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Плавание в цифрах и фактах

The advantage of swimming for the person is so high that this sport is not only the most popular, but also is widely applied in medicine...

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Как встретить Новый Год необычно

New Year comes and it is a high time to think how to meet it. If you were bothered traditional champagne with Russian salad, then it is possible выбр...

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Жировая диета: эффективна ли она?

What will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Give sort...

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Как зачать здорового ребенка

In life of each woman there comes the moment when she wants to become a mother. That's when there is a question: "How to conceive the healthy child?"...

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Деловая мама: проблемы и пути их решения

The business lady, the become mother, it is necessary to solve an array of problems. But of them is main: how to combine the beloved child and work? Kaki...

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15 модных хобби для домохозяек

Any housewife will agree that washing, cleaning, cooking – quite boring occupations, especially if it is necessary to do them every day....

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Новогодние традиции разных стран

Russians a ritual New Year's dish had a kolivo – sweet porridge, and pancakes. Was considered that the plentiful meal for New Year means that in...

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Гигиена полости рта

The beautiful snow-white smile is capable to open before us many hearts and doors. But what we know about the correct hygiene of an oral cavity? Okaz...

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Встань и иди: о пользе ходьбы для здоровья

During foot walks blood moves on vessels more actively and one and all bodies are supplied with a large amount of oxygen. On сос...

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Основные методики обновления кожи

The shining eyes, snow-white smile, slim figure and ideal skin – here the main criteria of female attractiveness. But what to do...

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Сноубординг: советы новичкам

The snowboarding is that sport which is simply created for the people preferring active recreation! Occupations bring them huge benefit д...

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Распространенные ошибки женщин в тренажерном зале

Women in aspiration to a beautiful figure are ready to go to a lot of things: the rigid diets, expensive procedures in beauty shops exhausting з...

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Правила безопасности на горнолыжной трассе

Mountain skiing and snowboard belong to extreme sports because, are connected with risk of getting injured. To each athlete, uvleka...

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Советы по уходу за телом

For maintenance of youth and beauty will not prevent to perform procedures for care of a body. We bring to your attention some councils, to...

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Худеем с удовольствием: советы психологов

So, you resolved to lose weight. And now you try to understand what to begin with: from exercise stresses or a diet? And how to make that...

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Уроки макияжа: исправляем ошибки

The make-up helps to hide small shortcomings and does us attractive. But at the wrong use it can only spoil everything....

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6 причин потери веса

You do not keep to a diet, eat in the pleasure and all the same grow thin? You think, it is good? Here not. Sharp and unreasonable rubbed...

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Как сохранить здоровье в новогодние каникулы

New Year's vacation is magic and fine time when we at last have an opportunity to have a rest and feel everything п...

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Что подарить ребенку на Новый Год

On the eve of New Year all parents begin to run feverishly on children's shops in search of a suitable gift for the favourite h...

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Враги женской красоты и способы борьбы с ними

Each woman dreams to be beautiful at any age. Unfortunately, the enemy does not doze. What he is an enemy of female beauty? And as its victories...

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