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5 councils for an occasion of relief of symptoms of a climax

The climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed by serious hormonal changes in an organism. Usually the menopause begins at the age of 50-55 years, but characteristics of this process are very individual. Factors of earlier approach of a climax are irregular sex life, numerous abortions, addictions, existence of endocrine, autoimmune and gynecologic diseases, frequent stresses and excessive hobby for diets. Weight of course of a menopause in many respects is defined by heredity.

Расстройства, обусловленные климаксом

The malfunctions in an organism arising at a climax

The woman can understand that she approached this moment of the life if it observes some characteristic signs of approach of a climax.

  • First of all, the menstrual cycle is broken. In mild cases monthly allocations just become more rare, and over time disappear absolutely. Some women, on the contrary, have plentiful bleedings happening to disturbance of terms and leading to massive blood losses;
  • After the termination of periods intensity of usual vulval allocations strongly decreases, dryness mucous which becomes the reason of burning, an itch and unpleasant feelings at sexual contacts is observed. Also such phenomena as an urine incontience at cough or sneezing are not excluded, increase of desires to an urination during sleep, burning and gripes in a bladder;
  • Failures in work of the autonomic nervous system come one of the first, and they are connected with sharp falling of level of estrogen in blood. So-called inflows are most often observed: the woman feels heat on the surface of a face, breast, sometimes and palms. Then skin becomes covered plentiful then, heartbeat becomes frequent, becomes difficult to breathe. The attack passes itself within several minutes. As a rule, inflows happen at night more often, than in the afternoon. On their frequency doctors draw the conclusion about weight of a menopausal syndrome (to 10 inflows a day it is considered the easy disturbance which is not demanding medical intervention);
  • The women who entered the menopause period often complain of sleep disorders (snore, an apnoea, frequent awakenings, day drowsiness), and also nausea, dizziness, a headache and weakness;
  • There is an atrophy of ligaments of small pelvis. As a result the arrangement of a bladder and urethra changes that is fraught with a prolapse of the uterus and vagina walls;
  • The lack of an organism of the woman of oestradiol affects a condition of bones. They become brittle (osteoporosis symptoms appear); the risk of changes even increases at weak mechanical influence. Vertebrae test a so-called osteoporotichesky compression that leads to development of stoop and reduction of growth. Patients feel back pains at long standing and walking, complain of unpleasant feelings in joints;
  • The negative changes of a condition of skin which are expressed in a lack of food of covers. Skin becomes flabby and wrinkled. Growth of hair in the person amplifies. On a pubis and the head they, on the contrary, strongly drop out;
  • There are emotional frustration which are expressed in unjustified irritability, feeling of alarm and fear. One women have depressive moods, at others – aspiration to defiant behavior, too bright clothes and a make-up that sometimes looks inadequately. Quite often patients complain of intolerance of some smells, loud sounds, bright light etc.

How to endure the menopause period without special problems

Symptoms of a climax are capable to reduce quality of life significantly. Nevertheless, the menopause is not a disease, and completely it is impossible to recover from it. At the correct behavior the woman can facilitate unpleasant manifestations and endure this period rather without serious consequences. Specialists advise at approach of a menopause:

  1. To refuse all addictions;
  2. To change a diet, in favor of dominance in it of vegetables, fruit and "slow" carbohydrates;
  3. To begin to accept the vitamin complexes enriched with calcium;
  4. To go in for physical culture, foot walks in the fresh air;
  5. To try to get enough sleep and not to be nervous.

Как пережить период менопаузы

Observance of a day regimen and food, as a rule, facilitates a state at easy degree of a menopausal syndrome. If inflows happen more often than 10 times a day, are sense to address the gynecologist. He will appoint replacement hormonal therapy which will normalize an organism and will reduce intensity of unpleasant symptoms.

The menopause period at each woman proceeds individually therefore it is impossible to self-medicate at all. Medicine, grass collecting or the procedure which "well helped the girlfriend" can not only be useless in your case, but also do to your health serious harm. The competent behavior and the timely address to the doctor will help to endure this difficult period of your life, having kept health and working capacity.

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Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.