Statistically, at the address to doctors seven of each ten patients complain of a headache. Actually it is much more people who are periodically feeling unpleasant feelings such.
Many people, apart from a headache the reason for serious fears, prefer to muffle independently the next attack medicines. Such behavior is extremely careless, especially if this symptom appears regularly and is followed by other signs of an indisposition. Constant headaches practically always demonstrate existence of the serious problems demanding intervention of specialists.
When determining the reasons of a headache for one of the main diagnostic characters localization of unpleasant feelings is. Pain in temporal areas can be a consequence:
Besides, temporal headaches can arise at periods or in a climacteric at women, at fatigue and an overstrain, or to be a remote consequence of injuries of the head.
Considerable part of the patients complaining of nape pain has various diseases of cervical department of a backbone (a spondylosis, osteochondrosis) or inflammatory processes in neck muscles (for example, a miositis). At all these illnesses considerable restriction of mobility of a neck is observed, pain extends to area behind ears and an upper back. As a rule, patients test constraint, they interrupt a sleep. At osteochondrosis pain can be followed by a sonitus, nausea and disturbances of balance.
Pain in a nape quite often is a sign of increase in arterial or intracranial pressure. Sometimes such feelings are connected with vascular problems (for example, delay of outflow from the head of a venous blood). Strengthening of pain during the lying and cough, and also morning puffiness of lower eyelids is characteristic of these cases.
Dull aches in a nape often arise at the people forced to be long at work in the situation connected with a neck muscle tension (drivers, seamstresses, watchmakers, programmers, jewelers etc.). Unpleasant feelings of this kind arise also as a result of stresses.
When pain is localized in a forehead, can be the cause:
In most cases the headache is not an independent disease. It is a symptom of some illness, and the main role in disposal of unpleasant feelings is played by its correct diagnosis allowing to appoint optimum treatment.
To try to remove attacks by means of independently picked up anesthetics it is admissible only when the headache arises very seldom and is not followed by other signs of an indisposition. It is worth mentioning also that frequent an origin and strengthenings of pain become medicines which accept without control of the doctor. Therefore if unpleasant feelings appear infrequently, it is worth trying to solve a problem, without using medicines (for example, to make soft massage, to take an alternating douche, to drink the calming tea with mint).
The situation when the headache is accompanied by vomiting, vision disorders or hearing, dizziness, temperature increase, an alalia or coordination of movements, weakness has to become a reason for the address to the specialist. Consultation of the specialist is required if the unpleasant symptom arises with a certain frequency or attacks proceed, despite drug intake. Remember that the relation to a headache as to small trouble, can be hazardous to health.
Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.
It would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal zhiznedeyatet...
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Section: Articles about health