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Hygiene of an oral cavity

Женщины более подвержены кариесу
Women are more subject to caries
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Yes, women suffer from caries more often than men, and women's hormones, and also pregnancies are guilty of it. You know such national saying: "Each child costs mother of tooth?". So it is especially important to woman to show consideration for hygiene of an oral cavity.
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We choose a brush
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Toothbrushing twice a day – a condition indispensable, and here the choice of a toothbrush depends on individual preferences. There are many types of brushes: ultrasonic, ionic, electric or usual.
Электрическая зубная щетка
Electric toothbrush
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Electric brushes it is not worse and it is not better usual, traditional. They are thought simply up specially for the aid to those who are lazy to brush teeth a usual brush.
Ионная щетка
Ionic brush
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Effective and available way of prevention of caries. The titanic plate capable to release negatively charged electrons that allows to attract during toothbrushing a plaque like a strong magnet is built in the handle of an ionic brush. At regular use of an ionic brush the tooth sensitivity decreases, a gingiva cease to bleed.
Ультразвуковая щетка
Ultrasonic brush
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There were ultrasonic brushes still in the late nineties. They are capable to save from a bacterial plaque not only on the surface of tooth, but also to 4 mm under gingivas that it is just impossible to make a usual brush.
Уход за зубной щеткой
Care of a toothbrush
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That the brush did not become a nursery of bacteria, it is necessary to look after it correctly. After cleaning it is necessary to leave it to dry in the open air and only after drying to remove in a case. It is periodically necessary to process a brush special antibacterial solutions and approximately once in three months to change it. Also it is necessary to change a brush every time as had a viral infection.
Выбор зубной пасты
Toothpaste choice
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We dealt with toothbrushes, now it is necessary to decide on the toothpaste choice. Optimum, if in a bathroom there is not one, but two tubes with toothpaste – preventive and medical. You can choose the first, and here the choice of the second should be discussed with the stomatologist.
Противовоспалительная зубная паста
Antiinflammatory toothpaste
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If you are tormented by an unpleasant smell from a mouth and bleeding of gums, then give preference to antiinflammatory toothpaste. It effectively prevents inflammatory processes, neutralizes harmful bacteria and as a result – a bad smell from a mouth.
Противокариесная зубная паста
Anticaries toothpaste
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At such pastes there is a fluorine and calcium which allow to struggle with caries effectively.
Солевая зубная паста
Salt toothpaste
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Salt pastes are very specific on taste and will please not everyone. However they are quite effective for strengthening of gums.
Отбеливающая зубная паста
The bleaching toothpaste
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At such pastes there is enough peroxide of hydrogen therefore they aggressively influence an adamantine substance of tooth. It is not recommended to use them constantly, only periodically.
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Dental floss and conditioner
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Separately It is necessary to tell about use of a dental floss which helps to remove a plaque from interdental spaces and a conditioner. It helps to refresh breath, to solve such problems as sensitivity of an adamantine substance of tooth, a yellow plaque on teeth, morbidity of gums, and also to prevent reproduction of a bacterium.
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Also you remember, timely prevention will save you from expensive visits to the stomatologist. Therefore you are not lazy, look after an oral cavity, and everything will be good.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.