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Home first-aid kit: rules of completing and use

All know that self-treatment is dangerous. However absolutely it is almost impossible to do without it. Rate of modern life does not allow to handle each small trouble to the doctor and information on ways of independent delivery of health care is quite available. Means, all of us have only one: to learn to give this help competently and in those limits in which it is possible for the person who does not have vocational education.

Домашняя аптечка: необходимые медикаменты

Within such training it is necessary to acquire for a start information on that, to properly use the home first-aid kit.

What medicines need to be held in the house?

Contents of the home first-aid kit substantially depend on the state of health and age of family members. For example, if the elderly people and chronic patients, medicines necessary for maintenance of their normal health always live in the house have to be near at hand. In the presence in a family of children the first-aid kit should be added with drugs and conditioning agents, optimum for their age group.

And still, it is necessary to store the general in each apartment for all a set of medicines which can be useful literally any minute. In it have to be:

  • Dressing materials. Cotton wool, bandage, plaster, BF-6 glue, gauze. It is possible to add the wadded disks and sticks, wet towel wipes impregnated with an antiseptic agent etc.;
  • The means intended for processing of wounds. The hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, Furacilin healing sprays and ointments;
  • Anesthetics and febrifugal drugs. At the choice it is necessary to be guided by a doctor's advice, but paracetamol should be held nevertheless in the first-aid kit;
  • Spasmolysant (Nospanum or Drotaverinum);
  • Antihistaminic (antiallergic) drugs;
  • Calmatives of a plant origin (Tinctura Valerianae or motherwort);
  • The drugs helping to facilitate symptoms of cold and respiratory diseases. The choice of the most effective drugs in this case remains for the specialist, but lollipops, the calming cough or a pharyngalgia, means for rinsing, vegetable cold drops have to be in each house. Besides, it is desirable to include mustard plasters in structure of the first-aid kit;
  • Means of fight against disturbances of the GITs functions. Diarrhea medicine, a lock, heartburn, nausea, the drugs containing enzymes. In the first-aid kit there have to be drugs intended for rendering the pre-medical help at poisonings (absorbent carbon, a smekt, etc.);
  • Means of first aid to cores (for example, validol). If in a family is sick stenocardia, it is necessary to keep packaging of nitroglycerine "on duty" in the first-aid kit;
  • Liquid ammonia;
  • The ointments, gels or pulverizing relieving pain at stretchings and bruises.

It is necessary to store thermometers, pipettes, fingerstalls and blunt scissors in the certain place. It is very good if in the house there are an inhaler and a tonometer, and if necessary, and the glucose meter.

Перевязочные материалы, которые необходимо хранить дома

Let's organize the correct storage of medicines

The drugs which are subject to storage in the conditions of the lowered temperature need to be placed in the refrigerator. It is optional to allocate to them the whole shelf, but it is important that they did not adjoin to products. It is the best of all to put drugs in densely closed plastic box.

For storage of other drugs it is worth picking up a capacious box, a casket or a basket with a cover which can be put in a case. It is very important that this case was locked, and children had no access to keys. By the way, the children's set of drugs and means for leaving is recommended to be stored separately from the first-aid kit for adults. It is necessary not only in order that quickly to find the drug necessary for the kid in emergency situation, but also accidentally not to mix medicine: the means intended for children often have the same names, as drugs for adults, but contain smaller concentration of active ingredients.

Now about the most important: at all drugs the period of validity expires sooner or later, and it is dangerous to use expired drugs. Therefore the responsible owner of the first-aid kit not only correctly completes it and stores, but also time in 6 months looks through regarding withdrawal of drugs of expired and their replacement new, and also deficit replenishments. In this case the risk to be left at the most inappropriate moment without the necessary drug or material is excluded.

Ability to render to itself and to the relatives the pre-medical help is a basis of the concept of responsible self-treatment (CRST) which is actively propagandized by World Health Organization. Recently became interested in this concept also in our country; it was approved by the management of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Obtaining knowledge and skills, necessary for such help, – a civic duty of each modern person.

Whether you know that:

If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.