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10 little-known facts about babies

The kid who was recently born is surrounded with love of adult family members and their cares without which the baby cannot exist. Some parents consider that gentle attachment and caress are quite enough that the child correctly developed and was happy, but it not so. It is important to know as much as possible about specifics of care of the baby, the reasons of his behavior and possible problems. Only the "able to see" love will provide to the little man that it is necessary for him.

Малоизвестные факты о младенцах

Today we will tell readers about some little-known features of newborn children.

The baby cries with accent by which it is possible to determine mother's nationality

The fact that the fruit which is in mother's womb perceives everything that occurs in the world around is known long ago. Not without reason to pregnant women recommend to listen to quiet classical music, singing of birds, a rustle of leaves and murmur of water. These sounds reduce stress and help to calm down not only to future mother, but also her kid.

The pregnant woman has to talk tenderly from the first days of existence of a fruit to him, creating and strengthening the emotional connection with the baby. The child who during incubation constantly heard mother's voice turned to it behaves further quietly, well sleeps, eats and develops. Besides, scientists noticed the interesting fact: the nature of crying of the newborn depends on tongue group to which his mother belongs. In sounds which are made by kids it is possible to hear the accents imitating some features of language of their parents. The baby, given rise by the Russian mother, cries not absolutely as the child of the Englishwoman or the Frenchwoman.

Beginning to study the world, the baby uses taste and sense of smell

The volume of information which the newborn has to acquire is huge. Within the first year the child learns about the world around more, than for all subsequent life. It is possible to tell that the kid constantly studies. However at the very beginning of life not all its sense bodys function equally well.

The newborn begins to learn the world by means of sense of smell. It is known that even the very first minutes of life the kid put on mother's stomach reaches for her nipple. The matter is that the colostrum produced by mammary glands on a smell is very similar to amniotic liquid in which the fruit was during incubation. So the natural mechanism designed to draw as soon as possible attention of the child to a food source operates.

Up to 7 months the child is not capable to use touch fully. But in an oral cavity of the baby there is a set of nerve terminations by means of which it is possible to study objects successfully. For this reason kids of such age pull in a mouth and lick everything.

Babies smile much more often than adults

The reasons of this phenomenon are unknown, but newborns are really very smiling. The kid aged before half a year smiles about 200 times a day. Over time this parameter decreases. For comparison, the adult woman smiles on average 62 times a day, and the man – only 8 times.

Most of children have knack to dive and float

95% of kids have a congenital swimming reflex which remains almost before half a year. When the baby plunges into water, the frequency of its cordial reductions decreases by 20%, the speed of a peripheral blood-groove decreases. So the organism keeps oxygen for supply of heart and a brain. Newborns are able to hold reflex the breath when diving.

Organisms of mother and fruit exchange cells

Sometimes in an organism of the women who recently gave birth to sons find Y-chromosomes. This fact gives to scientists the chance to claim that cells of a fruit can get into a body of future mother and remain in it some time.

Besides, specialists consider that the fruit can "share" stem cells with mother if she breaks work of vitals. Explain these cases of sudden izlecheniye of pregnant women from heart diseases and kidneys, and also from other heavy pathologies.

The baby possesses a congenital grasp reflex

The so-called palmar reflex begins to develop at a fruit on the 16th week of an antenatal life. By the time of appearance of the child on light ability to strong squeeze handles objects forms completely. At the same time a grasp at the kid so strong that his brushes maintain body weight. However, you should not experiment with this talent of the baby nevertheless: the child can suddenly unclench fingers.

The grasp reflex long time was considered as purely atavistic phenomenon connected with ability of cubs of monkeys strong to hold wool of mothers during carrying. Today scientists consider that this ability is not simply inherited by the person from animal ancestors, but also plays a large role in development of touch and sensual studying of objects.

Children are born with black-and-white sight

Features of sight of the newborn are connected with weakness of the muscles responsible for change of curvature of a crystalline lens, and with ateliosis of the neural bonds connecting optic nerves to the corresponding zone of a cerebral cortex.

The first visual impressions of the baby do not differ in clearness: the child sees the image turned, contours of objects are washed slightly away. The newborn does not distinguish flowers, perceiving them as more or less dark. Besides, the kid can make out only motionless objects which are at him directly before eyes at distance of 20-30 cm from a face.

In process of growth of the child his sight becomes similar to sight of the adult. By two months the baby is already able to see off eyes moving objects, perception of the picture becomes volume. Color sight forms gradually too: children start anew to distinguish red color, and by three months see the world in all flowers of a range.

The smallest have no dreams

Dreams appear at kids after achievement of age of three years. At the same time their dreams strongly differ from what is seen by adults: children do not observe in a dream of. But night visions of kids are very emotional and fantastic. At them often there are most improbable fantastic heroes, monsters, nonexistent representatives of fauna, the recovered objects.

Факты о младенцах: дети рождаются с черно-белым зрением

During pre-natal development the face and a body of the kid is covered with hair

Hair follicles begin to function at a fruit on the 12th week of pre-natal development. Soft colourless hairs which cover all body surface and a face grow from them. Such pilosis is called a lanugo. It performs very important function: holds on skin of the kid a vernix caseosa – the substance having a wax-like consistence and protecting an organism of the baby from harmful external agents.

By 28th week of incubation of a lanugo reaches a development maximum, but by the time of childbirth almost completely disappears. At the full-term newborns norm existence of a small down on a back is considered. In the first weeks of life of the baby these hairs drop out. Premature kids sometimes are born with dense pilosis of all surface of a little body.

The brain of the newborn uses about a half of reserves of glucose in an organism

It is known that the brain of the adult uses about 20% of the glucose coming to an organism. At the newborn baby this parameter is 2,5 times higher: nearly a half of main biological "fuel" spends a body of the baby for work of the central nervous system.

For this reason small children sleep very much: in a dream blood supply of a brain amplifies. Besides, at this time the organism can not spend energy for muscular activity.

Not all is known of features of life of newborns, scientists are expected by many opening in this area. Acquaintance to the most modern information will be useful for parents: the more they will know about the kids, the better will be able to care about their health and the correct development.

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In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.