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We remove hems and scars

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Small, but noticeable hems which remain after juvenile spots – a post-acne – quite widespread phenomenon. Most often they remain after unsuccessful expression of an eel when the infection preventing recovery of skin gets to a wound.
Избавляемся от постакне дома
We get rid of a house post-acne
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To smooth hems, it is necessary to use the means stimulating regeneration of skin. It is ointment and cream with the content of cordianine, a kolkhibin, oligopeptidny complex. You apply drug on affected areas twice a day for 4 weeks. It is possible to use in addition masks and serums with oils jojoba, ши, vitamin E and panthenol. They normalize hydrobalance and do skin of more elastic.
Дермабразия от постакне
Dermabrasion from a post-acne
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If an enanthesis is observed, then at first it is necessary to cure them and only after that to resort to removal of a post-acne. At hems dermabrasion – grinding of skin by means of the erbium laser not bad helps. By means of the procedure the corneous layer completely is removed that accelerates development of healthy cells, and skin becomes fresher and smooth. Dermabrasion is carried out under local anesthesia, and recovery takes week.
Мезотерапия от постакне
Mesotherapy from a post-acne
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Mesotherapy drugs on the basis of hyaluronic acid – less traumatic way of treatment of hems. For notable effect it is necessary to carry out 3-5 procedures which are carried out each 7-10 days. The mesotherapy has practically no contraindications, except for small reddenings and hypostases which within a day, as a rule, disappear. But at too extensive damages of skin the mesotherapy can be inefficient.
Криодеструкция от постакне
Cryolysis from a post-acne
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The cryolysis is effective for correction of large and convex hems. This procedure means influence by liquid nitrogen of ultralow temperature that allows to remove roughnesses and promotes formation of healthy fabrics. The procedure is almost painless, but blisters can remain for 1-2 weeks after its carrying out.
Неудачная косметическая манипуляция
Unsuccessful cosmetic manipulation
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Unfortunately, the majority of cosmetology procedures have a number of side effects to which it is possible to refer formation of hems in the place of influence. If to you made unsuccessful cosmetic manipulation, then know that first of all it is fault of the cosmetologist. Most likely, it incorrectly picked up concentration of drugs or depth of influence. It becomes frequent the reason of hems specific feature of skin.
Избавляемся от рубцов дома
We get rid of house hems
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Before undertaking any measures, wait until there passes month after the procedure. During this time skin has to be recovered and it will be possible to estimate loss degree objectively. And at this time it is possible to use actively ointments with the content of Aloe Vera and arnica – they accelerate an angenesis and prevent formation of hems. If after a month hems and scars remained – address the specialist dermatologist.
Радиотерапия от рубцов
Radiotheraphy from hems
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Treatment of hems is recommended to be begun with radiotheraphy sessions when cicatricial cells under the influence of an acute exposure perish, and on their place there is an active regeneration of healthy cells. As absolutely small site of epidermis is irradiated, the negative impact is minimum. After the procedure some time can be observed erubescence.
Шлифовка ниодимовым лазером от рубцов
Grinding by the neodymium laser from hems
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This procedure is recommended when the most part of the person is damaged. The laser beam of a certain wavelength gets into a derma, significantly accelerates regeneration of skin and improves its relief. Modern technologies allow to control depth and area of influence of the laser therefore the probability of damage of healthy fabrics is almost excluded. As a rule, there is enough holding one similar procedure.
Коррекция застарелых рубцов и шрамов
Correction of old hems and scars
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For treatment of old hems and scars the combination of radiotheraphy and laser therapy to injections of the hormonal drugs possessing antiinflammatory action is recommended. Doctors usually appoint 3-4 injections a month. It is possible to apply hormonal means and in itself, but, as a rule, it is done not for treatment of already existing scars, and as prevention of emergence of new.
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Extensions – even more widespread phenomenon, than a post-acne. As a rule, extensions are localized in a stomach and hips, and also on a breast. They can appear as a result of sharp fluctuations of weight, and also during pregnancy. Not the last role in their formation is played by a hormonal background which change does skin of less elastic.
Избавляемся от растяжек дома
We get rid of house extensions
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House means can help only with treatment of fresh extensions. If characteristic white strips on a body are noticeable, begin to use cosmetics with vegetable oils (almond, avocado, wheat germs). Also lotions with algas and a mineral complex, and also with fruit acids – apple, glycolic, pyroracemic will be useful cream.
Лазерная шлифовка для удаления растяжек
Laser grinding for removal of extensions
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The most popular method of elimination of extensions is laser grinding. It quite well helps, however has a number of contraindications. So, it is impossible to do it at serious cardiovascular illnesses, a diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, at vitiligo and some vascular disorders. It is not recommended to carry out grinding to warm season as the procedure increases photosensitivity of skin.
Химический пилинг от растяжек
Chemical peeling from extensions
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Also such method of correction of extensions as a chemical peeling is widespread. But it is necessary to tell that the result can be opposite, and, instead of disposal of extensions, they will become visible even more clearly. Besides, after such types of a peeling as deep phenolic and the TSA-peeling is required a long time on recovery. Superficial peelings have no side effects, but for deep hems they are inefficient.


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Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.