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9 useful products about which unfairly forgot

Turnip, radish, horse-radish – once these and other products enjoyed wide popularity at our ancestors, being not only the food sating an organism but also the medicines curing of many diseases. Unfortunately, the use of some of them got out of fashion long ago, and once favourite plants and vegetables almost ceased to make a contribution to human health. Inclusion of such products in a modern diet − an effective measure of prevention and treatment of diseases which were seldom suffered by our ancestors − obesity, a diabetes mellitus, diseases of bone system, atherosclerosis of vessels and many other illnesses.

1. Turnip

Practically till the 20th century turnip was a guest of honor of the Russian table. From a root crop soups, porridges, stuffings for pies, a pickles were cooked. Today turnip can be compared to exotic vegetable from which dishes – an unusual occurrence safely. Unfortunately − to a root crop ordinary-looking by sight it is difficult to this to find analogs on nutritional value.

Being a source of vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts, turnip serves as an effective remedy from avitaminosis, and the high content of calcium (together with the magnesium improving its assimilation) allows vegetable to promote prevention of rickets and diseases of bone system. At pulp of a root crop there is a natural antibiotic, growth-inhibiting practically all species of bacteria and fungi (except staphylococcus and colibacillus) thanks to what turnip acts as an effective remedy for treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma, a dentagra, and also many other illnesses.


2. Swede

Swede − one more valuable vegetable which advantage is unfairly forgotten. The swede surpasses onions, tomatoes and oranges in the content of vitamin C, approaching on its indicators a white cabbage. "the Swedish turnip" dishes – and it can be salads, soups, ragouts – are useful to the diabetics and people having obesity. Rough cellulose in its structure perfectly clears intestines, and the juice received from pulp possesses laxative action. The vegetable by outward reminding beet with success is applied in traditional medicine to treatment of skin diseases, diseases of a respiratory organs and clarification of an organism.


3. Oat flour

The flour from grains of barley, peas or oats called by oat flour – the ancient Russian product which is widely used for preparation of porridges, soups, pastries, kissel and even tea drinks. Advantage of oat flour in comparison with usual flour in its high nutritiousness (thanks to the remains of fractions of grain), and also the special taste and aroma reminding cocoa. It is remarkable that for consumption oat flour it is not necessary to prepare – to make enough a product hot milk or water.

Oat flour is rich with bioflavonoids which problems include regulation of work of immune and endocrine systems, clarification of an organism from toxic substances, and also active participation in cell regeneration. Group B vitamins positively influence a condition of a nervous system, memory, hair and nails, and rare antioxidants of an avenantramida which can be met only in oats interfere with formation of plaques on walls of vessels. Unique properties of oat flour do it irreplaceable for a healthy diet – but, unfortunately, it, as well as many other primordially Russian products, on shelves of shops already almost not to meet.


4. Girasol

Girasol – the next root crop which consumption was forced out itself by potatoes. Nevertheless, this vegetable, sweetish on taste, is much more useful than the fellow, surpassing not only potatoes, but also carrots, beet and turnip in the content of iron. The root crop which is often called by an earth pear contains inulin in a large number – a natural analog of the insulin regulating sugar level in blood that does a girasol by a product number one in food of the people sick with a diabetes mellitus.


5. Horse-radish

This plant, traditional for our edges, having acute spiciness appears on a modern table too more and more seldom. However the neglect horse-radish has no reasons: the plant advances many vegetables on the content of carotene, vitamins of group B, the indigestible rough fibers improving work of intestines, and the vitamin C share in its leaves exceeds indicators of a citrus, conceding only to blackcurrant and a dogrose. Speaking about advantage of horse-radish, it should be noted its high bactericidal properties reached thanks to a lysozyme − to an antibiotic, pernicious for the majority of microbes. So, the plant is widely used at treatment of quinsy, whooping cough, inflammations of urinary channels, and still is an effective remedy for removal from an organism of helminths.


6. Radish

One more half-forgotten vegetable which use reckoned with honey as "all diseases medicine". And today the radish, a little bitterish on taste, did not lose the curative properties. It is considered that dishes from it promote increase in appetite and improvement of digestion, being an effective remedy at an intestines atony, locks, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. In traditional medicine pulp of a radish is used as the warming and wound healing means at treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, arthritis and rheumatism.


7. Parsnip

Parsnip root – the crop which is grown up today it is rare where – it is in appearance similar to carrots, but, unlike it has white color. Sweetish, slightly spiciness of vegetable allows to use it in preparation of various purees, sauces, canned food. It is considered that the regular use of a parsnip prevents development of pathologies of heart, an urolithiasis, adjournment of salts, and also reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in blood. In addition to a root, medical effect also the plant leaves which are used as spicy seasoning to food have. Thanks to high vitamin structure broth of leaves of a parsnip is effective at treatment of cough, catarrhal diseases and the weakened immunity.


8. Lentil

This product of family of bean, being eurysynusic in Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt, in the modern world unfairly we ignore. Nevertheless, a lentil dish it is much more useful related to it than cultures: peas, haricot, chick-pea. So, the portion of lentil contains about 90% of standard daily rate of folic acid. Besides, the product is rich with the Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids responsible for a condition of cellular membranes, but not synthesized by an organism. Together with lentil of people receives phytalbumin, cellulose, vitamins, minerals, microelements and useful amino acids. One of them, tryptophane, is responsible for production of the serotonin increasing mood and resilience to stresses.


9. Rhubarb

Today you will seldom meet a plant with red scapes and big green leaves on vegetable beds whereas long time in Russia the rhubarb was considered as the most valuable medicinal culture. Only the rhubarb stalk having pleasant taste with easy sourness which is, as a rule, extinguished with sugar addition is eaten. From vegetable tasty and useful desserts, carbohydrate-rich, vitamins (In, C, PP), pectin, citric and apple acids turn out. The use of a rhubarb promotes the best work of the alimentary system, being used as laxative and cholagogue means, and also is prevention of tuberculosis, anemia, heart diseases, slight, catarrhal diseases. Children should use vegetable with care: high content of oxalic acid in a rhubarb against the background of unripe digestion can cause serious poisoning.


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Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.