and to undergo inspection. Anti-thyroid drugs, and also the revitalizing techniques will allow to normalize work of a thyroid gland: hardening, dietotherapy, moderate exercise stresses, yoga. In some cases operation can be required.

Болезни щитовидной железы

10. Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia which can be caused by scanty food, chronic bleedings, digestive tract diseases, pregnancy – an illness which also quite often is followed by subfebrile body temperature. Together with subfebrile condition of a disease frequent dizzinesses, thinning of hair, nails, a xeroderma, drowsiness, decrease in immunity, breakdown accompany. The lack of iron of blood, as a rule, gives in to correction in 2-3 months of treatment, however it is necessary to know that existence of a disease can be an indicator of serious medical problems.

Железодефицитная анемия

11. Autoimmune diseases

Diseases in the presence of which the immune system ceases to distinguish own cells of an organism are called autoimmune, defining them as alien and attacking. The inflammation of fabrics accompanying this process also causes subfebrile body temperature. Diseases of autoimmune character are, as a rule, various on localization and clinical manifestations as not separate bodies, but fabrics, especially often connecting fabric are exposed to destruction. The pseudorheumatism, a system lupus erythematosus, a disease Krone are considered the most widespread. At the established diagnosis it is necessary to begin immediately immunosuppressor therapy as chronic diseases often lead to various disturbances of work of internals and heavy complications.

Аутоиммунные болезни

12. Psychogenic reasons

Subfebrile condition in fact – manifestation of excessively bystry metabolism on which work also the mentality exerts impact. Stresses, neurosises, strong sincere experiences, especially at the people having morbid depression can lead to fervescence including. For diagnosis of psychogenic deviations the special questionnaire (a hospital scale of a depression and alarm, a scale of emotional excitability, Beck's scale) according to which the test for mental stability of the person is carried out is offered. At confirmation of the diagnosis the psychotherapeutic help is offered to the patient, and also reception of demulcents is appointed.

Психогенные причины

13. Medicinal subfebrile condition

In certain cases fever of a body can be caused by long medicinal therapy. Ability to increase temperature to subfebrile values thyroxine drugs, antibiotics (ampicillin, lincomycin, penicillin), neuroleptics, some antidepressants, protivoparkinsonichesky and antihistamines, and also narcotic anesthetics have. For elimination of subfebrile temperature doctors practice cancellation or replacement of the drug possessing this reaction.

Лекарственный субфебрилитет

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.