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Effects of artificial feeding for health of the child

Producers of milk mixes for children assure: mixes are ideally balanced and adapted for needs of babies. If mother should raise artificially the kid owing to serious problems with health, to do nothing – it is necessary to feed with substitutes of milk. However pediatricians note that not seldom women without good reasons refuse feeding of the child a breast and pass to milk mixes. Common causes of such decision – the aspiration to come quicker to work, unwillingness to get out of a shape of a breast, or confidence that a lactation and so very weak therefore there is no sense to suffer with its normalization.

Искусственное вскармливание: возможные последствия для здоровья ребенка

Meanwhile the World Health Organization strongly recommends to adhere to breastfeeding in the first half a year of life of the child, and then to enter a feeding up, keeping at the same time access to breast milk up to two years. Perhaps, with making decision on a way of feeding you will be helped by some data given below.

Immunity, allergies and respiratory diseases

The main problem of children bottle-fed babies – the lowered immunity. So, at introduction of vaccines the immune response is reached quicker at children on breastfeeding. The research was conducted by comparison of results of immunological inspection at children at the age of 1, 3, 6 months and year. A conclusion – breastfeeding, unlike artificial, maintains immunity and prevents development of allergic diseases.

With an allergy, or, still it is worse than that, asthma, the situation at bottle-fed babies is not in the best way, and worldwide. In Finland researches confirmed that at the children raised by milk substitutes much eczemas, atopic reactions, food and respiratory allergies meet more often. In Brazil the frequency of developing of pneumonia at bottle-fed babies is 16,7 times higher, than at the children who are on breastfeeding.

In the USA more than 1000 children were investigated, trying to establish connection between type of feeding and recurrent bronchial obstruction. The result was the following: frequency of developing of a disease at bottle-fed babies was 3 times higher. In hospital in Toronto inspection there underwent more than 2000 children, and according to physicians, risks of a disease of asthma and recurrent bronchial obstruction at bottle-fed babies are 50% higher. In Western Australia results were similar: risks are 40% higher.

In general the analysis and collecting statistics on the different countries showed that in the developed countries where children are more often fed with milk substitutes, they are more subject to respiratory diseases.

Problems with digestion

Problems with digestion very often accompany artificial feeding. Researchers connect it with the fact that breast milk renders a considerable protective effect at inflammatory diseases of intestines. So, the Canadian scientists revealed, investigating group of children that at those from them who was nursed, intestinal infections met almost half less often.

Diarrhea cases also occur at bottle-fed babies at least twice more often.

Cardiovascular diseases

Feeding in the childhood mixes can exert direct impact on health of the adult. And it is connected, first, with the fact that arterial pressure at bottle-fed babies is higher, and secondly, with the fact that breastfeeding reduces the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins. Thus, there are all bases to believe that full breastfeeding provides the low level of cholesterol in the future, and also is prevention of developing of cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes and obesity

One more conclusion to which scientists in several countries came at once. Bottle-fed babies are more often subject to developing of diabetes of 1 and 2 types. And here breastfeeding within at least first 5 months of life is excellent prevention of this disease.

As for obesity, children who were fed with substitutes of maternal milk are more subject to it. Scientists connect it with existence in breast milk of a number of the hormones which are absent in mixes. It is worth meaning that obesity can arise far not at once, and already at school age.

Ожирение – одно из серьезных последствий искусственного вскармливания ребенка

Intellectual development

Here scientists observe accurate correlation too: breastfeeding influences intelligence and cognitive abilities of children much better. One of hypotheses connects it with influence of breast milk on growth of a brain, especially white matter.

Children who were raised artificially showed lower results in all tests of I.Q., motor skills and the speech.

And also …

Breastfeeding exerts impact on decrease in frequency of developing of cancer and multiple sclerosis. Some researches reveal quite specific communication between artificial nutrition and frequency of emergence of autism. Bottle-fed babies have otitises and decrease in visual acuity also more often. At last, neonatal mortality among bottle-fed babies is more frequent, than among children who received a breast in the first days of life. Same treats a syndrome of sudden children's death. Against the background of the similar unfavourable facts the risk of emergence of malocclusion at the children eating mix from a small bottle looks already absolutely insignificant.

Scientists of the whole world are concerned by explicit communication between development of a set of diseases and artificial feeding of children. Therefore if your kid – the bottle-fed baby necessarily, pay more attention him to health. If you doubt whether it is worth nursing the child, we hope that you will come to the correct conclusion. For health of your kid breast milk – the most important thing which cannot be replaced with anything.

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