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6 ways to get rid of allergic rhinitis in house conditions

Cold, puffiness of a nose, itch, the watering eyes – characteristic symptoms of the allergic rhinitis resulting from hit of allergens (pollen, house dust, hair of animals, etc.) on a mucous membrane of a nose. Unpleasant feelings often give trouble, serving as the reason of a headache, an acrimony, sleep disorders, and in certain cases and the states close to a depression. How to get rid of undesirable satellites of a disease if near at hand there are no antiallergic drugs? Actually it is possible to facilitate the course of an illness by means of simple procedures which are easy for executing in house conditions.

1. Washing of a nose

Being the daily hygienic procedure in India (dzhala-neta), washing of a nose proved not only as medical, but also prophylactic, interfering with infection with many infectious diseases. For these purposes netti-sweat – a small teapot with the narrow nose facilitating process of irrigation of a mucous membrane of a nose (instead of a teapot it is possible to use the syringe, the syringe without needle or a saucer) is used.

For destruction of allergens simple solution of table or sea salt which, liquefying slime, facilitates their removal prepares. It is also possible to use iodine solution (2 drops on a glass of water) or broths of a camomile, a sage, calendula – but only in the absence of an allergy to iodine and herbs. Having inclined the head, it is necessary to fill in teapot contents in one nostril, and then in another, watching that liquid got in a nasopharynx.

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure at an acute inflammation of a middle ear (otitis), epilepsy and frequent nasal bleedings.

Промывание носа

2. Inhalation ferry

Inhalation advantage the ferry is that, liquefying a nose secret at rhinitis, hot air influences not only on its mucous, but also okolonosovy bosoms. Thus, covers of a nose are quickly humidified, being cleared of allergens and bacteria. For holding a procedure special adaptation (nebulizer) or the pan filled with water are used. Solutions for inhalations can be made according to such recipes:

  • Potatoes broth (with tubers);
  • Heated (it is not higher than 50 degrees) salt solution (1 h l. on 1 l of water);
  • Hot solution of soda (1 h l. on 1 l of water);
  • Broths of pharmaceutical herbs (a camomile, a calendula, coltsfoot) – 1 h l. dry herbs on 1 l. boiled water.

It is necessary to breathe both nostrils. After 10-15 minute procedures for the maximum effect it is recommended to wrap up the person with a warm scarf.

Inhalations should not be carried out right after food, at fever and an exacerbation of the available chronic diseases (arterial hypertension, a diabetes mellitus decompensation, etc.).

Ингаляция паром

3. Warming up of a nose

The procedure of warming up of a nose at an allergy is similar to action of steam inhalation – its use does not require liquid. The large, well calcinated on a frying pan salt is wrapped in a fabric sack and put to nose bosoms. Except salt it is possible to use buckwheat, millet, rice, usual sand or the hard-boiled hot egg.

Influence of temperature accelerates rush of blood to vessels therefore allergens are removed from a nose together with slime. It is important to distinguish allergic rhinitis from antritis as in the presence in bosoms of purulent contents of warming up are contraindicated.

Прогревание носа

4. Essential oils

In the absence of the opportunities which are listed above it is possible to inhale the essential oils divorced in hot water most of which have antiinflammatory and antiseptic effect (8-10 drops on 1 l of water). To it oil of an eucalyptus, juniper, a fir, menthol, a tea tree belongs. For decrease in hypostasis essential oils are rubbed in Highmore's bosoms or dug in in a nasal cavity. Medicine is prepared, having taken olive oil (50 ml) as a basis and having added to it several drops of essential oil of a pine, rosemary, a sage, a peppermint. The good effect provides an instillation in a kalanchoe juice nose.

As contraindication to the procedure only the individual intolerance of this or that oil can serve.

Эфирные масла

5. Acupressure

This most ancient technique called acupuncture allows to remove nose hypostasis, having caused improvement of blood circulation in fabrics. It can be carried out so:

  • Having put thumbs of hands to nose wings, execute rotary motions clockwise 1-2 minutes;
  • Small pillows of average, anonymous fingers and little finger softly influence a zone from a nose to ears (under eyes);
  • Three fingers of both hands massage a forehead.

In spite of the fact that the touch to some points of the person can be followed by pain, it is recommended to subject them to massage until unpleasant feelings do not disappear.

Точечный массаж

6. Spices

Some spices have ability to instantly clean mucous membranes and bosoms of a nose from the allergens which caused hypostasis. Onions, garlic, pepper (black, red, Chile), mustard, horse-radish, wasabi, ginger belong to such products.

At the use of spicy food it is worth to remember about its negative impact on mucous a gullet and a stomach. Therefore in the presence of digestive tract diseases (gastritis, an ulcer) it is better to get rid of allergic rhinitis in a different way.


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