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12 reasons of the lowered body temperature

Each person knows that fervescence is an illness sign. However too low temperature (hypothermia), especially also can demonstrate existence of diseases when it is observed long enough. Such state is dangerous that it, unlike fever, does not give a serious inconvenience: patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, apathy. Sometimes the fever and a cryesthesia in extremities joins. Many people at similar symptoms do not see doctors, including them a consequence of the collected fatigue at all. Nevertheless, medical intervention is necessary here.

Lowered is considered body temperature less than 35,8 °C. To establish the factors which caused it without careful inspection by time can be difficult, but most often such state is caused by the reasons with which we will acquaint you.

1. Low hemoglobin

The lack of hemoglobin caused by deficit of iron in an organism it becomes frequent the reason of fall of temperature of a body and emergence of the accompanying symptoms (bystry fatigue, loss of vitality and appetite, decrease in intellectual activity, etc.). If such phenomena arise regularly, it is necessary to address the therapist and to ask to appoint a blood analysis.

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2. Internal bleeding

Damage or increase in permeability of walls of vessels owing to an injury, growths of a tumor, disbolism, etc. can be the cause of development of internal bleeding. Chronic process has no active external manifestations, and the loss of blood affects only overall health. Fall of temperature of a body can be one of symptoms. This dangerous state demanding immediate medical care.

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3. Pregnancy

Sharp fluctuations of a hormonal background can provoke development of a hypothermia. At the pregnancy proceeding without pathologies, temperature is returned to normal level as the organism of the woman adapts to a new state.


4. Problems with vessels

Sometimes fall of temperature of a body arises periodically and is followed by such phenomena as a headache, dizziness, nausea, intolerance of bright light or loud sounds. This complex of symptoms is characteristic of vascular dystonia. Unpleasant feelings arise against the background of sharp short-term vasodilatation.

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5. Diabetes

At the people having diabetes the glucose oxidation mechanism – the main source of energy is broken. At the beginning of pathological process constant thirst, the strengthened urination, feeling of numbness of extremities, increase in body weight and fluctuation of temperature is observed (including its frequent or permanent decrease).


6. Pathologies of adrenal glands

Decrease in body temperature is connected with disturbances of work of bark of adrenal glands at which there is a deficit of cortisol, Aldosteronum and androgenic hormones. The state is shown also by hypotonia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, appetite loss, disturbance of swallowing and frequent differences of mood (irascibility, irritability).

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7. Brain tumors

The center which is responsible for maintenance of constant temperature in an organism is in a hypothalamus. The new growth (malignant or high-quality) which arose in this zone breaks regulations of processes of heat exchange. The patients having brain tumors along with headaches and dizzinesses often complain of a fever and a cryesthesia in extremities.

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8. Asthenic syndrome

Deficit of oxygen in tissues of a human body is a proximate cause of an adynamy. At the same time processes of oxidation and receiving are slowed down by an energy organism. At the people suffering from an asthenic syndrome an asthma, blanching of integuments, disturbances of balance and sight ("front sight" before eyes), apathy are observed.

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9. Damages of skin

The hypothermia is quite often observed at the patients having dermatitis, psoriasis or such severe damages of skin as an ichthyosis.

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10. SARS

It is accepted to associate with seasonal viral infections the increased body temperature, but it not always so. Heat is usually observed in the first days of a disease, but during recovery of many patients the weakness and a hypothermia (in the mornings temperature does not rise higher than 36 degrees) connected with recently postponed stress and temporary decrease in protective forces of an organism torments.


11. Intoxication

Low body temperature sometimes arises owing to poisoning with chemicals, food stuffs (for example, mushrooms) or medicines. It is explained by the oppression of the vital functions (breath, cordial activity, etc.) caused by intoxication. Similarly the organism can react also to alcohol overdose.


12. Overcooling

Long stay on a frost or in the rain causes the strong fall of temperature of a body which is followed by a persuasive fever and pallor of integuments. If the victim manages to be warmed quickly, unpleasant symptoms disappear. It, however, does not mean that the person does not need medical care: overcooling can have very unpleasant effects for health including remote.


Hypothermia – the alarming sign demanding full inspection. It is necessary to take this symptom seriously, at all not to self-medicate and in time to address specialists.

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