Extracorporal fertilization – one of the most modern methods of controlling with infertility. So far he already helped a significant amount of married couples to become happy parents. Usually to the EKO procedure difficult and very expensive, resort in those situations when all other ways to help couple to bring the child are inefficient. "Conception in a test tube" yields quite good results in cases of infertility of one of partners, existence at the woman of impassability of uterine tubes or endometriosis, and also the hormonal failures connected with age fading of reproductive function.
It is clear, that the woman who was desperate to become pregnant in the natural way, resorts to the EKO procedure as to the last chance to conceive the child, and will not depart from the decision, even knowing about possible complications. From this, however, does not follow that such you should not obtain information: it is necessary to be ready to various effects of medical manipulations.
To impregnate an ovum in a test tube, it needs to be taken from the woman's body at some point of a menstrual cycle. The procedure is carried out using anesthesia: under control of the ultrasonic vaginal sensor the doctor does a puncture in a wall of an ovary and by means of aspiration (absorption) by the special syringe through a hollow needle takes an ovum together with follicular liquid.
Manipulation is harmless also a malotravmatichna (especially if the patient precisely followed all instructions of the doctor, preparing for the procedure). However the small risk of developing of vaginal bleeding nevertheless is. To minimize effects, the doctor leaves the woman in clinic under observation for 2-3 hours after an ovum harvesting.
Statistically, about 10% of the EKO procedures come to an end with emergence of an extrauterine pregnancy. Can result the following factors in such result:
Specialists note that the extrauterine pregnancy after the EKO procedure can arise even if pipe fallopiyeva at the woman are removed. The situation when in a uterus place two or more embryos, one of which is attached not where it is necessary, is considered especially unpleasant. In this case doctors are faced by a difficult problem of removal of such embryo without infliction of harm by the rest that turns out not always.
Preparation for conception includes reception of a large amount of specific drugs. They can cause such phenomena as nausea, vomiting, the complicated breath, pain in a stomach, swelling. The urination delay at normal consumption of liquid is sometimes observed and urine discoloration.
At a harvesting of an ovum is, though small, risk of a puncture of walls of the bodies which are near an ovary. Approximately in one case from one thousand the patient needs operation on elimination of injuries of intestines or a bladder.
Specifics of the EKO procedure such is that for increase in its efficiency it is worth impregnating and placing in a uterus not one ovum, and a little (for this reason the women who decided to become pregnant this way, often become mothers of twins). However the female body usually during a menstrual cycle develops only one mature ovum. Therefore for some time to an intake of reproductive material do to patients HGCh injections (choriogonadotropin of the person). If the dose of hormone is exceeded, the heavy complication – a syndrome of hyper stimulation of ovaries can develop. It is shown by accumulation of liquid in a chest and abdominal cavity, fervescence, pernicious vomiting, severe pain in a back and a stomach, emergence of blood in urine. This state demands the immediate address to the doctor, and in some cases – urgent hospitalization.
The EKO procedure is connected with a serious physical and mental stress. Couples which are treated for infertility for many years resort to it. They hope for the best outcome, but know that the method does not give an absolute guarantee of approach of conception. Therefore at one or both partners symptoms of a depression can be observed.
Some time was considered that the drugs stimulating work of ovaries can become the reason of development of malignant new growths. These fears were vain. But at the EKO procedure the risk of hit of causative organisms in a uterus (is not excluded during insufficiently conscientious work of medical personnel and non-compliance with due sterility). Besides, there is a probability of emergence of an allergy to the drugs used during manipulations (including anesthetics). At the choice of the known clinic having good reputation, couple can hope that the procedure will bring desirable result, and they will become, at last, parents, having avoided the majority of problems.
Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.
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